

Tyler had the weirdest dream a voice kept on saying updating infinite skills he thought he was going insane.

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But when he woke up he found out it was true the same voice said finally you are awake master. Tyler was curious maybe it was like Alivia from my great demon system. Then he finally said open skills the girl was confused that he knew this but went along. "By the way what is your name?" Cinda infinite


Skill tab overview

Name: Tyler infinite



Reality control:5

Time freeze: 100

Agility: 15

Intelligence: 30

Tyranny counter: 1


Everything was fine except for the tyranny counter time freeze and reality control. Then he yelled what!?!??! After realizing Cinda had the same last name as him and he wasn't human.

She then explained they were the last two infinites alive he wondered if his auntie was a infinite too but she said no she was adopted. He then wondered who were his parents in ranking maybe they were noble to get to live on earth but they were king and Queen and Cinda's parents was the leaders of their main Allies from another kingdom

Him and her were ment to have a kid to be the most powerful child ever but their parents went to earth and disappeared but they left Cinda in the infinite void and took Tyler to earth

He said Cinda I'm tired and have to go to military school tomorrow and then he went to sleep