
My Infatuation With Death

Conrad Garnier the former first prince of a nation called "Alkatash" is banished from royalty. With his fiance Regina Clement he settles in an obscure town of adventures far from his country so he could live in peace. One day he meets the soul reaper herself, and becomes curious about her. Read as his curiosity turns into obsession and how it affects his relation with Regina, Explore the continent of Guernia through this story.

Untatheredone8499 · Fantasía
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82 Chs

Frozen Stasis

Perspective: Regina Clement.

In the nick of time, just as the wolf leapt towards my neck, an unexpected shard of ice materialized, swiftly impaling its head, effectively putting an end to its threat and ensuring my safety.

With a familiar voice,

"Now you owe me one".

Yuna spoke.

Then immediately, out of concern Conrad asked me,

"Regina .... You all right".

I replied,


"This old hag here saved me".

Yuna retaliates,

"Hey.... who are you calling a old hag?".

(Like this she almost behaves like our age, Its very hard to believe that she is hundreds of years older.)

But I really don't liked her clinging to Conrad.

I know he doesn't mind, but still it bothered me.

"The wolves appear to be retreating".

Shouted the lookout.

Kyle said,

"Observe ".

Conrad while Craddling his face said,

"Kinda reminds me of yesterday.... when that Chimera appeared .... watch out something else might be coming".

The wolves retreated deep into the foliage of the forest, we couldn't see them any more.

Conrad said,

"Huh ... darn it .... why does my damn cheek hurt!".

Yuna suggests,

"Maybe you slept wrong".

Conrad Acknowledges,


Suddenly, we were greeted by the echoing howls from afar, swiftly acknowledged by the concealed wolves within the depths of the forest.

Maybe they were falling back.

Keira said,

"We are in the clear now".

Kyle commented,

"Maybe they are preparing for an ambush... down the road".

"Just in case ... Patrick cast a protection barrier".

Kyle took out a hand full of sand, and released it in the air with his gentle breath, a cloud of glistening star dust enveloped the entire Convoy.

Patrick Shouted,

"Holy barrier".

And casted a protective barrier surrounding the Convoy.

Keira commented to Kyle,

"Your spell it's pretty handy".

Kyle replied,

"Not exactly a spell ... but thank you".

Then Emilia shouted from the carts in the front,

"The road ahead is clear ... permission to move".

Kyle replied,

"Start moving .... but slow .... we don't know what might be lurking in the shadows.

I hitched a ride back into the carriage.

And we started moving forward but this time a lot slower and cautiously.


Perspective : Conrad Garnier

We started moving but soon after we came to an Impasse. The trees ahead were significantly closer to one another.

Our carriages won't fit through.

And there was no other way.

Kyle came on foot and said to everyone,

"Carry what we might need in your Item box .... we are now moving on foot".

Thor Gild asked,

"What about.. our Injured ?".

"And that dead body over there".

Kyle replied,

"We will see about that?".

I carried food, some of my potions and stuff we may need for sleeping on the snow, distributed it between me and Regina. And left our cart.

Kyle gathered everyone at the front of the Convoy. As Regina and I made our way towards the front, Brandon swiftly passed us. With a hushed tone, he whispered in my ear,

"Better watch out!".

I didn't know what he meant, but I was sure that it wasn't anything positive.

Kyle confidently made his statement, his sword sheathed on the ground. With a commanding tone he said,

" Fellow Adventurers, fellow warriors, yesterday marked the beginning of our arduous journey. In a mere day, we have regrettably lost two valiant allies. However, let not your hearts waver nor your spirits falter. Recall the grandeur of our quest and the untold treasures that await us. Though our path is obstructed by closely-knit trees, preventing our carriages from accompanying us, we must remember that this is merely a temporary challenge, one among many designed to divert us from our destined path. Therefore, I implore you, my steadfast companions, to hold steadfast to hope and march forth with unyielding determination. Together, we shall conquer every obstacle that dares stand in the way of our glory and honor!".

As he said that Elkdrack told me,

"Guy sure loves his speeches .... ".

I asked,

"What makes you say that?".

He replied,

"Just look at him .... I bet you five golds he doesn't even gives a rat's ass about those injured and dead".

I agreed with him, truth be told no one here cares about anyone besides themselves.

And that was perfectly fine with me, because Adventurers are free, and a part of being free is not giving a damn about anyone else's life.

Than with a sweet gentle voice she spoke,

"You shouldn't say that .... he is trying his best to keep the group's morale high".

Her name was Federica, a Earth mage.

I replied,

"Yeah I know .... but It doesn't really work ... if we know he doesn't mean a shit of it".

She replied,

"You might be right .... but gotta give credit, where it's due".

Then Thor Gild called out to Kyle,

"Hey.... you are not suggesting that we leave our Injured behind".

Kyle replied,

"I never suggested anything".

Then Thor Gild said,

" So, a few of us have to escort them back to Ustrax".

Keira interrupted,

"No ... That's a terrible idea".

Thor Gild replied,

"Got any other ideas".

kyle gestured Keira to stop,

"No we are not doing any of that .... that will reduce our numbers".

"I have a better plan".

As he said that, Yuna appeared levitating on the sky, sitting on her staff.

She casted a spell,

"Frozen Stasis".

She chanted,

"Ice and frost, bind the temporal flow,

With Frozen Stasis, eternal preservation bestow.

Objects and people, encased in icy embrace,

Time suspended, their essence we shall trace.

Through the power of this magical verse,

Freeze the world, its wonders to immerse.

May freshness endure, and life's flame ignite,

Centuries pass, yet they emerge unscathed in sight.

With reverence and focus, let us now recite,

The incantation that unleashes this icy might.

Frozen Stasis, we call upon thee,

Preserve what's cherished, for all eternity".

As she finishes her chant, a delicate snowflake gracefully falls onto one carriage, and in that moment, a gentle flurry of snow begins to embrace the carriage. The snowflakes slowly and elegantly cover every inch of the convoy, like a soft, icy blanket, even freezing the strands of fur on the wolves' pelts. Before long, the entire convoy becomes a breathtaking frozen masterpiece, with every surface glistening like a mirror, capturing even the smallest details, including the frozen figures of the fallen and injured.

For a moment every one is awe strucked, a moment of silence is felt as everyone admires the miracle that just happened before them.

Yuna Commented,

"Now they will last for centuries".

Thor Gild with a dubious look in his face asked,

"Are you sure ... they can be brought back?".

Yuna after a brief pause, replied hesitantly,

"I hope so".

Furious Thor Gild replied,

"What do you mean .... you hope so ....".

Yuna replied,

"I haven't tried this on humans before ... it is my first time".

"But I have tried it on animals before ... so I hope it keeps them alive".

Thor Gild reacts,

"Animals ... are you kidding me".

Kyle re assures Thor Gild,

"Don't worry ... they will be fine".

Thor Gild is still worried,

"How can you say for certain".

As I commented,

"Atleast they are now worth more than .... when they were alive".

Thor Gild turns towards me, with a serious look in his eyes he said,

"We are talking about living people here!".

He said that with an intense gaze, which felt really creepy.

"Stay away man .... you are freaking me out".

"If Kyle says it's fine .... than it's fine".

"Not that I care".

Then Kyle with an voice demanding obedience says,

"Enough debating .... let's move ... we have to find another safe spot before sun down".

Then Keira replies,

"Does it really matter ... not that we would ever know any difference here".

Kyle replies,

"It's called ... keeping track ... now stop chatting and start walking".

With annoyed expression, Keira rolls his eyes upward and starts walking.

Elkdrack with being curious asks, Yuna.

"Hey ... If you knew this spell .... how come you haven't used it during our fight".

Yuna replies,

"Why would I use such a spell upon mere wolves?".

Elkdrack said,

"Not them .... during the Chimera attack".

Yuna Replies,

"It takes a lot of time and mana ... and it doesn't work on any creature with natural resistances .... In that regard it's only fully effective against humans".

Elkdrack asked,

"Why humans ?".

Yuna Answered,

"Because humans don't have any natural resistance to the elements".

"And besides this spell wasn't invented for any offensive purposes to begin with".

Elkdrack replied with a sigh,

"Well that's a bummer".

While we were chatting, we heard scream from one of us, walking behind me.

It was Ron,

"Help !".

As I turned to look.

I saw, many huge plants with vibrant green leaves, and a mouth large enough to consume even the most unsuspecting prey like Ron, Its jaws were tightly shut, enclosing Ron in its carnivorous grasp.

As we approached it, I noticed its jaws Glistening with a shiny yet strangely mesmerizing texture, while it's tiny countless teeths, acted as bars entrapping Ron inside its mouth.

Kyle commented,

"What the hell is that?".

Emilia replied,

"It's a huge bug catcher".