
My Infatuation With Death

Conrad Garnier the former first prince of a nation called "Alkatash" is banished from royalty. With his fiance Regina Clement he settles in an obscure town of adventures far from his country so he could live in peace. One day he meets the soul reaper herself, and becomes curious about her. Read as his curiosity turns into obsession and how it affects his relation with Regina, Explore the continent of Guernia through this story.

Untatheredone8499 · Fantasía
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82 Chs


Perspective : Conrad Garnier

As those insects lunged down from above, I could feel my heart racing in my chest. Time seemed to slow, every detail etching itself into my mind with crystal clarity. The bugs' elongated forelimbs shimmered ominously as they sliced through the air, closing in on us with alarming speed.

In that split second, due to my command, we all dispersed in pure impulse, like a flock of startled birds, each of us scrambling in different directions, driven by sheer instinct and the desperate need for self-preservation. I could hear the pounding of my own footsteps against the cave floor, the sound intensified with each stride.

The air around me crackled with electricity, a sense of urgency and fear enveloped us all. The cave walls echoed with our frantic movements, the echoes blending with the chorus of screams and the relentless buzz of those bugs. Pebbles scattered in all directions as we darted between stalagmites and leapt over jagged rocks, our rush-fueled movements graceful yet desperate.

My senses were on high alert, every detail magnified. I could feel the rush of air as those bugs swooped past, their presence looming like shadows in my periphery. The sheer intensity of their pursuit fueled my determination, urging me,

"This is the perfect time to strike".

Drops of sweat trickled down my forehead, mingling with the dust and grime on my face. My lungs burned, craving air as I pushed my body to its limits. The sound of my own breathing became a steady rhythm, a reminder of my own vulnerability in the face of that threat.

With each stride, I stole a glance at my Regina, witnessing her own desperate struggles. Her actions mirrored my own, her face filled with a mix of fear, determination, and unwavering anger.

That moment fueled us, igniting a fire within my very soul. We were not just mere victims, but adventurers in the face of this harrowing challenge. I refused to let fear consume me,

"Adventures and thrills .. we lived for that shit".

"And that part of ourselves forever lingers within me".

So, I channeled every ounce of my strength and courage to fight back..

And as everyone continued their mad dash through the cavernous labyrinth, their urgency never faltering. Our lives depending on our every move, every decision.


They pressed on, driven by an unyielding will to survive.

My heart pounded in unison to theirs, and my every being yearning for a chance to show off these mindless insects, that,

"I won't fall for it".


I refused to let despair take hold.

(After all we all were adventurers, united in our greed, and nothing would stand in our way.)

"So, let me defy logic".

"So, let me defy common sense".

"Let me defy the very act of nature".

"Because... I am turning back".

(And so, I did).

And so, I raced against time, every motion of my blade, imbued with a sense of urgency and thrill.

In a sudden turn of events, catching the bugs off guard, I swiftly turned back. In an unexpected twist, one of the insects perfectly landing on my blade's edge. Without wasting the chance, in a swift and fluid motion, I carved an ring through the air, slashing through its body. A moment frozen in time, their insides burst forth like a gushing fountain, the vivid sight of their fragmented form filling the air.

"It was exhilarating".

The force of my strike cleaved the bug in half.

As, I screamed at their face,


[(Not a part of Conrad's narration)

A sudden stillness fell upon everyone, as if time itself froze in awe. Every sound vanished, leaving us in pure silence. The insects halted their pursuit, shocked by the unexpected turn of events. No deafening buzz, no movement, just a collective moment of surprise and disbelief in what they saw.]

In that moment, an absolute stillness settled upon us, the air heavy with silence. The bugs hovered above, their presence unnervingly quiet and unmoving.

After a while,

Breaking the silence, Elkdrack forcefully flung his axe towards one of the hovering creatures, but narrowly missed its target. Frustration tinged his voice as he involuntarily exclaimed,


The bugs, seemingly startled by the sudden outburst, swiftly retreated.

Elkdrack said,

"Come on , after them ... the odds are against 'em".

With only one axe in his hand. Elkdrack dashed towards those fleeing bugs followed by Kyle and Patrick.

While, Kyle murmured,

"Whatever ".

Elkdrack, quick and determined, closed in on one of the bugs, skillfully maneuvering to corner it. With his axe tightly grasped in hand, he prepared to confront the insect on his own terms, aiming to take it down single-handedly.

He claimed,

"This one's mine!".

As Elkdrack approached, the insect began to release a thick, sticky sap from its body. The sap quickly coated the ground around it, creating a treacherous field designed to ensnare Elkdrack and slow down his movements. Unaware of the danger, Elkdrack accidentally stepped his left foot onto the sticky substance, causing his leg to become firmly trapped. In surprise and confusion, Elkdrack exclaimed,

"The hell ... what?".

In that instant, the patient creature wasted no time and unleashed its lightning-fast agility. With astonishing speed, it propelled itself towards Elkdrack, its elongated stinger poised for his neck. The insect's movements were a blur, as it lunged forward, aiming to strike Elkdrack with its deadly stinger.

In that split second, reacting with agility and precision, Elkdrack quickly shifted his stance, planting his other feet firmly on the ground. With a powerful swing of his axe, he deftly aimed to intercept the incoming stinger, determined to deflect the potentially fatal blow away from his neck. His muscles tensed, veins visible in his hands, as he drew upon his inner frustration and animosity towards the insect.

With a resounding clash, the blade of Elkdrack's axe collided with the insect's elongated stinger. Sparks flew as the impact reverberated through the cave, echoing the clash of steel. Elkdrack skillfully parried the attack, causing the insect to retreat.

While Elkdrack grappled to free his leg from the sticky substance on the ground, the creature extended slender, vine-like tendrils from its body, each one lurching menacingly towards him.

However, Elkdrack's quick thinking and agility came to the forefront. Despite his one leg being trapped, he swiftly calculated his movements. With a calculated sidestep, using only his unhindered leg while keeping the stuck leg firmly in place, he artfully evaded the first few tendrils, narrowly escaping their grasping reach. Anticipating the next move, Elkdrack swung his axe in a deft arc, precisely severing the attacking tendrils that ventured too close.

With each swing and strike, Elkdrack capitalized on his strength and unwavering resolve. He fought back with a combination of calculated strikes and strategic footwork, meticulously aiming for the vulnerable points of the creature's tendrils. With every successful blow, the creature recoiled, momentarily stunned by his resilience and skill.

With each tendril successfully severed, Elkdrack's rage became unsustainable . As the last of the deadly vine-like tendrils recoiled, he quickly seized the opportunity to launch a final, decisive strike. Gripping his axe firmly, he expertly hurled it towards the insect's head, the weapon spinning elegantly through the air.

In a moment of perfect precision, the axe found its mark, embedding itself directly into the insect's skull. With a resounding thud, the creature collapsed upon the ground.


Cornering another one was Regina and Patrick. With the help of her magic, Regina summoned a swirling snow storm that closed in on that insect, trapping it in the eye of the storm.

Freezing it, making way for Patrick to strike it down.

However, despite being trapped within the relentless snowstorm, the crafty insect seized the opportunity. by conjuring a swirling vortex of toxic gas, skillfully blending it into the snowstorm created by Regina. Creating a barrier that made it nearly impossible for anyone to reach it.

But something unexpected happened.

As Patrick gave a sarcastic remark,

"Damn ... that's just great".

he noticed another insect fluttering its wings. With remarkable speed, this insect darted into the toxic storm shrouding the trapped insect.

As that insect passed by, a notable difference caught everyone's attention — its claw displayed a distinct texture. Catching the other insect off guard , the agile bug swiftly attacked the trapped insect, ripping it into two parts, in a single strike. However, after completing this act, the bug ominously burst open, releasing a gush of its own fluid.

Regina in a sense of shock and confusion asked,

"What just happened?".