

Anatasya Lizzebeth, a beautiful woman who was married by force to Cristian William Bradley. Because Cristian's parents did not approve of his relationship with Stella, Cristian's parents finally asked him to end his relationship with Stella. Then Cristian's parents set him up to marry Stella. Because Cristian still wanted to be with Stella, he continued his romantic relationship behind the backs of his parents and his wife Anatasya. After marrying Anatasya, Cristian still secretly likes to vacation and meet with Stella. After Anatasya gave birth to her second child, Anatasya realized that all this time Cristian had betrayed her marriage with Stella, his former lover. Anatasya became very angry and wanted to divorce Cristian immediately. Anatasya felt that during her marriage with Cristian, she had never been loved and cared for by Cristian, her husband. But Cristian did not want to let Anatasya take his two daughters. Anatasya was devastated and wanted to take revenge by marrying Roy, Cristian's business partner.

Enny_Lestarii · Fantasía
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25 Chs


''Stella, I actually don't want to marry Anatasya, the girl my parents are going to set me up with. Next week the wedding plans will begin. Believe me Stella, I will still love you even if I marry that woman.'' Cristian assured his girlfriend Stella.

''Are you sure? I'm afraid that when you marry that woman, you will forget me Cristian. I'm afraid you'll forget all your sweet promises.'' Stella said with tears in her eyes.

''No Stella, there is no woman in this world who can take your place in my heart, forever.'' Cristian kissed Stella on the forehead.

''Okay, you can marry that woman Cristian. But I don't want you to have children with her. Can you keep that promise? Stella said, not wanting Cristian to have children with his future wife.

''Alright Stella, I promise I won't get that woman pregnant.'' Cristian immediately hugged Stella.

''Now you go home and tell your mother that we don't have any relationship now. We will continue our romance forever, Cristian. I can't live without you. I love you very much Cristian.'' Stella kissed Cristian on the lips.

''I have to go home Stella, remember our agreement. Don't let my parents know about our relationship. Don't contact me for a while Stella. I will make them believe that we are really separated. I love you very much Stella. '' Cristian said as he headed home.

After arriving at his house, Cristian's parents were waiting for him.

''Cristian, where have you been? You must have gone to see that woman again. Why don't you listen to what we say? If you still want to have all the wealth we have, leave that woman.'' Cristian's father said angrily.

''Our relationship is over, Stella and I have separated. And I want to marry the woman of your choice. I'm tired and I want to rest.'' Cristian said and went into his room.

Cristian's parents were the richest people in his town. Everyone wanted to marry their daughter to Cristian. But Cristian's parents had chosen Anatasya to be the favorite daughter-in-law of the Bradley family.

Cristian is the only child in his family. Cristian's parents did not approve of his relationship with Stella. Cristian's parents don't like Stella, who is a drunk and disrespectful woman.

Cristian's father is Thomas Bradley, while his mother is Jessica Bradley.

Tomorrow night Cristian will be reunited with Anatasya at her house. They will soon organize the Bradley family's lavish wedding.

Tring.... Stella called Cristian.

Cristian immediately locked the door to his room so that his parents could not hear their conversation.

''Hello Stella, I was just about to go to bed. They already believe that we are separated. Please forgive my parents for their attitude towards you Stella.'' Cristian said to Stella.

''No need to apologize dear, we will stay together forever. You can come to my house anytime Cristian.'' Stella said to Cristian.

''You're right Stella, nothing can separate our relationship, so I'm going to rest now. Good night Stella.'' Cristian said to Stella.

They will continue their love affair behind the backs of their parents and Anatasya. They couldn't get married and they would stay together, until Anatasya could make Cristian fall in love with her.

Knock...Knockk... Cristian's mother knocked on the door of Cristian's room.

Cristian, who was still sleeping in his room, immediately got up and opened the door.

''Good morning dear, you just woke up. Hurry up and take a shower and change into the clothes that mom bought you. Soon we will go to Anatasya's parents' house.'' Cristian's mother said.

''Yes, mom, I'll get ready now.'' Cristian said as he closed the door to his room.

Because Anatasya's house was quite far away, they had to leave early in the morning so that they wouldn't be late.

Tring.... Stella called Cristian.

''Hello dear, where are you going? Why are you dressed up so nicely?'' Asked the curious Stella.

''Stella, did you forget that tonight I will meet that woman at her house. After this, please don't contact me until I return home again. Okay.'' Cristian said, warning Stella.

''Yes, dear, but today I want to go shopping with my friends Cristian.'' Said Stella who wanted to ask Cristian for more money.

''Soon I will give you money, so that you don't feel sad today.'' Said Cristian who always gave money to Stella.

''Thank you dear, I love you.'' Stella said and immediately turned off her cell phone.

Not long after, Cristian finally came out of his room and was about to leave for Anatasya's house.

'' Dad, mom, let's go to that Stella house.'' Cristian said and immediately took the car keys.

Cristian's parents were happy that Cristian finally wanted to marry Anatasya, the woman of his choice.

After arriving at Anatasya's house, Cristian and his parents were welcomed by Anatasya's parents.

"Where is that Anatasya, why isn't she in this house? Cristian said as he searched for Anatasya's whereabouts.

It wasn't long before Anatasya was called by her older sister to come out of her room.

''Just a moment, om and auntie, I'll call Anatasya to her room first.'' Gissele, Anatasya's older sister, said.

Cristian was curious about the face of Anatasya, whom he was going to marry. All this time he had only seen her face through photos that his mother often showed him every day.

Not long after, Anatasya finally came out of her room with her older sister. Cristian immediately looked at the face of Anatasya who would soon be sitting next to him.

''Oh my, this is the woman I'm going to marry soon. Actually, she's prettier than Stella, but I'm not sure if she can satisfy me on the wedding night.'' Cristian said to himself.

Anatasya immediately greeted Cristian's parents with her sweet smile.

''How are you, uncle and aunt? Asked Anatasya who immediately got along with Cristian's parents.

''Good news, dear. You're even more beautiful now, it's not wrong that we chose you to be Cristian's future wife.'' Cristian's mother praised Anatasya's beauty.

Anatasya immediately blushed with praise from her parents. That night they finally set the date for Cristian and Anatasya's wedding. They wanted to marry Cristian and Anatasya next Sunday.

Actually, Cristian could not love Anatasya, but for the sake of his parents, he finally agreed to be married to Anatasya, who was five years younger than him.

After their wedding date was set, Cristian and his parents immediately went back to their house.

Cristian's parents have also bought a luxury house for Cristian and Anatasya to live in when they are officially married.

Tring..... Stella called Cristian.

''Hello dear, how was your meeting with that stupid woman.'' Stella said to Cristian.

''It's fine Stella, we're getting married next week. I hope that on my wedding day with her you won't contact me first. I don't want our love affair to be known by my parents. Do you understand !!!!.'' Cristian said to Stella.

''Okay Cristian.'' Stella said as she turned off her cell phone.
