
My Information System

Check new book [ Lord Of All, Rebirth And Destruction ] ["10 years ago In the year of 2012 the sky of the world became Blood red, the air became polluted and it became hard to breathe. As scientists had announced a Solar Storm hit the world. When everyone thought that this was the end of the world, something surprising happened. The Solar Storm stopped and the sky became clear like the past.     When everyone thought everything ended that thing appeared, the thing we call dimensional Rift, Hideous monster jumped out of the rift and start killing whoever they saw in front Their eyes, chaos fall to the Earth before the military could even mobilize Their troop almost billions of people died in just few days. Country start to fall one after another as the government was late to take action.     When Everyone lost all of Their hopes a miracle happened, one single girl with unimaginable power appeared, following her many others like her also appeared, people started to call them blessed, they killed those monsters and drove away those who were hiding. Soon everyone find out not only the presence of the rift and mad beast everyone felt that the world has expended itself]   4 years ago Aslan father suddenly vanished, as the youngest son he take the responsivity of his two little siblings and his mother.   As the price of living increased it was almost impossible for him to carry all of his family expense by doing work, seeing there is no other way he start entering the Rift with the blessed to do collecting acting as a bait and carrying bag.   But rift is not a place for a normal human since there is danger lurking in ever steps inside the rift. But one day when he entered a dimensional Rift with the blessed, it turned out to be a much higher rank dimensional Rift than everyone except. In the end Aslan was sacrificed.   When Aslan was thinking this is the last breath of his life with a ding sound a screen appeared In front of his eyes.   [ welcome to Information system ]   What will he do With this new found power of his. Will he be able to protect his family, will he be able to find his father and discover the secrets behind what’s happening.    

prime_master · Fantasía
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185 Chs

Skill learned

" Sylvia, what are you doing here!" Aslan Asked Sylvia as he glanced toward Ash.

"Why did you leave the door open?" Aslan said to Asher in a low voice.

" So brother, when are you going to become a hunter? I heard that Those who want to become hunters need to take the hunter examination test ! Is that true?"

After the Brothers and sister trio talked some time they left. Aslan looked toward the outside of the window but on the other side there was only an empty balcony. Aslan for unknown reason sigh.

" I should also raise my strength as much as possible" Aslan thought to himself and came out to the System.

" System showed me a suitable Rift" Aslan said, and in the next second a screen appeared in front of him.

[ Please mention area or should we proceed with past information ]

After seeing this Aslan remembers one thing, when he entered for the first time the system automatically chose the area, but now for some reason it's asking him to choose an area..

" Set 20 kilometers, do not change until I say so" said Aslan as a new notification appeared in front of him.

[ Total of 9 rifts has been found in 20 kilometers host can easily clear all by himself ]

" Hmm, Total of 9 Rift, but doing solo is very dangerous, if somehow I get injured than no one will be able to see me, but if I go with a team in a slightly stronger rift, not only I will get more money, I'll also get people I can ask help " but after thinking this he stopped.

"Okay, let's not waste any more time, and to get to work I need to make some money, I'll clear this Rifts after clear with a team and raise my confidence a little" After thinking this, Aslan sat down in front of his computer and entered the job forum to find a job.

After doing some research he wasn't able to get any suitable job that matched his. Aslan actually wants to join a Hunter team as a supporting member, since he can see a map he will be able to use system skill to its fullest without anyone realizing. He can also join as an attacker but after some thinking he came to this decision that for now he will enter as a supporting member.

" It seems I'll have to wait till tomorrow. '' After not finding any job that doesn't match with his, he gave up for tomorrow and spent the rest of the day Inside his room, playing games and reading novels. These are the games he had in the past. As for these novels this belongs to his Father, who was a die hard fan of novels.


Yesterday After failing to join in any of the team Aslan stopped searching for one and had decided that he will for now stop searching and spend that day with his family, and he did.

Today after waking up the first thing Aslan Did was to wash and get back to his computer to read the News and on the news section he found lot's of News that interest him like a team of 4th rank blessed being massacre, association came to this decision after no one returned after 48 hours of entering, nor did they found any kind of signals at all.

" Ahh, today's news is indeed interesting, well I have wasted so much time" Aslan thought to himself and started scrolling on the job section.

After not finding a single suitable job for him in frustration open his mouth " will I ever be able to use skills like others !"

[ Host can learn and execute skill as long host have required mana left inside of host body]

[ Host have awakened with System, thus have the chance of unlocking and learning other skills that others can't learn or can't even imagine. ]

" Let's not waste time thinking about this. Since the system said I can learn any technique, could it be that I can learn fire technique, water technique and other types of technique as well" Aslan thought inwardly.

" Well, I won't be able to know I don't try learning one" after thinking this Aslan shifted his gaze under the bed where he hid his backpack . And after that he took out the bag from there and opened it.

After clearing the rift he didn't even know what type of items he had gotten his hands on. He got a total of 2 items: a set of daggers named Poison dagger and a skill scroll he hasn't opened yet.

Without wasting a single second Aslan takes out the scroll from his bag, and takes a Big breath " please there be a fire type skill…. Please....

Before Aslan can even finish his prayer a blue notification came before him.

[ All stats increased by 20% for 20 minutes, cool down 1 hours]

[ Mana consume 50 to activate this technique ]

[ Skill : improvement ]

[ As soon as this skill being use, user all stats will be increase by 20% for 20 minutes, but after using this technique user will have a 1 hours cool down and a small penalty for using this technique 5% movement lose for 5 minutes after using this technique ]

" whaaat" Aslan screams inwardly since he is at home right now. He thought of getting a cool fire type skill that he can show off to others or any other attack type skill. But right now all of his dreams shattered in an instant.

[ For getting more skill host should enter Rift ]

At this moment a system notification appeared in front of him and a mechanical voice in his ears as if someone was whispering in his ears.

" That's it, I have to clear rifts if I want fire And water type of skill. But why the hell my first skill has to be a movement increasing skill?"

Aslan thought to himself but didn't get any answers from the system. He after saying things like that stopped. But Aslan totally ignored one thing and that is this skill's future potential.

There is another thing Aslan ignored that the people don't get skill to learn. They awaken with it. If someone awakens with fireball ability they can make that ability stronger as they themselves become stronger physically.

After finishing his breakfast Aslan was told by his mother to drop Asher and Sylvia to their academy, there is no need for that since they are already old enough to go by themselves. But Aslan still chose to do so since he is also going out.