
My Idol My Wife (GxG)

Harper Wilson, an attractive and imaginative YouTuber, leads a seemingly uncomplicated life on the road with her campervan, documenting her travels and thrilling her loyal audience. But unknown to her followers, Harper carries a secret that only a select few are privy to - she is married to Rachel Lee, a charismatic and very famous K-pop idol. Behind the glitz and glamour of Rachel's public persona lies a deeply personal and private life that she guards fiercely. Amidst the glimmering world of fame, Rachel and Harper have discovered a refuge where they have nurtured a secret bond shielded from the intrusive gaze of the public. They carefully manage through the complexities of their contrasting worlds, where the temptation of celebrity clashes with the peacefulness of a nomadic life. However, as the unforeseen danger of being discovered approaches, Harper and Rachel are confronted with a devastating choice. Will they dare to expose the truth, potentially putting Rachel's career and their precious relationship at stake? Or will they continue to live in the shadows, protecting their fragile, yet profound connection?

ToriAnne · LGBT+
Sin suficientes valoraciones
22 Chs

Chapter 1. Meet in a Game

When Harper Wilson first met her in a game community, she was only sixteen. Surprisingly, she was only eleven years old at the time. There's a significant age difference between them, which caught Harper off guard when she discovered that the person she had been chatting with was only eleven years old. Rachel's demeanor and behavior defy her young age, as she exudes a level of maturity and composure that is uncommon for someone her age.


Harper's younger siblings don't speak in the same manner as her. While they share similar curiosities, Rachel has a knack for minimizing them and only asking what is necessary. Harper found herself enjoying the moments when she had to elaborate for Rachel, seeing her as the adorable little sister she never had.


Wizet, a South Korean company, developed MapleStory, a free-to-play, 2D, side-scrolling massively multiplayer online role-playing game for them to play. Various companies publish different versions of the game tailored to specific countries or regions. Players embark on a journey through the enchanting 'Maple World', engaging in epic battles against formidable monsters and honing their characters' skills and abilities, just like in any immersive role-playing video game. Players have the opportunity to engage with others through various means, such as engaging in conversations and exchanging goods.


Players have the option to join forces in parties, embarking on thrilling monster-hunting quests and reaping the spoils together. Additionally, they can establish guilds, fostering seamless communication and camaraderie among fellow adventurers. As their bond deepened, they made the decision to join the same guild and spend even more time playing together. They even went a step further and exchanged social media accounts, allowing them to connect and communicate outside of the game.


Harper is drawn to the attraction of the game theme and has been intrigued by the positive reviews surrounding MapleStory. Eager to experience it for herself, she made the choice to go on these thrilling virtual experiences. She and a small group of friends from school have formed a guild and are enjoying playing together. Harper doesn't fit into any specific social group; she stands proudly as her own unique self. She has a way of effortlessly drawing people in; even the most intimidating individuals retreat in her presence. She has a remarkable ability to engage in conversation without passing judgment or showing much interest in others.


She effortlessly navigates social circles, effortlessly connecting with both the popular group and others. When she's in the mood for some excitement, she'll enlist the help of the most well-liked student to show her a good time. Whenever she requires some focused studying, she gracefully seeks out the intellectual minds of the nerdy group for a joint learning session. She possesses a multitude of talents that make her a favorite among teachers, and she fearlessly expresses her emotions, even when she's feeling down. The bully will run at the sight of her. Harper is the type of person who's not scared of anything, not even when she is threatened, which makes her one of the most terrifying people at her school.


For Rachel, the game offers a much-needed escape from the world around her. She has always felt distant from her family because she is the youngest and does not have many people who believe in her. The pressure she faces is not as intense as that experienced by her eldest sister. This is due to the fact that her father is a highly sought-after surgeon in New York, while her mother owns a reputable law firm in the city.


Harvard Law School accepted her eldest sister, and prestigious medical schools like Johns Hopkins, Columbia, Duke, and Cornell extended invitations to her brother due to his academic brilliance. It's unfortunate that people often underestimate her because of her aspiration to become a singer. Immersion in the game surpasses the experience of living in her actual reality. The players of the game are unaware of her actual identity and are indifferent to the decisions she makes for her future.


Rachel excitedly messaged Harper, "So, are you planning to attend college in Germany?" She had just received a new phone from her parents, who had surprisingly bought it for her without much questioning. Having a cellphone was considered quite luxurious at the time.


Harper replied, "Yes, I'll be following my older sister there."


Rachel's heart sank a bit. "Why can't you stay in the US?" she asked, almost pleadingly. Harper wasn't just a friend to Rachel; she was like an older sister, someone who always provided her comfort, even though Rachel knew Harper's own situation wasn't easy.


Harper chuckled, a skill she had honed over time to mask the true depth of her feelings. "My father can still chase me by car, but he doesn't have enough money to chase me by plane."


Rachel, keenly aware of the troubles Harper faced, couldn't help but appreciate her friend's ability to make light of the situation. Wanting to steer the conversation in a more positive direction, Rachel exclaimed, "Oh, I see! It's interesting that we both ended up getting the same phone—the Nokia 1110!"


Harper smiled. "It's a nice phone, isn't it?"


"Absolutely! Now we can communicate constantly. Will you be available to answer all of my calls, Harper?" Rachel asked with a bright smile.


"Sure, Rachel, I'm just one call away," Harper replied, and they shared a hearty laugh, their joy filling the air.


Over the next two years, their bond grew stronger as they played their shared game and spent countless nights talking on the phone. Finally, the moment arrived for Harper to start her journey to Germany. Before her imminent departure, Rachel kindly requested to meet up with her one last time.


As they met, Harper expressed her desire: "I wanted to go to the K-pop audition, but I don't have anyone to go with. Can you please be there with me?"


"Sure, when is it? Where?" Harper readily agreed, having grown a deep bond with Rachel over the course of two years. She had come to learn about her family without needing to ask. Coming from a Korean American household, Rachel was expected to pursue a career in medicine or law, just like her two older siblings, who had successfully adhered to their parents' aspirations.


"Next week, in L.A., I'll gladly use my pocket money to reserve a hotel room for you."


"Why stress over it? Let's book the hotel; you don't need to think too much. Let's just enjoy our time together in the room. We're both girls anyway."


"Oh, well, alright then." Rachel appeared quite agitated.


"And now that I'm officially an adult, I can take responsibility for you."


"Oh my God, so cocky."



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The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this story are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred. Read at your own risk.

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