
My Ill-fated Life

sacret · Fantasía
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81 Chs


I was at my home and I heard a doorbell and I saw Thron was holding Alice. He look at me and ask how was my hand. I say it's fine now. Alice ask mummy, what happened to your hand. I say nothing, I just burn it with coffee. Aluce get down and look at my hand. It was still red and he mda sad face and ask does it hurt? I smile and bend down and it doesn't. They come inside and Thron has brought a bag and he put it in the table and say I brought us food. I say I think I can cook. He say look at your hand first. Alice say mummy, I will help you now. I say OK, my son is grown up now. I touch his hair. I ask where did you meet Alice to Thron. He say I meet him while I was coming back. I say thank you for bringing him. He nod his head and we were sitting and Ryan come. He ask how was my hand. I say I am ko now. He say I am sorry I have to leave. I say its fine. He look at my hand and say it look better now. I say it don't hurt now. Ryan say I was really worried. I smile and say thank you for worrying. He smile back. Thron saw them talking so nicely and he say let's eat dinner now. I say OK and Ryan you should also eat with us. Ryan say OK if you say so. Alice was sitting in Thron lap. I get up and I went to get the plates but Ryan come there. He say I will do it. I step back and he brought the plates to table and Thron open the bag. Ryan say he will do it so Thron can sit down. Thron say it's OK, I will help you. I was sitting with Alice. Thron was putting food on plate and I say Alice don't like spicy food so don't put them. Thron nod his head and say I know, I won't put it. Thron gave plate to Alice and say eat well. Alice smile looking at food and say thank you, uncle. Alice start eating and Ryan gave a plate to me and say Rose, take it. He put it in front of me and say you also eat well. I smile and say thank you. My left hand was hurt so I can eat. I was looking Alice and he spill the food. I say Alice you should be careful. I try to reach the tissue but Thron grab it first and wipe the stain. Thron say it's OK. Alice say mummy, I will be careful. I smile and say OK. We get back to eat and we finish eating. I was putting dishes in sink and Ryan came again to help. He say he will do the dishes. I say I can do it later so leave it. He say it's OK I can do it. I say no, I will do it later. He say look at your hand you shouldn't touch water. He wear the apron and Thron was looking them and they look happy whenever they talk with each other. Thron went to them and say I will help him so Rose you go. They stay there and Ryan wash dishes and Thron wipe them. Alice call me and I went to him and help him with his homework. Ryan look at Thron and ask why did you stay in this village. Thron ask why did you ask. Ryan ask you aren't from here and there is nothing here to do as well so I was curious. Thron ask why did you are here. Ryan say its my hometown so I came back after study. Thron say I had my own reason to stay here. Ryan say OK and they finish doing dishes and come to Rose. Alice had fall asleep and I try to hold him but my hand hurt. Thron saw that and he say I will go do it. He take Alice to his room. I look at Ryan and say thank you so much. Ryan say no problem and take care of your hand. I nod my head and Thron came out. He say I put him inside. Ryan look at his watch and say I should go now. I say OK and he get up and ask Thron aren't you coming. Thron say I has something to talk with Rose. I look at him with confusion and Ryan say OK, I will go. Then he went out. I ask what you want to say. Thron say it's that I want to tell you to take care of yourself. I say I will. He say OK, then I should go too. I nod my head and I slip my leg and Thron hold me. We were looking at each other. I get up quickly and say go now, bye. He went out and I take a deep breathe and say my heart was about to explode earlier. I went to my room.