
My Infatuation With Death

Conrad Garnier the former first prince of a nation called "Alkatash" is banished from royalty. With his fiance Regina Clement he settles in an obscure town of adventures far from his country so he could live in peace. One day he meets the soul reaper herself, and becomes curious about her. Read as his curiosity turns into obsession and how it affects his relation with Regina, Explore the continent of Guernia through this story.

Untatheredone8499 · Fantasía
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82 Chs

Nature's play

Perspective : Conrad Garnier

A repugnant scent permeated the entire room, causing Patrick to instinctively cover his nose with his hand.

He said,

"Uhh... oh my lord... what is this smell?"

At first, I was oblivious to the odor, but upon hearing Patrick's remark, I began to respond, saying,

"What are you talk....".

Unfortunately, I was abruptly interrupted as the noxious smell reached me, engulfing my nostrils in a burning sensation. It was truly unbearable, and the source of this offensive scent was coming from above us, those lifeless ants hanging from the ceiling.

Regina exclaimed,

"Shit.....This stench is intolerable".

"Where the fuck is it coming from?".

While holding my breath, I gestured upwards and exclaimed,

"It must be those creatures."

Elkdrack chimed in,

"I am glad that they slained all these ants and all but this stench is to much to ask for ".

Suddenly, Elkdrack came to a halt, his mouth wide open in astonishment and a mix of disbelief and disgust evident on his face as he stared deeply at those ant carcasses, hanging upside down.

That was when it happened, Something I wouldn't imagine in my wildest dreams.

As I fixed my gaze upon that unfolding spectacle, a mixture of fascination and dread surged through me. It felt as if there was undoubtedly an imposing figure moving and wriggling inside those ants, growing in intensity. With bated breath, I watched as the pressure built, causing delicate hairline cracks to appear on their swollen exoskeletons.

Kyle, sensing danger, cautioned us, saying, "There's still something alive in there... and it definitely isn't content... it's about to emerge... fingers crossed it's friendly."

In response, Patrick contradicted Kyle, expressing doubt,

"I have my doubts about that."

As everyone stood entranced, a surge of bodily fluids burst forth, forming a disturbing blend of colors that cascaded onto the ground below. The ethereal shimmer of their otherworldly iridescence created an unsettling glow, casting a haunting vibe over the scene. I found myself simultaneously repelled and captivated, unable to tear my eyes away from those creature's emergence.

Regina in a state of shock exclaimed,

"What the fuck is that?".

Those creatures bore an uncanny resemblance to the one we witnessed being ripped apart by those ants. However, this ones seemed less controlled, exuding an wild aura. What were the odds of encountering them just as they broke free from its shackles? Our paths had been unexpectedly intertwined, and perhaps if we hadn't been present, we would have never met under such circumstances. It's a melancholic realization, but that's the way how nature works.

With a final surge of effort, those insects freed themself from their morbid confines. their body, twisted and contorted, seemed to pulsate with a dark energy. My eyes absorbed every detail, aware that danger loomed ominously in their emergence.

Similar to a butterfly gracefully emerging from its cocoon, they too break free from their individual prisons.

As they gracefully descended to the ground, creating a gentle splash, they found themselves drenched in a vibrant yellow substance. With quick and precise movements, they immediately fluttered their wings and shook their bodies, liberating themselves from the sticky residue.

The jagged exoskeleton of these insects, ominously dark and intimidating, emphasized their menacing aura. Sinister spines jutted out from their segmented bodies, resembling sharp thorns poised to inflict harm. Their powerful legs showcased razor-sharp appendages that gleamed with a forbidding glint, ready to strike with lethal precision.

As my gaze shifted towards those insect's head, a chill ran down my spine. Its mandibles, gnarled and serrated, part slightly, revealing a fearsome set of teeth. The multifaceted eyes, glinting with an unsettling intelligence, seem to fixate on me and Patrick, as if calculating our weakness.

With a deep breath, I gently whispered to Patrick,

"Are you witnessing... what I am witnessing?"

"I don't like this, ".

Patrick responded,

"Beats me .... the hell is it targeting us?".

I replied,

"Maybe It thinks that, we are the weakest".

Patrick replied,

"Or maybe its the opposite".

I responded with a taunt,

"Ha !..... always the optimist.... ain't ya?".

Patrick replied with an uncanny sense of pride,

"Heh! ... I do my best".

I reacted,

"That wasn't a compliment".

As we observed closely without making any move, each movement and detail of those creatures became etched into our memories. The insect emergence was a culmination of fierce determination, its predatory form a living proof to nature's darkest and most intriguing designs. Every twitch, every shift of its exoskeleton, served as a reminder of the imminent threat that hovered over us.

In that intense moment, my senses heightened, I was never an stupid optimist, as I was fully aware of the imminent clash between us and them.

Yet, Uncertainty and anticipation intertwined as we braced ourselves for the impending battle.

Elkdrack shouted to alert us,

"Fuck .... Fuck ... fuck ... Its coming for us?".

Regina scolded Elkdrack,

"We know! ....Stop shouting you dimwit".

Startled by the sound of Elkdrack shouting, which abruptly shattered the quietness, one of those bugs began fluttering its wings, delicately hovering just above the ground as it approached us. When it came close enough to strike me and Patrick, it swiftly extended its razor-sharp forelimbs, resembling enormous leaves, and sliced through the air with unmatched precision, aiming for our heads on its initial attempt.

Patrick quickly reacted, blocking the bug's strike with his blade. In the heat of the moment, he turned to me, urgently signaling,

"Conrad! Now."

Understanding his cue, I gripped my blade firmly, channeling all the strength in my right arm. With a swift and precise motion, I unleashed a powerful curved strike, effortlessly slicing through the bug's leaf-like hand, severing it completely. The agile creature had no chance to retreat.

Patrick with a long sigh said,

"Woof ... that was a close call".

Regina, wearing a concerned expression, turned to me and asked,,

"Conrad... are you okay?".

I replied,

"Yup! everything's still attached".

Meanwhile, the bug that had attacked us hovered back to its companions.

Kyle gently released his sands in the air.

As he said,

"Soon ... we are going to run out of this".

Regina warned us,

"Guys ... I don't know ... what they are doing now.... but brace yourself".

As their companion retreated, the remaining three bugs unleashed a sudden and piercing intolerable scream that reverberated through the room. The sound, like a thousand needles piercing my ear in unison, caused a momentary disorientation, making it difficult to discern their location within the echoing room.

Kyle shouted, amidst the painful scream,

"FUCKING shit ! ... I can sense them ... they are flying around the room ... so watch out".

With this unsettling chorus, their movements took on a heightened intensity. Each of their wings beat furiously, generating a turbulent gust that sent small pebbles and dust swirling through the air. The rhythmic flapping produced a low hum, resonating through the cavern walls and adding to the overwhelming assault.

Their slender bodies twisted and turned in perfect harmony, displaying an uncanny coordination. As they darted through the room, a faint trail of phosphorescent dust trailed behind them, illuminating their path and casting an otherworldly glow. The interplay of light and shadow created a disorienting effect, making it challenging to track their swift movements.

Their antennae, now twitching with increased urgency, rotated and pivoted with remarkable precision. Like finely tuned instruments, they detected minute changes in air and it's jolting, allowing them to navigate the rooms intricate contours with astonishing accuracy.

Their' forelimbs, razor-sharp and resembling elongated leaves, shimmered ominously in the dim light. With each calculated maneuver, they sliced through the air, leaving behind a subtle trail of displaced light dots.

As the deafening screams continued, the cave walls seemed to reverberate in response. Small pebbles dislodged from their resting places, trickling down from the ceiling, adding to the cacophony of sound. The vibrations rumbled through the ground, resonating in our very bones, creating an unsettling energy that seemed to permeate every inch of the cave.

I turned to Kyle and asked,

"Can you sense them now?"

His response came through gritted teeth,

"Arggg... barely."

The tension in the air was palpable as I pressed further,

"So where are they now?"

Kyle's reply, accompanied by a brief pause, sent a shiver down my spine,


Time seemed to slow as his next words pierced through the air,

"Ahhh... they are right above us."

He shouted,


In the heat of the moment, my instinct took over, and I couldn't help but cuss,


The urgency in my voice was undeniable as I immediately commanded,

"Everyone, disperse!"