
My Infatuation With Death

Conrad Garnier the former first prince of a nation called "Alkatash" is banished from royalty. With his fiance Regina Clement he settles in an obscure town of adventures far from his country so he could live in peace. One day he meets the soul reaper herself, and becomes curious about her. Read as his curiosity turns into obsession and how it affects his relation with Regina, Explore the continent of Guernia through this story.

Untatheredone8499 · Fantasía
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82 Chs

Last Resort

Perspective : Conrad Garnier

{useful information}

The rank of an adventurer is a direct reflection of their strength and abilities. The higher the rank, the greater the power they possess. It is possible to purchase ranks using gold, but be cautious as it could potentially put you in trouble. By doing so, you may be excluded from lower-ranking jobs and assigned only high-risk missions where your life would truly be at stake. Nevertheless, some nobles still choose to buy their ranks, driven by their desire to maintain their pride.

Patrick was different, he was surely a noble but his rank had been well earned, his abilities and skills matched the one truly belonging to Orichalcum rank.

The adventurer ranks begin with Rank E and go all the way up to Legendary. Initially, adventurers pass through the ranks of E, D, and C as a formality when starting their journey. However, it's important to note that these ranks do not accurately reflect a person's true strength; everyone progresses and becomes stronger over time.

Moving up, we have the B rank, where adventurers are regarded as powerful as low-ranking common soldiers. Common soldiers are commonly used as a gauge to assess the strength of an individual.

Moving on, we have the ranks A, O, and S. Adventurers who belong to these ranks possess such remarkable abilities that they can easily handle 10 to 20 heavily armed soldiers. Their exceptional skills are recognized by the guild, which rewards them with additional payment for their services. It's worth mentioning that these ranks don't necessarily indicate weakness or extreme strength; rather, adventurers in these ranks are considered rare and occupy a balanced position between the two extremes.

At last,

Rank Titanite and Orichalcum draw inspiration from real-world metals renowned for their use in forging powerful weapons. These materials are known for their incredible strength and durability, just like the courageous adventurers who strive to attain this prestigious rank. Strength assessment is no longer the sole criteria for achieving this rank. Instead, adventurers must demonstrate their valor by undertaking highly risky assignments. Only by successfully completing such dangerous quests can one earn the honor of attaining this rank.

There are two more ranks but we shall discuss that later.

{ Story}

Elkdrack, Regina, and I were S Rank adventurers, whereas Thor Gild held an A Rank. Unfortunately, Kelvin belonged to the thief class and held a measly D Rank. So, he was quite useless. And there we were about to phase a real Orichalcum rank adventurer.

We definitely crossed a line here. Patrick appeared in a steel armor that glistened in the sunlight, reflecting like a mirror. He tightly gripped his blade while fixing us with a gaze filled with contempt.

I slowly drew my blade, I knew where this situation was heading.

We had to fight him because there was no other option. He wasn't willing to let us kill that Acheri that he had been harbouring. I didn't know him personally, maybe that's why I didn't feel conflicted about it. However, Elkdrack and Thor Gild, who were his friends, seemed reluctant to harm him based on the expressions on their faces.

Thor Gild gestured me to stop,

and said,

"This need not happen ... maybe we can get through to him, get him to stop".

He was always the optimist, keeping fighting as a last resort. However, I knew that It would be a waste of time.

But I was never the one to stop others.

I responded "Yeah sure .... be my guest".

Thor Gild tried to convince Patrick,

"Don't you recognise us buddy.... we are friends.... we would never mean you any harm ... that thing is controlling you... I mean look at you ... raising your swords against your own friends.... isn't that proof enough .... come o...".

Patrick didn't look like he listened, instead his face was contorted with frustration and anger, his brows furrowed and his eyes a blaze with intensity, the corner of his mouth turned downwards, forming a fierce scowl that revealed his agitation.

Then suddenly,

In a burst of intense anger, Patrick ferociously swung his blade, carving an arc in the air while murmuring, "You don't understand,

You don't understand...".

The arc swirled through the air. As I had previously anticipated, I confidently sidestepped to the left, flawlessly dodging his attack with my already prepared stance.

Regina responded with anger, Regina conjured numerous sharp shards of ice in the air and, quickly launched them towards Patrick. With remarkable finesse, Patrick skillfully maneuvered his sword to intercept the incoming shards. Using lightning-fast speed, he ensured that each shard collided with his blade, causing them to shatter into a mesmerizing display of glistening ice dust that surrounded him.

Thor Gild scolded Regina,

"I wasn't done yet".

Regina replied,

"He attacked first".

On the other hand Kelvin grew impatient and tried to flee.

"You can keep the money ... I am getting the hell out of here".

Patrick noticed that, prompting him to plunge his sword into the ground. With a resounding voice, he shouted, "Holy Judgement!"

A radiant and divine glowing ball emerged from Patrick's blade, its brilliance steadily intensified as it grew in size. The ethereal energy emanating from the ball, encompassed both us and the entire mansion within it.

Leaving us trapped within its grasp. Patrick's home became enshrouded within that divine aura, becoming an impenetrable jail.

Kelvin had been stopped.

Kelvin commented,

"He has gone completely nuts".

Elkdrack sighed and gestured, Thor Gild to stop,

"It seems we have to beat some sense into him".

As he faced Patrick he said,

"I am sorry mate".

The anticipation had reached its peak, as the impending fight, that I had already predicted, was about to commence.

With determination,

I swiftly sprinted towards Patrick's right, simultaneously unleashing a barrage of fire bolts in his direction. Though he blocked them all, but that was expected, I had done that to divert his attention. Now, his focus was solely resting on me, as I wanted.

With precision, Regina elegantly traced two diagonal arcs in the air, channeling the power of her wind magic. She combined this elemental force with sharp shards of ice, launching them towards Patrick in a formidable assault. In response, Patrick moved forward with slow steps, easily manipulating his fingers to conjure a shield-like barrier. Utilizing the moisture in the air, he created a unique jelly-like structure that absorbed the impact of the projectiles, safeguarding him from Regina's onslaught.

Elkdrack linked is plams and summoned dark orbs, to drain Patrick's strength.


With a commanding gesture, Thor Gild raised his hand and summoned a powerful lightning bolt. In a fluild motion of his hands, he propelled the bolt forward, aiming it directly at Patrick. Since, Patrick used a water shield, Thor Gild hoped that the lightning would penetrate through the barrier and reach Patrick.

In response, Patrick in extreme haste withdrew his sword from the ground. With impeccable timing, he deftly brandished his blade, causing the lightning bolt to dance along its edges. The blade flickered with electrifying energy as Patrick harnessed its power, propelling the lightning towards Elkdrack.

Reacting promptly, Thor Gild pressed his hands against the ground, summoning the raw power of the earth. With his decisive thinking, he erected a wall made of solid earth, intending to absorb and ground the lightning within it,

saving Elkdrack.

I casted Razor's edge upon my sword. The enchantment took hold, infusing my blade with an aura of unparalleled sharpness.

Then, drawing the power of my fire bolt, I skillfully harnessed the burning essence, causing my sword to ignite in a blaze. The flames danced and flickered along the edges.

As, I was about to get in the fray myself,

Thor Gild reminded me,

"Remember we are not to harm him".

I replied "Understood".

I didn't cared about Patrick, But getting paid required him unharmed, So I had no choice.

With my sword engulfed in flames, I lunged myself towards Patrick, fueled by determination. Aiming with precision, I thrust my flaming blade towards his chest, in the aim of landing a critical blow. In a decisive motion, Patrick elegantly twirled, expertly countering my attack. As our blades clashed, he skillfully deflected my strike, easily redirecting its trajectory with an upward motion, resulting in a parry.

That happened in an instant.

So, I backed off.

Undeterred, I propelled myself forward, launching another determined assault on Patrick. This time, my intention was to execute a powerful downward strike, aiming to incapacitate him. With my sword ready for action, I accurately drew an arc towards his hands, seeking to bypass his defense. However, displaying remarkable anticipation, Patrick decisively flipped his sword upside down, effectively blocking my strike with a calculated maneuver.

Our blades clashed once again.

(Give me a damn opening).

So, I backed off.

Undeterred by previous attempts, once again, I launched myself towards Patrick, unleashing a forceful upward strike. With my blade cutting through the air, I traced a powerful arc that sliced straight through his left arm. Putting all my might into the swing, I carved a diagonal path with precision. However, displaying remarkable dexterity, Patrick skillfully held his sword with one hand, swiftly spinning and repositioning his right hand to his left as his back turned towards me. In a sudden and audacious move, our blades clashed once again, marking another failed attempt.

As, our blades clashed relentlessly, it created a symphony of metallic resonance that reverberated through the air.


While Patrick's attention was diverted, Regina seized the opportunity. Harnessing the power of her ice magic, she conjured a mighty gust of wind that immobilized Patrick by freezing his feet firmly to the ground. Simultaneously, Thor Gild, working alongside Regina, unleashed a bolt of lightning, precisely aimed towards Patrick's foot, ensuring that he would ultimately be struck by the force.

However, even with the impending lightning strike, Patrick remained unfaced. With an impressive display of brute force, he unleashed a powerful blow that shattered the ice encasing his leg.

(Holy shiit!)

As the fragments of ice gracefully danced before my eyes, time seemed to slow down, allowing me to catch a glimpse of my own reflection on one of the ice pieces as, it swiftly flew past me.

Before the it could even reach the ground, Patrick, consumed by extreme rage, raised his blade towards the sky and shouted, "Holy barrier... Increase air density!",

As his voice reverberated through the air, the air itself grew dense, making it harder to breathe. Our bodies suddenly felt twice as heavy, and each breath became a struggle.

Despite his frail and weak appearance, his skills were truly enough to keep all four of us at bay. I shunned to imagine how hard it would have been if he was at his full strength.

After all,

Elkdrack orbs were draining his stamina, It was just a matter of time, till he would be out of breath. Then we would capture him.

[or so we thought.]

With determination that refused to waver, it was clear that Patrick wasn't ready to give up. Despite the visible signs of exhaustion on his face, he pressed on, struggling to catch his breath just as we were. However, he summoned the strength to cast a new spell, defying our expectations.

As, Patrick snapped his fingers twice, causing four strange orbs to materialize. These orbs began to hover around his shoulders, gradually transforming into swords of pure energy. As we watched in awe, the radiance and power emanating from those blades were undeniable.

Due to his own spell,

Patrick's face turned blue, because of his lack of breath.

(The way he is fighting, it's too desperate.)

(Is he really being controlled here?)

While we struggled breathing,

Patrick launched his attack.

As the swords of pure energy soared through the air towards me, Regina, and Thor Gild,

Reacting quickly, I managed to evade the oncoming sword by rolling forward, escaping its lethal path. Regina, promptly sidestepped, narrowly avoiding danger. However,Thor Gild was way too exhausted, as one of the energy swords grazed his arm, causing blood to spray through. A pained cry escaped his lips,


The cry of pain diverted Patrick's attention for a split second, creating the opening I had been desperately looking for.

Gripping my fists tightly, I leaped towards Patrick, summoning every ounce of strength within me. With precision, I targeted his left cheek, landing a powerful punch that sent him sprawling to the ground. He was instantly knocked out cold. Taking advantage of the situation, we quickly tied him up and proceeded to enter his mansion.

We assigned Regina, Elkdrack and Kelvin to watch over Patrick while we went searching inside the mansion.

As, I pushed, the door glided open, revealing a grand hall with two stairways that led, towards the upper level. Identifying Patrick's room was easy. Thanks to the balcony it was connected to. So, we proceeded to make our way to the second floor.

We stood outside his room while we heard disturbing noises coming from inside.

We opened the door and went in, once we were in, Thor Gild closed the door from inside. It was dark, nothing was visible. With a flick of my finger, I summoned an orb of fire to light the room. As we peered into the corner, we saw that thing.

Inside the room, in a dark corner, we saw that thing, that creature, with piercing red eyes, glowing eerily in the dark. It's pale ghostly skin contrasted sharply against the darkness surrounding it. As we watched, that thing sat there, with it's bloated belly stretched and unnaturally distended, almost as if it had done nothing but eat.

Each breath it took, was accompanied by low chilling hiss that sent shivers down to our spines.

It's boney finger twitched occasionally, hinting at the mischief it ought to be capable of. It's hair was a strangle mess of jet - black strands, hung limply around it's face, hiding it's expression.

However, despite it's eerie presence that thing remained still, almost as if it was observing the world with a quiet curiosity. It's passive stance was the thing that made it more terrifying than anything I had faced in my life, until now. Yet, I couldn't help but feel, pity for the poor creature.

But It had to be done.

(You should have never existed... to begin with)

(I am sorry)

In that moment, driven by a strong desire to end it, I tightened the grip on my blade and approached the creature with outmost caution. The conviction in my mind grew stronger, fuelled by the belief that such things shouldn't even exist.

With unwavering determination, I swiftly swung my blade, aiming to end it's misery in one single decisive strike. However, at the very last moment, the creature became aware of my presence, and let out a piercing scream that froze me on my tracks. The deafening sound reverberated through the whole mansion, leaving me momentarily stunned.

Suddenly, with a split - second of difference, a cocaphany of thrashing sounds echoed behind us. Our hearts raced as we turned to see Patrick, smokes billowing out of his mouth, his face contorted with rage. In that very moment, Elkdrack and Regina burst on to the scene, with Elkdrack quickly launching himself at Patrick, using his weight to pin him to the ground.

In between the chaos, Thor Gild urgently cried out to me,

"Quickly.... Do it".

Without any thinking, on a moment of pure impulse, I swung my blade without hesitation, aiming to end that thing's misery. But my blow wasn't fatal and instead I cut its belly open, It's inside's flooded out. As that thing gasped for it's dying breath, It reached out towards Patrick, crawling towards him, it's hands striving to touch his. In an unexpected turn, Patrick too reached out for it's hand.

As their fingers touched each other's finger tips, a mysterious blinding light engulfed the room. Causing that monster to disintegrate into ashes.

Once again, Patrick lost his consciousness, this time seemingly for good, our efforts had successfully saved him, and slained that creature.

We cautiously collected it's ashes intending to hand them over to the guild.

In return, Mister Lawrence rewarded each of us with 400 gold.

For a few days we enjoyed our new found wealth.

However, three days later Patrick's consciousness returned.

Much to our surprise he had no memory whatsoever, of that creature nor the battle between us.

I and Regina introduced ourselves to him.

Everything had settled and we welcomed a new member in our party.

But, something else was being discovered, the forest's guardian was missing, a new path had opened.

(What mysteries, laid there?)

(We were about to find out.)