
My Inhuman Ceo

Ex Mafia boss, owner of Tom and co tech , popular bacherlor, Andrew Thompsons. cold and distant, a strict business minded man Athalia Suarez. A jobless woman with no family, a carefree crazy woman who doesn't care about peoples feeling or having friends, a former play girl but still a virgin, a beautiful woman made by the goddess herself. Kind, selfless and fiery, a wickedly calm lady. What happens when they meet? How does the past affect them? Will they both jump the pits of problems together or will one get left behind? Find out as u read 'My Inhuman CEO'. by Eunice_Bae

Euni_Bae · Fantasía
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12 Chs

Chapter 11

I got out of my car with my purse and duffel. "Hey Mister! Get the stuff out of the car" I said to the incompetent gateman, he had no choice but to do as I say.

I walked into the house and saw the head housekeeper and my nanny Mrs Wells, her husband also works for us. She was the one who took care of me since my mother passed away, I rushed to hug her and she seemed surprise to see me

"Oh my goodness Athalia, is this really you. You've grown so big since I last saw you, you look more mature, my baby is now a young woman. Why are you here early? You're supposed to arrived tomorrow.

" Relax Nana, I'm here early because I got the day off and I didn't inform you people because I wanted to surprise you. How are you Nana?"

"I'm fine getting older by the day while you get younger" she said as I laughed

"Have you been seeing Cheryl?" I asked eagerly. Cheryl is her daughter and we've been friends since we were in diapers. She's just two months older

" Yes I have, she's moving back here by tomorrow "

"Really? So I'm going to see her then"

" Come on child, Let's go to the living room there's a surprise waiting for you " she said as we started walking into the house

"What surprise? By the way I brought a lot of things for everyone"

"You mean all those things you told the gatekeeper to bring out?"

" Yup that's the one"

" Its the maids job not his"

"He annoyed me so I asked him to do it and by now I think the maids should have taken care of it"

"Oh Bennett, he's like that always annoying people he shouldn't at least he didn't get beaten"

"I had the urge to but I controlled myself or he would have gotten the beating of his life. Oh where is Silas the chief security?"

"I'll tell you later, we have a lot to discuss and you should tell me all DO NOT MISS A SINGLE DETAIL" she said sternly "Its time for your surprise look"

As I turned I saw all my siblings, my niece, my brother in law and Amelia, I was so shocked that not even a word could come out of my mouth. The identical trouble twins just finished arguing I can tell from their face 'Talia! Lia! Athalia! Aunt Lee!' They all yelled the same time almost causing me to go deaf. As they opened their arms waiting for who will get the first hug except the twin jerks who knew they would never get it and dad who was sitting quietly watching the whole drama unfold, usually its Alora who gets it so as I walked towards her but diverted and hugged Illy, Alora's four year old daughter and a loud gasp followed, they looked at me like heartbroken people. I dropped Illy and hugged the rest and my dad lastly.

"So since you guys surprised me I have a surprise for all of you" I said as I handed all of them their present. I specifically got Mason and Jason sunglasses among other things because Jason sees it as he's daily fashion and Mason needs it because of his addiction to the screen 24/7 which can damage his eyesight further. Illy got a big doll. Alora a make up brush purse and a bag. Donald (Alora's husband) got shoes, I got my dad what I'm not supposed to give him because of his health but I'm a daddy's girl expect nothing less. Lastly, the twins got themselves toothbrushes as revenge for what they did to me.


Last year we were exchanging gifts and they both got me a toothbrush it wasn't even two toothbrushes, one from each but one toothbrush from both people. I thought it was a joke till the proceeded and I vowed to take revenge.

(Present day)

Javion: "What a wicked sister"

Mateo: "You're officially the worst"

Javion: "I'm disowning you"

Mateo: "Lory you're my only sister"

Javion: "Don't call me for help"

Mateo: "Same here"

Javion and Mateo: "Delete my number"

I couldn't help but laugh crazily at both men. The way they talk is amazing, its like they read each others mind or have practiced what to say before hand sometimes they talk in synchronized manner.

"We are now on the same level 1-1". They looked at me like they're ready to beat me, two great hulks. I don't know if its a blessing or not that the three of us look alike but there's a slight difference with me. If you're not familiar with our family you would think we're triplet it's annoying sometimes.

" Nana the rest are for all of you. Yours, Mr Wells' and Cherry's are indicated the rest are for the others"

"Thank you dear. Dinner is ready you all should come to the table, Illy's high chair is already set"

"Thank you Nana" everyone said

We all went to the table but Illy started making a fuss about not wanting to sit beside her mother.

"Momma I don't want this place I want the place beside aunty Lia"

"But I have to watch you so that you won't stain your cloth with food"

"I'm a big girl, I won't stain it just let me sit with her" she turned to look at her grandfather for help" Grandpa please tell momma to let me sit with aunty Lia " she said giving him the irresistible puppy eyes and of course her grandfather talked and allowed it so they moved the location of the high chair separating I and Mason.

" I'm not sitting on this chair. I want to sit on the dinning chair like all of you"she said starting another trouble

" But we just allowed you sit with me now you want to sit on the dinning chair? " I said to her as I starred eating

"Yes Illy, enough trouble and sit on your chair remember you still have to bath and read" Her mother Lory said

" I will do that later. I'm a big girl and all big girls should sit on the big chair, the one you want me to sit on is for a baby. When you give birth to a baby aunt Lia, your baby will sit on that chair" Immediately she said so the food literally went down the wrong pipe and I started choking.