
My Idol My Wife (GxG)

Harper Wilson, an attractive and imaginative YouTuber, leads a seemingly uncomplicated life on the road with her campervan, documenting her travels and thrilling her loyal audience. But unknown to her followers, Harper carries a secret that only a select few are privy to - she is married to Rachel Lee, a charismatic and very famous K-pop idol. Behind the glitz and glamour of Rachel's public persona lies a deeply personal and private life that she guards fiercely. Amidst the glimmering world of fame, Rachel and Harper have discovered a refuge where they have nurtured a secret bond shielded from the intrusive gaze of the public. They carefully manage through the complexities of their contrasting worlds, where the temptation of celebrity clashes with the peacefulness of a nomadic life. However, as the unforeseen danger of being discovered approaches, Harper and Rachel are confronted with a devastating choice. Will they dare to expose the truth, potentially putting Rachel's career and their precious relationship at stake? Or will they continue to live in the shadows, protecting their fragile, yet profound connection?

ToriAnne · LGBT+
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22 Chs

Chapter 2. Leave the House Soon

As the day of the highly anticipated K-pop audition in Los Angeles drew near, Rachel and her dear friend Harper were in constant communication, planning every detail of their journey. The two had been inseparable, talking on the phone for hours whenever they weren't in school or with their families.


For Rachel, the desire to become a singer had been a lifelong dream, a passion that had ignited within her from an early age. Despite opposition from her family, who struggled to understand her strong calling, Rachel remained resolute in her pursuit of this musical journey. The K-pop audition, with top agencies from Seoul participating, represented her one and only chance to prove herself and pave the way for her dreams to become a reality.


Harper, ever the supportive friend, made the bold choice to accompany Rachel to Los Angeles and remain by her side until the audition process was complete. She had thoroughly researched every aspect of the event and was ready to step in and assist Rachel should any challenges arise. Harper had already made the necessary arrangements, sending everything she needed to the address her sister had provided in Heidelberg, Germany.


After seeing Rachel off, Harper would embark on her own journey, heading straight to Heidelberg to begin her studies at the prestigious Heidelberg University. Heidelberg, the oldest university in Germany, dating back to 1386, is renowned for its excellence in research and the arts. The city has earned the title of "City of Literature" from the UNESCO Creative Cities Network, cementing its reputation as a hub for intellectual and cultural pursuits.


Harper's decision to attend Heidelberg's Faculty of Behavioral and Cultural Studies, specifically the Institute of Psychology, reflected her own aspirations. Her sister, who lived in Berlin, would assist her in settling into her new home in Heidelberg before Harper returned to support her sibling.

"So, when will you come to Berlin?" Harper's older sister, Dylan, asked her over the phone.


Harper replied calmly, "The class starts in October, and I have plenty of time to prepare. I only need about a month or so. I want to help my friend Rachel first."


"Alright, I would appreciate it if you could inform me at least two days in advance of your plans to visit Berlin. Then, we can prepare to travel to Heidelberg afterwards, understand?"


"Okay, I understand," Harper acknowledged.


A moment of hesitation passed before Dylan asked, "How is Mother?"


Harper's response was tinged with weariness. "Dramatic, like usual."


Dylan's voice trembled as she whispered, "Father?"


Harper took a deep breath before revealing the painful truth. "Don't worry; you don't have to be concerned. I was the only one he abused, while our brother and sister were spared from his violence. After I move out, he will only live with his favorite kids."


Dylan was unaware of the dark and harrowing secret that had haunted Harper's life for years. As the eldest sibling, Dylan played a profound role in helping their parents raise the three younger children. The younger siblings always appeared well-behaved and adorable from the outside. But the reality was far more complex. Harper had suffered in silence, enduring abuse from their own father, whose hatred for her stemmed from her striking appearance. Unlike the rest of the family, who possessed fiery red hair, Harper's locks cascaded in a captivating shade of dark golden brown, perfectly complementing her enchanting emerald green eyes.


Their father had even gone to the lengths of testing Harper's DNA, only to discover that she shared 99.9% of her genetic makeup with him. However, his resentment only intensified when he realized that Harper possessed a magnetic charm that effortlessly attracted others, surpassing that of his beloved daughter. Harper's friendly demeanor and consistent academic excellence, despite not being the most gifted, further fueled his irrational anger.


The father harbored deep-seated resentment, believing that his other daughter always looked down on him. Harper's resemblance to this sister he hated so intensely only served to amplify his unjustified fury, leading him to subject her to relentless abuse.


In the midst of this nightmarish situation, Dylan gradually began to piece together the truth. Their other two younger siblings, filled with fear from the ongoing abuse, turned to Dylan for support. They shared their worries about Harper, fearing that her suffering would eventually push her to her breaking point. They feared that Harper might one day retaliate harshly against their father as a result of the suffering she had endured.


Dylan's heart sank as she listened to her siblings' anguished pleas. She realized the gravity of the situation and knew she needed to intervene. "It might be a good idea to get out of the house right now," Dylan said to Harper, her voice tinged with urgency.


Harper and Dylan had a ten-year age difference, which made Dylan the sibling the younger ones would turn to with their problems. Especially with the youngest, there was a nineteen-year gap, and Dylan, now 28 years old, was already a manager at one of the oil and gas companies in Berlin.


Harper chuckled dryly. "There's no need to hurry. I won't be returning to his house anytime soon; I'll savor the moment."


"Harper!" Dylan exclaimed, her concern palpable. "You can't stay there. It's not safe."


Harper took a deep breath, her voice resolute. "If anything happens, I'll flee as quickly as possible. I swear."


Dylan's brow furrowed with worry. She knew all too well the depths of their father's cruelty, and the thought of Harper enduring more abuse was unbearable. "Please, Harper, you have to leave. Just come quickly to Germany; buy the ticket to Berlin; I already sent you the money, aren't I? I can't stand the thought of you being there a moment longer."


Harper paused, considering her sister's plea. She had been dreaming of escaping this toxic environment for years. "I will; don't worry. I just need to help my friend first; Rachel needs me. After going with her, I'll fly to Berlin, not going back home."


"Okay, let's talk about this, Rachel, later. But, are you sure, Harper?"


"Yeah, I'm sure. And I just hope Father didn't touch our little brother and sister. I just hope they'll remain his favorites once I leave this house." Harper finally said, her voice trembling.


"I'll make sure they're taken care of," Dylan assured her. "You need to focus on your own safety right now. And your future Harper, you have so many talents."


Harper felt a twinge of sadness when she thought about her little sister and little brother. They have been trying all they can to save her all these years. And leaving the house would mean severing ties with her family for the foreseeable future, but the promise of a peaceful life in Germany was tempting. And Heidelberg University already accepted her registration, and the cost of university in Germany is cheaper than in the USA.


All students must pay a standard fee of about 171 euros to the student union for common facilities, administration, and Studentenrat. There is no difference in this fee between German, EU, and non-EU students. International students from non-EU/EEA countries have to pay tuition fees of 1,500 euros per semester. Her sister Dylan already told her that she would be responsible for her university fee.


"Okay," Harper finally said, her voice trembling. "I'll come soon; don't worry, Dylan. But let's make sure our brother and sister will be fine once I leave this house."


Dylan's heart swelled with relief and determination. "I promise, Harper. We'll get through this together. It's time to start a new chapter."

Please bare with me, as I'm trying to match my work with the Webnovel's style. And I'm making some fixing here and there, to make it easier to read.

Least but not last, have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

ToriAnnecreators' thoughts