
My Infatuation With Death

Conrad Garnier the former first prince of a nation called "Alkatash" is banished from royalty. With his fiance Regina Clement he settles in an obscure town of adventures far from his country so he could live in peace. One day he meets the soul reaper herself, and becomes curious about her. Read as his curiosity turns into obsession and how it affects his relation with Regina, Explore the continent of Guernia through this story.

Untatheredone8499 · Fantasía
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82 Chs

One Step In

Perspective: Conrad Garnier

After hearing that howl we weren't going to back out, even though there could be 50 to 70 wolves waiting for us out there.

Why, you ask?

Because our convoy was filled with lunatics, lunatics that were dying to show off.

It was crazy as most of them were happy instead of being scared.

They wanted a challenge, and there in front of us was a challenge, "a challenge where they can go all out."

As we stepped into the forest, the loud sound of the wolves howling became even louder. But the strong war cry of the adventurers was even louder than that.

I would be lying, If I said, that I wasn't excited, because my heart beat had fastened a million fold and the excitement I felt was immeasurable. We were adventurers afterall, we lived for all that shit.

This was etched in our blood, in our soul and in our very being of existence.

As soon as we entered the forest, adventurers jumped out of their carts to face whatever was coming.

I heard the voice of our expedition leader,

"Surround the carts".

"Protect them with your damn lives".

I saw Patrick and Elkdrack.

I was there defending the 2nd cart with Yuna and Regina, alongside another Orichalcum rank adventurer whose name I wasn't aware of.

As, I prepared my stance before drawing forth my sword, I had only one thing in mind,

"If I die here today will I get to see her again".

"That scent, that glare ... I would see it again".

"Won't I".

"Then I can recall her face".

I don't know why that came to my mind, at such a crucial moment.

With a firm grip and a steady grasp on my sword, I found myself confronted by two ferocious wolves charging towards me. Swiftly, I swung my blade in a single powerful strike, tracing a perfect horizontal arc that effortlessly severed both of their heads.

While, Yuna floated in the air using her wand,

She shouted,

"Snowy storm".

In response, two huge clumps of ice formed in the air as it sucked snow from the ground, like glistening mirrors, those two Ice shards started their dance, hovering protectively around us, and forming a barrier. Now, anything unfortunate enough to cross this boundary, would be inflicted with frostbite.

But it wasn't enough to stop them completely, even though they caught frostbite the wolves kept coming.

Two wolves emerged from the bushes in front of us.

I promptly, launched fire bolts at them. They were incinerated.


Five wolves leaped towards Regina, their jaws poised to bite into her shoulder.

In that critical moment, she swiftly casted the spell 'Icicle Blast'.

A chilling gust of wind released itself, leaving behind two frozen spheres. As the wolves drew nearer, the spheres burst, unleashing an array of small yet razor-sharp ice shards towards them. Two wolves were struck in the eye, another had its belly pierced by a shard, and one became encased in ice shards all over its body. However, one wolf managed to evade the attack. Just as it closed in on Regina, but I reached out and delivered a swift kick.

Yuna's barrier spell started to effect us as well as those wolves, giving them frostbite, significantly slowed them down, but it was hindering our strength along with it.

Undeterred, we heard howling and 12 fierce wolves, emerged from the lush foliage.

I was able to sever four of their heads , Regina got three of them.

As Yuna casted her spell, "Total Freeze,"

A single droplet of water descended onto the snowy ground. The impact sent ripples rippling across the ground, swiftly transforming everything they touched into a crystallized state. The once soft snow solidified, encasing not only the land but also the wolves in stunning crystalline sculptures of ice. The sight was nothing short of amazing. Each statue shimmered with a myriad of sparkling dots, resembling intricate pieces of artwork, so realistic it was as if they had been meticulously crafted by a master artist.

I was impressed, as it somewhat felt soothing.

After a second though the ice melted and everything returned to normal, the snow became fluffy again, the wolves lied dead on the ground.

Yuna with a mischievous look, asked me,

"Now, are you impressed?".

I gave her a satisfying nod,,

"Well done".

As I complimented Yuna, I sensed Regina staring daggers at me.

Once again their howling reached our ears, there was a man standing behind us. While we did the heavy lifting, he had done nothing.

He said with a bold and assertive tone,

"it's time I began".

With an air of confidence and arrogance, he strolled forward, both hands comfortably nestled in the pockets of his pants. Despite his boney figure, his brown hair and visible muscles added a touch of appeal. However, what truly caught my attention were the unmistakable cat ears perched atop his head and a sleek tail swaying behind him. As, I hadn't seen any beast men around Ustrax before.

He firmly positioned both of his hands onto the ground. Suddenly, the earth quivered, causing a small mound to ascend from beneath. The mound swiftly fractured, revealing a humanoid form constructed entirely of earth and dirt. With a single sweeping motion, it effortlessly eliminated numerous wolves, akin to effortlessly swatting a mosquito. The golem proceeded to stomp, crush, and flatten every wolf that crossed its path, synchronized perfectly, with its creator's every movement.

The way he fought, It was different and quirky.

After he was done he walked up to us.

He wore a leather coat made of a saber cat's fur, his hands nestled in his pant's pocket s, with a dominating gaze, and a scornful smile, he asked,

"I hope you are not hurt?".

I maintained my calm demeanour and said,

"No .... I hope you didn't catch any bruises either".

He smirked and said,

"This ..... this is child's play".

"No one could ever get hurt from this".


In a unexpected turn of events, as an injured wolf menacingly growled from behind, a sudden transformation took place before our eyes, his haughty expression of arrogance, swiftly turned in to a face engulfed with fear.

At that very moment, when the wolf lunged at him, I quickly commanded.


With impeccable timing, he instinctively obeyed, narrowly evading the ferocious attack of the wolf, seizing that moment, I placed my blade accordingly, as the wolf thrusted its head upon my sword.

Upon saving his life.

I thought,

"Not so tough are ya".

But, during this expedition, it is crucial to be mindful of the potentially fatal consequences that may arise from insulting someone, especially him. In this environment, it presents a perfect opportunity for him to enact his vengeance. He could use his Golem to squash me in an instant.

So, I humbly said to him,

"Now we are even .... aren't we?".

I introduced myself and Regina, then we shaked hands with him.

I doused him in flattery. I commented on his skills and Golem's in a creative way, even though all he did was control them from a safe distance.

His name, as it turns out was Keira, his attributes were Earth magic and marionette magic.

As we talked, the wolves were still assaulting other carriages. so, Regina and I went to assist Elkdrack and Patrick at the rear end of the convoy.

We left our site to Keira and Yuna as they both were Orichalcum class adventurers.

Patrick was using his holy barrier to halt their assault. Elkdrack was slicing those who were caught inside the barrier.

Regina used her, spell

"Icicle blast".

Regina tapped into her ice magic, and summoned 6 balls of ice, as they burst, countless shards of ice flew in the air, showering those beasts, killing a significant amount of them.


I launched fire bolts upon those wolves and killed 5 of them.

In the middle of our battle, I noticed, one of the two adventurers used soul arrows, a formidable spell harnessing a potent ball of energy that precisely seeks out its target. The other adventurer, on the other hand, wielded a bow, that released lightning fast arrows. Together, we managed to effectively fend off the dare wolves', but their numbers seemed endless. Despite our efforts, they persisted in their onslaught, with fallen wolves constantly being replaced by new wolves.

In that moment, one of our fellow adventurers found a barrel of oil and forcefully hurled it out of the cart. As it careened through the underbrush, I observed, while Seizing the opportunity, the archer , swiftly released a fire arrow, igniting the barrel and unleashing a torrent of flames that engulfed the concealed wolves' hiding spot.


Once again we heard howling, and while we were ready for another ambush,

However, the remaining wolves withdrew, but it wasn't the end yet, we hadn't won yet.

The head of the expedition Kyle Bonfrost who was a platinum rank Adventurer, Platinum rank adventurer were higher and stronger than Orichalcum rank adventurers, they were just two rank lower than legendary adventurers who, you guessed it, were only present in legends.

By the command of Kyle Bonfrost all the adventurers gathered before him. He asked and thankfully there were no casualties.

Two were injured, and were getting treatment from Patrick.

With a voice demanding obedience he spoke,

"My fellow adventurers,

Today, we stand united, having boldly entered this forest, heedless of the warnings that echoed in our conscience. We acknowledge the tales of those who were lost in here, for they serve as a somber reminder of the dangers that lie within.

In the brief time since our arrival, we were immediately greeted by a fierce and hungry pack of dare wolves. I speak, with a tinge of regret, that our encounter was a close call, testing the very limits of our resolve. It is in this moment of reflection that we must ask ourselves, can we march forward and conquer this relentless forest? The answer is not that easy.

We find ourselves in the middle of uncertainty, where reality intertwines with our dreams. But let's not forget the essence of who we are - adventurers who embrace the unknown, who defy the odds, and who emerge stronger from each trial. Though our first steps were fraught with danger, let that serve as a reminder of the resilience within us, urging us to push forward.

As we move deeper into this treacherous forest, let's draw strength from the bonds that tie us together. The man or woman standing beside you is no longer a mere adventurer but a trusted friend. It is through these friendships that we shall find solace and support, for the challenges we face will test not only our bodies but also the resilience of our spirits.

We must acknowledge that the road ahead is paved with uncertainty and sacrifice. But within this forest lies the promise of unfathomable riches, both material and intangible. If we survive this great trial, we shall return home with pockets and bags brimming with gold, our lives forever liberated from the shackles of work.

More than just material wealth, our triumph over this forest will make us legends. Our names will be etched on golden plates, whispered with awe and admiration for generations to come. We are the heroes who dared to face the unknown, the ones whose tales of valor and strength will inspire future adventurers.

But let's not be blinded by this allure of pure stupidity. The path ahead will be arduous, and our success is not guaranteed. We must face the reality that we may die, we may suffer, but it is through our unwavering determination and the support of our friends that we can overcome this obstacle that obstructs our path.

Together, we stand as a living example of the undying spirit of adventure, reminding the world that true strength lies not in the absence of fear, but in the courage to confront it head-on. Let's march forward, my fellow adventurers, with hearts ignited by a shared purpose, and eyes fixed on the wealth that awaits us.".

"Now go back to your posts and prepare for the next assault".

After listening to that dramatic speach I returned back to my carrage.

I hopped on, took the reigns and started moving forward, but this time Regina was sitting beside me.