
My Idol My Wife (GxG)

Harper Wilson, an attractive and imaginative YouTuber, leads a seemingly uncomplicated life on the road with her campervan, documenting her travels and thrilling her loyal audience. But unknown to her followers, Harper carries a secret that only a select few are privy to - she is married to Rachel Lee, a charismatic and very famous K-pop idol. Behind the glitz and glamour of Rachel's public persona lies a deeply personal and private life that she guards fiercely. Amidst the glimmering world of fame, Rachel and Harper have discovered a refuge where they have nurtured a secret bond shielded from the intrusive gaze of the public. They carefully manage through the complexities of their contrasting worlds, where the temptation of celebrity clashes with the peacefulness of a nomadic life. However, as the unforeseen danger of being discovered approaches, Harper and Rachel are confronted with a devastating choice. Will they dare to expose the truth, potentially putting Rachel's career and their precious relationship at stake? Or will they continue to live in the shadows, protecting their fragile, yet profound connection?

ToriAnne · LGBT+
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22 Chs

Chapter 10. Because it's Pink!

Benjamin Anderson stood tall, his confident demeanor commanding the attention of the room. With a warm smile, he introduced himself to the four individuals seated across from them. "Good morning, everyone. I'm Benjamin Anderson, the legal representative for Ms. Rachel Lee."


Rachel sat beside him, her eyes shining with a newfound determination. She had made her decision, and she was ready to move forward. "I've decided to go with MK Entertainment," she announced, her voice clear and unwavering.


Harper asked her this morning when they would be having breakfast together.


"Because their business card is pink." Rachel answered while smiling.




"It's pink; it symbolizes love, nurture, and compassion. It also provides feelings of comfort, warmth, and hope. So, pink." She explained, her smile widening.


Harper and Benjamin exchanged amused glances, appreciating Rachel's unique perspective. "Well, that's certainly a compelling reason," Benjamin remarked, his eyes twinkling with amusement.


And so, they're now sitting face-to-face with the CEO and MK Entertainment's legal representative. The CEO, a tall, imposing man with a steely gaze, leaned forward in his chair. "Ms. Lee, we didn't anticipate the presence of legal counsel," he said, a warm smile still filling his face.


Rachel, her heart pounding in her chest, maintained her composure. "I felt it was important to have someone with me who could explain the terms of the contract and ensure that I'm making the best decision for my future," she replied, her voice clear and firm. "I'm still thirteen, sir."


Yoon Man Shik, the CEO, smiled even wider, knowing the young girl in front of him was not only talented but also smart. "Right then, shall we proceed?" He said it in his broken English.


Harper, seated beside Rachel, offered a supportive smile. "We appreciate you taking the time to meet with us," she added, her eyes sparkling with determination.


The CEO nodded curtly. "Of course. We're always happy to consider talented individuals like Ms. Lee." He gestured toward a stack of documents on the table. "Here is the contract we've prepared. Please take your time to review it thoroughly."


Rachel glanced at the contract, her stomach churning with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. This was the moment she had been waiting for—the chance to finally take control of her destiny.


"If you don't mind," Benjamin interjected, politely reaching for the contract, "I'd like to review it on Ms. Lee's behalf. I want to ensure that everything is in order before she signs anything."


Man Shik is handing the contract to Benjamin. "By all means," he said, a flicker of curiosity crossing his face.


Benjamin meticulously examined the contract, his brow furrowed in concentration. He read each clause carefully, ensuring that there were no hidden clauses or unfavorable terms. As he read, Rachel could sense his sharp intellect and unwavering determination to protect her interests.


After what felt like an eternity, Benjamin finally looked up from the contract. "I've reviewed the document, and I have a few questions," he stated, his voice calm and collected.


The CEO nodded in interest at Benjamin's meticulous approach. "Please, ask away."


As the conversation shifted to the financial realities of the trainee system, the meeting room grew tense. Rachel's eyes widened in disbelief as the legal representative from MK Entertainment revealed the extent of the trainees' financial obligations.


"The training expenses are included in the trainees' debt," the representative explained, his voice somber. "Trainees are required to pay for everything, from their food and housing to their training expenses and even the managers' moving fees. It's all deducted from their future earnings as idols."


Rachel felt her heart sink as the weight of this information sank in. She had known the path to becoming an idol would be challenging, but this was beyond what she had imagined. The idea of starting her career already saddled with debt was overwhelming.


"But then, how will she have a monthly allowance if the company doesn't provide it?" Rachel asked, her voice tinged with concern.


The representative offered a sympathetic look. "Usually, the trainees' parents continue to provide them with pocket money after their training sessions, and they're debuting. The company doesn't typically provide a monthly allowance. School fees are also covered independently."


Rachel's world seemed to crash down around her in that moment. She was only thirteen, and most part-time jobs were off-limits. Without a steady income from the company, she would be left with no means to support herself.


Harper, sensing Rachel's growing despair, reached out and took Rachel's hand softly, her touch grounding and reassuring. "You don't have to worry about it, Benjamin," she said, her voice firm and unwavering. "Please make sure everything else in the contract is fine. Rachel has me; I'll be responsible for her allowance and school fees."


Rachel's head snapped up, her eyes filled with surprise and gratitude. "Harper?" she whispered, unsure if she had heard correctly.


"Focus on the contract, Rachel," Harper said, her gaze unwavering. "I've got you covered."


The CEO, Yoon Man Shik, looked on, his curiosity piqued. "And you are?" he asked, addressing Harper.


Harper beamed, her laughter infectious and instantly lightening the mood. "I'm her number one fan!" she exclaimed, her enthusiasm radiating through the room.


Benjamin nodded in agreement, as he was impressed by Harper's prompt and generous offer. "That's very kind of you, Ms. Wilson. I'll make sure the contract reflects these arrangements."


As Benjamin returned his attention to the document, Rachel looked at Harper with a mixture of gratitude and surprise. She had never expected her friend to take on such a responsibility, but in that moment, it was clear that Harper's unconditional support knew no bounds.


Finally, after hours of discussion and negotiation, Benjamin reached an agreement with the executives of MK Entertainment. The terms of the contract were revised to ensure that Rachel's rights were protected and her compensation was fair and equitable.


With a satisfied smile, Benjamin handed the revised contract back to Rachel. "I believe this is a fair agreement that reflects your talent and potential," he said, his voice filled with conviction.


Rachel took the contract, her hands trembling slightly. This was the culmination of her dreams, the moment she had been working towards for so long. With a deep breath, she signed her name on the dotted line, officially becoming a part of MK Entertainment.


As she looked up from the contract, she met the eyes of the CEO, who extended his hand in congratulations. "Welcome to MK Entertainment, Ms. Lee," he said, a genuine smile gracing his lips.


Rachel shook his hand, her heart overflowing with joy and gratitude. "Thank you," she whispered, her voice choked with emotion.


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