
My Infatuation With Death

Conrad Garnier the former first prince of a nation called "Alkatash" is banished from royalty. With his fiance Regina Clement he settles in an obscure town of adventures far from his country so he could live in peace. One day he meets the soul reaper herself, and becomes curious about her. Read as his curiosity turns into obsession and how it affects his relation with Regina, Explore the continent of Guernia through this story.

Untatheredone8499 · Fantasía
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82 Chs

Truth comes out eventually

Perspective: Regina Clement

Now, the seemingly harmless ant, lunged at Conrad, it's mandibles snapping dangerously close, In a moment of sheer madness Conrad thrusted his arm along with his sword, into the ant's gaping maw, without letting its mandibles snap again, Conrad's sword peirces through the ant's head, causing it to convulse and collapse.

While, he fought the huge ' replete 'other' smaller ants surrounded him.

Surrounded by a swarm of smaller ants, Conrad spins in a wild frenzy, decimating them with a flurry of deadly strikes, his laughter growing wilder with his each strike, as if the Chaos and carnage only further fuelled his insanity.

With each strike, now he was killing two or three ants, this batch of ants were far younger and fragile. So, Conrad had no problem slashing them, every maneuver of his blade, added a new splash of black blood, on his face.

Soon the ants themselves were, retreating, untill

one huge ant, appeared before him.

Conrad with his breathing ragged and eyes glazed over, faces the largest ant yet.

Unfaced, as if he didn't gave a damn, still laughing, he charged headlong into the creature, grappling with its massive legs and using his one good arm to deliver devastating blows, with each strike he severed one of it's armoured scales, un stopping, relentless, his blade didn't pause even for an instance, he kept carving through it's defences, the ant had it's hands full with defending those attacks, Conrad never gave it any chance to retaliate.

While everyone watched, Conrad's laughter echoed through the air, mixing with the sounds of battle.

And Soon, the ant was exhausted, unable to defend itself anymore, from the flurry of slashes, that Conrad was still dealing on it.

At last, with one swift strike Conrad dealt the final blow, he etched an arc vertically through its body, with one powerful upward strike he cleaved that ant into half.

Losing their guiding force, the smaller ants retreated deeper into the seemingly endless cavern.

Now, Conrad after avenging his hand, he stood there, having depleted all his energy, he collapsed from exhaustion.

As soon as he fell on the ground,

I rushed to his side making sure he was save and tending to his wounds. It was a mixture of relief, concern and curiosity as, I witnessed the aftermath of his extraordinary battle.

My heart pounded in my chest as I watched the blood flow from Conrad's hand. Panic filled my every pore.

"I can't let fear consume me".

"It's not the time".

"for that".

But the sight of his gruesome frozen and bleeding wound was too much to bear.

"Conrad .... can you hear me?" I whispered, my voice filled with desperation, but It was too late.

He was already, unconscious.

I knew, that I needed to act quickly.

(What do ... I do?)

I was no healer, at this rate Conrad would die.

After witnessing that insane display, no one dared speak a word.

No, one tried to save him.

I reached for Patrick, I shouted at him,

"Patrick .... help him".

That snapped everyone out of their state of shock, Patrick rushed towards us, with Elkdrack and Thor Gild.

Though he was there, I could sense the hesitance on his posture as he approaches Conrad.

His eyes filled with doubt and Concern,

"Patrick .. please".

I plead with him, with my voice trembling.

Elkdrack tapped his hand on his shoulder and said,

"Do it mate".

Patrick took a look, at Conrad's wound, what remained of his left arm still attached and said,

"He is losing too much blood".

"Use a cloth ... and you two press his wound ... with it".

As, he said, I tore off a part of my robe, while me and Elkdrack applied pressure on that wound.

Patrick said,

"Regina, You must understand, Conrad just lost his arm, and he was fighting with incredible strength and recklessness, I fear that healing him now would only worsen his condition".

I replied,

"Than what should we do?".

Patrick replied,

"We have to mend his wound".

"It is sure to hurt him, with the fire of asclepius, I shall mend his wound".

I replied,

"But, I don't want to inflict any more pain on him".

"He has already been through enough".

With a grimace look on his face, Patrick replied,

" that is the only way ... at least the only way I know ... to save him".

I understood and agreed,

(Conrad bear for me ... please hang in there)

(I don't want to lose you... again)

"Do ... If you must".

With that, Patrick started chanting his spell, to mend Conrad's wound.

"Flamma caerulea, potestas Asclepii,

Custodi hanc vulnerem, tuearis corpus,

Ossa congelata, in cinerem redigi,

Musculi et vasa sanguinea, sana et sana!"

[ Patrick's spell name was, "Flaming Sanitatem".

And the incantation meant,

"Blue flame, power of Asclepius,

Guard this wound, protect the body,

Freeze the bones, turn them to ashes,

Muscles and veins, heal and heal!".]

As Patrick completed his incantation, a mesmerizing blue flame materialized seemingly out of thin air, it delicately enveloped Conrad's injury, emitting a comforting glow that seemed to soothe our very souls. The flame's gentle nature focused its heat solely on the wounded area, causing Conrad to break into a river of sweat. The flickering flame danced with an almost autonomous will, gracefully melting and seamlessly repairing the injury. Conrad, in his slumber, began to stir uncomfortably as the pain temporarily intensified. However, as the flame gradually weakened, Conrad's discomfort subsided, giving way to a peaceful calm. Eventually, the flame diminished completely, leaving Conrad's wound entirely healed and meticulously patched up.

Than we bandaged his wound.

Elkdrack and Thor Gild assured me,

"Don't worry... he will pull through".

As for the others,

Brandon started murmuring,

"Great .... another dead weight... that's all we needed, now ... isn't it".

Emilia interjected his argument,

"Dead weight... are you forgetting that he single handedly saved all of our lives just now".

Brandon replied,

"Did anyone ask him to .... he did that on his own .... while being wounded no less ... fighting like a maniac".

"Trust me ... this guy has lost it ... we should just leave him behind".

As I heard that, I felt intense rage swell up inside me, all I wanted was to just bash his skull in,

I joined in on their argument, because who were they to decide on my beloved's life.

" I Know Conrad better than anyone else, he doesn't like to get involved much, but ever since he came to this expedition... he has been nothing but helpful".

"Even when he was all wounded and suffering in pain he fought for us".

"And there you are, telling us to leave him behind, you ungreatfull swine".

Brandon with a furious look,


"Mind your tone lady ... I am far stronger than that ... nut job over there".

I replied,

"Than prove it".

"Defeat me ".

I said, that as I launched an Icicle shard near his face, I wanted to teach him a lesson, that he would never forget.

He responded by saying,

"You bitch ..... ".

In a single swift motion, he lifted his colossal sword and swung it over his broad shoulders.

As he pointed his great sword at me, he uttered the words,

"Are you ready?"

In response, I too positioned myself for attack, prepared to unleash a devastating spell if necessary. No one would disrespect Conrad until I was alive, I was determined to kill him.

As we were prepared to face eachother,

Thor Gild said,

"Guys ... think it through".

Emilia too urged to calm ourselves, but I had to show that miscreant his place.

(That bastard)

(I am going to enjoy... carving his skin off)

In the final moments, as I was about to freeze that jerk's ass, we were taken aback as colossal hands sculpted from sand materialized out of nowhere, abruptly appearing right in front of our faces. With a quick gesture, they urged us to halt our movements.

It was Kyle,

"It's not you guys who decide.... this things ... I will be the one to decide Conrad's fate".

"I am your leader.... I hope you haven't forgotten that".

Brandon responded by murmuring,

"Screw that ... I am going to teach that women, where she belongs".

As , Kyle listened that,

He spoke,

"I have already mentioned, I will be the one making decisions... and if either of you refuse to comply... I possess the ability to eliminate you both in an instant." He added, "The very air you breathe... Within each of you... there exists a particle... that I can manipulate... with a mere command, it will puncture your heart."