
My Inhuman Ceo

Ex Mafia boss, owner of Tom and co tech , popular bacherlor, Andrew Thompsons. cold and distant, a strict business minded man Athalia Suarez. A jobless woman with no family, a carefree crazy woman who doesn't care about peoples feeling or having friends, a former play girl but still a virgin, a beautiful woman made by the goddess herself. Kind, selfless and fiery, a wickedly calm lady. What happens when they meet? How does the past affect them? Will they both jump the pits of problems together or will one get left behind? Find out as u read 'My Inhuman CEO'. by Eunice_Bae

Euni_Bae · Fantasía
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12 Chs

Chapter 5


Oh my God I'm feeling so hot. First, I embarrass myself by talking back at that man I call a boss now I'm at it again. He's definitely going to fire me this time, I'm sure of it. As I turned back to look at him, I shrank right where I was standing because he's walking slowly towards me. I can feel myself about to piss in my pant. I just kept a cool face trying to look calm and normal. The next thing he did surprised me.

He raised his right hand and moved my hair, tucking it behind my ear as I flinched. He looked at me and said "Athalia are you afraid of me?" he said in an angelic gentle voice which surprised me. I was looking at him like I saw my ghost literally standing in front of me. His hand is so muscular and nice i can feel myself drowning in his touch. Oh no, I just realised I haven't given him an answer. " No I'm not, I just don't want to get fired on my first day"

He looked at me like he was searching for something "Good cause I don't want you to, I like you being my secretary. You stand up for yourself not letting anyone walk over you, quiet and attentive. I want people like you, so don't mess up and don't betray me and my company. And since you're literally the first person that didn't cower in fear of me, you earned a badge, you can come into my office as you like but no shady business and no disrespect" He said smiling like a wild dragon, I raised my eyebrows and touched my head to see if I'm sick and I felt nothing. He stood there smiling as I said "OK" and walked out still in disbelief of what just happened.

The contract stated that my work closes by five o clock. I didn't notice it is already five o clock until Nevaeh came to my desk asking if we can go home together, apparently she has always been going home alone for the past five years because as she said " I do not work or associate with gossips and bimbo's who go around seducing higher ups to gain positions. You on the other hand seem different so we can be friends" I started looking at her like she has two heads since she said all that in one second. The next thing I heard her say is "Are you coming?" I immediately got up and packed up my things. I opened my boss's door to see him buried in his work, he looks so hot and handsome, I slapped my face to get the thought of him out of my head. As I did, I heard him say "What do you want Miss Suarez?" I pulled myself together and replied

"Um Sir it's five already and I'm about to leave. Good night sir"

"okay" was the only thing he said. OK just four letter who does that. I turned on my heels and went out to see Nevaeh playing candy crush on her phone. I hate that game. As she heard the sound of my heels she lifted her head and said "Are you ready now? "


"How was your first day?" Nevaeh asked as we walk to the elevator

" Boring but it was okay. I mean working in an office isn't that bad but its kinda boring with no drama"

"Yeah no good drama, but we're here to work and get paid"

"So how old are you?" I asked out of curiosity

"24. You?"

"23 going to 24 in 2 months"

" Where do you live?" She asked as we heard a sound from the elevator to signal the doors open. Immediately, we got out of the elevator, walking towards the entrance door

"In an Apartment on Wiles road, you?

" I live two streets away on Karen Avenue"

" Cool" I replied

"Maybe I can come over to your apartment for a sleepover or visit"

"Okay but beware I don't keep a lot of food in the house. I don't eat in except late night food" I said

"I'm not different either, but I'm still different in a way. I'm a kitchen disaster but I'm good at baking"

" So you can't cook but you can make sweets? That's really opposite. Maybe we can trade sometimes is that okay? "

" Yeah. You cook, I bake" a short pause took place before Nevaeh spoke up again " I just thought of something brilliant. What if... I come to your place on Friday and we both see our skills level. You cook and I bake then we switch, You eat mine and tell me what you think and I do same with your food". I don't know what ticked in me but I quickly told her

" What if we do it at your place since I don't go out, this will be a good opportunity go out. I don't really have friends. what do you think?"

I said

"Its whatever as long as we hang out. So Friday it is?" she said the last part in Spanish accent

"Yes Madam. Aloha" I said in Spanish accent waving her goodbye as she walked to her car

"That's not even Spanish" she said as we both laughed at ourselves. "Since we're heading the same way why not join me, come on, my treat."

"Cool but I'm not going home directly. I have to make a stop" I said walking towards her car

"No problem, where is that?"She said as we both got into her car

"Oh its a small restaurant Reina's kitchen I eat at almost all the time, they sell the best food no offence to myself" I said as we both laughed at my joke. Then I continued "But seriously they have the best food. You can come with me if you want"

"Really? Cool, then I'm in. I want to see this 'oh so special delicacy' you're talking and talking about" we started laughing again for no reason


Heyya its euni_bay. Please add to your collection, comment and read my book as we go through the lives of Athalia and Andrew

The first step to being a friend is communication

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