
My Infatuation With Death

Conrad Garnier the former first prince of a nation called "Alkatash" is banished from royalty. With his fiance Regina Clement he settles in an obscure town of adventures far from his country so he could live in peace. One day he meets the soul reaper herself, and becomes curious about her. Read as his curiosity turns into obsession and how it affects his relation with Regina, Explore the continent of Guernia through this story.

Untatheredone8499 · Fantasía
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82 Chs

Perfect Coordination

Perspective : Conrad Garnier

The threat on our life was closing in on us. The mere sight of that thing walking make us all broke out in cold sweat.

And yet, I can't help but marvel in the beauty of our deaths approaching us.

(I wonder... If I die will I see her again).

(These past days have been so hectic. That her looks have completely escaped my mind).

(But one thing is undeniable... that smell of ash ... Ohh what I won't do to smell that again).

(So be it ... If its death, I accept it).

I spread my arms, as If welcoming a warm embrace. The warm embrace of death.

(I want to see her again).

That was when I felt a pounding pain in my right cheek, It was Regina staring at me with those teary eyes.

As she spoke,

"What the hell is wrong with you?".

"Are you wishing to die?".

As she said that, I came back to my senses.

"What the hell is wrong with me?".

"Why was I thinking like that?".

A unnatural thought had dawned upon me, but why?

Is this because I felt so close to dying, or was that because of that creature approaching towards us, that I felt so hopeless, that I wished to accept death.

Whatever was the case?

That wasn't me.

With a face contorted by a mixture of fear, anger, and concern for my well-being, she gathered everyone together. Her eyes darted around, conveying a sense of urgency. Taking charge, she signaled the start by clapping her hands twice, the sound echoing through the room, while the creature relentlessly pounded on Patrick's protective barrier.

"Listen, everyone... time is running out... I'm not sure how much longer Patrick can hold up his barrier."

Her voice carried a sense of desperation, capturing everyone's attention. The weight of the situation was evident in her words, as she emphasized the limited time we had left.

with each of our breath, we could hear the banging sound that resonated, as the creature's sharp mandibles collided with Patrick barrier.

Regina continued,

"We can't let fear take hold of us ... yes, that thing's size is lot bigger than us ... but we shouldn't forget that that thing was born just now....".

"So If we loose now ... we would be basically be beaten by a baby".

"Wouldn't that tarnish our names".

Elkdrack responded,

"Ya ... forget to mention the part where it is a man eating monstrosity..".

Regina replied,

"Detail shmetails ... who gives a fuck".

"The thing I am trying to say is ... while we are still inside this barrier.. give a quick look at that creature ".

"Look past it's huge menacing size ... look past its poisonous claws and sharp mandibles... look for potential weaknesses.....".

"I don't know how to say this ... but we may be in our heads .. but we gotta try".

"So while Patrick is still able to hold it at bay ... we need to find its weak points and act upon it".

With a hint of uncertainty in her voice, she cautiously shared her thoughts. The idea that the danger might exist solely in our minds lingered in the air, but she acknowledged the importance of taking action nonetheless. As Patrick continued to keep it at bay, she stressed the need for us to identify its vulnerabilities and take decisive steps to confront it.

Taking Regina's word as base, we all took a moment to observe the creature.

Looking past its frightening features, one would be surprised, how human psyche is completely manipulated by fear.

Once fear is taken out of the equation. Numerous results appears.

Like how its hairy legs appeared flammable, it seems tempting to use my fire bolt to set it ablaze. Like how the glistening corrosion dew in its limbs could potentially be frozen and used as a weapon against it.

Like how its fragile wings, seemingly delicate due to just being born, might indicate a vulnerability we could exploit.

Like how its slow-paced limb movements suggest that it is still in the process of learning and adapting to its own body.

As Patrick tightly gripped the hilt of his sword, its blade firmly embedded into the ground, his eyes squeezed shut and his face contorted with the immense strain of exertion. With great effort, he declared,

"It's breaking through... I can no longer maintain the hold."

As time seemed to slow down, Regina took one final moment to observe the visible cracks in Patrick's barrier, expanding slowly but surely. Her lips moved up and down, resembling a silent prayer. With a will to survive in her voice,

she said,

"I hope you all know what to do..."

Everyone nodded in unison, understanding the gravity of the situation. Regina continued,

"It's all or nothing. Now, spread out and get to it."

Her final words resonated with encouragement, "Remember, I believe in each and every one of you."

In a swift and decisive manner, without wasting even a single moment, our group immediately gathered around the creature as soon as the barrier crumbled before us. The creature, with its myriad of eyes, meticulously scrutinized each and every one of us. As I dashed in a circular pattern, skillfully maneuvering towards its right, I continuously unleashed a barrage of fire bolts upon its legs, causing it's hairy legs to be consumed by a raging inferno.

In perfect harmony, Elkdrack conjured "Dark Orbs" with both of his hands he harnessed its power, which were now adorned in his hands in the form of pitch-black gloves. These gloves emitted ominous black electric waves, amplifying his power. With great muscle strength, he firmly gripped the creature's mandibles using both his hands. As he did so, his hands absorbed its stamina, causing the creature's mandibles to gradually spread apart in an effort to weaken and break it further, thereby diminishing the abomination's strength.

As a result, the creature let out a piercing cry of pain, causing it to lash out in a frenzied manner. Its sharp and destructive limbs crashed against the ground, generating a tumultuous cacophony. In a moment of intense danger, one of its limbs descended perilously close to me. Acting decisively, I deftly rolled with precision, narrowly escaping the limb's trajectory by a mere hair's breath.

Taking advantage of the moment, Regina harnessed her power over frost, causing the air around her to turn frigid. With a swift motion, she created a platform of ice that propelled her towards the towering creature's menacing eyes. In a burst of speed, she sprinted across the frozen path, closing the distance between her and the creature. Standing boldly before it, she summoned a tempest of icy fury, unleashing an intense ice storm that instantly froze the creature's eyes. The liquid within its eyes solidified into ice, transforming them into unyielding, fixed orbs locked in a single, motionless gaze.

Followed by her taunt,

"How's this you peice of shit!".

Right on cue, Patrick assumed a ready stance, positioning himself with determination. His hands firmly gripped the hilt of his sword as he stood tall. Surrounding his shoulders, four ethereal swords materialized, emanating a brilliant white energy. Drawing his own blade from the ground, he boldly aimed it directly at the creature. With a swift and forceful motion, the hovering swords of pure energy were unleashed, hurtling towards the creature's frozen eyeballs. Upon impact, the delicate glass-like surface shattered into countless dark fragments, each piece shimmering ominously. The collision resulted in a spectacular eruption of black blood, with a rush of energy and dazzling shards filling the air.

Patrick bolstered our morale, as he said,

"Keep it up ... don't even give this thing a room to breathe".

Writhing in agonizing pain, the creature's suffering reached its peak, as we decided to end it swiftly.

Kyle, harnessing the power of his sands, summoned enormous hands made of swirling granules that erupted from the very ground. These colossal sand appendages seized each of the creature's limbs, entrapping them in an unyielding grip. Meanwhile, seizing the opportune moment, I leaped towards the creature's towering head, my blade aimed downwards, ready to deliver a devastating strike. The weight of my body combined with the momentum of the leap ensured that the blade would pierce through its skull with lethal force. It's end was eminent.

"But it's never that easy".

Before my blade could touch its skin, The creature, awakening with a sudden burst of energy, began to vigorously flap its massive wings. Even though it wasn't able to catch flight, the sheer force generated by its fluttering wings was enough to disrupt my airborne assault. Helplessly, I was sent hurtling towards the wall, crashing down with a resounding impact.

Simultaneously, the immense sand hands that had held the creature's legs in a vice-like grip crumbled into nothingness. Free from their confinement, the creature wasted no time in unleashing a swift and brutal counterattack. It swiftly thrust its limbs towards Kyle, piercing through his stomach with horrifying precision. A gush of blood erupted from Kyle's mouth.

Ominous white roots emerged from Kyle's grievous wound, snaking their way out and enveloping his entire body.