
My Husband Son of God.

" Who are you !? " I heard a weak voice. I stood frozen and just stared back at him. He had piercing eyes full of distrust and hostility. " Who are you !? And where am I !?" - he turned his head looking for something familiar. " W-what is this place !? " " Try and..r-r-relax please ! " - I put my hands up and indicated no hostility. " Y-you shouldn't move just yet.. Granny!!" --- Don't judge..every love story needs a start. This was mine.

NLorane · Fantasía
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152 Chs

Chapter Thirty. *

Zephyr, Lucian and Alexander with the children came home still wet from the river but at least clean.

I kissed him coming close and enjoyed the taste and smell of the river on him.

" Get ready honorable one we have dinner with Leader Metill and his kids." - I reached inside his wet shirt and felt his muscles and pinched it.

" Stop it.. is this still about his daughters love? "

I looked away and reserved my right to stay silent.

Of course I hated it.

Especially since the old bastard offered them both to him. A lot of man have more that one wife it's nothing new. It's just not in here. In Emet village it was unheard of at least since I'm alive.

" ..are you fishing for an argument so we can make up again?" - I felt my ear being licked.

His whispers in ear and made me sweaty just thinking about it.

Maybe it was part of it...plus obviously all the other valid reasons.

" Khmm..go change, 10 minute main hall go! - I turned and pushed him towards a little girl. " Anna help your father please."

I took a few deep breaths and helped mother,Eli and Demelza carry the mountains of food.

It was dinner for sixteen people including our five new comers.

Inside the hall two long tables were pushed together and some wine and ale were already on them.

Granny looked to be in a pleasant conversation with Metill. His kids aound the hall in conversation with one another.

" Ahh, it's dinner. " - Metill saw us walking in and turned to granny. " Thank you for inviting us. It an honor Lady Vistellia."

" ..please. We soon be neighbour's. It's the least we can do." - granny waved him off with a nice smile.

Maybe I was going mad but.. wasn't there something how they talked to each other?

Granny being all neighbourly...

We placed the food on the table and the rest were brought by Lucian and Miranda.

We sat and poured some wine. Soon the Emil daughters joined us.

" We liked to apologise. " - the elder of the two bowed slightly. " We didn't known that Lord Zephyr has already decided on his partner. I hope it didn't tainted your view of us, Lady Lylly. "

The older one had the same kind expression as her father, and they both looked sincere.

I felt bad for judging them so quick.

Maybe they did wanted to put their hands on what was clearly mine but, that won't change the fact that they were practically almost sold.

I kind of understood..if not for Ehlite intervening through my sister. I would more or less be in the same shoes except feeling like selling myself, comes winter festival this year.

I stood up and offered my hand to them. " There is no need to apologise. Please my Zephyr was serious, neither one of us in anyway nobility. Please just call me Lylly."

" Thank you Lylly. " - she shook my hand. " Please call us Setil and Miri."

The younger one shyly waived. She looked about Eli ages and sweet girl like my sister.

We talked until the man arrived.

Zephyr carrying Anna and his brother with Arnold.

They changed clothes and looked brand new people. Alexander went and introduced himself his family to the Emils and soon grabbed a few bottles.

"Brother.." - he brandished the bottles like sword with a big smile. " We drink tonight like there's no tomorrow...Hahaha!!"

" Put those down.. " - both he and Anna pointed at the table. " We getting up early and ride for hours. You too Lucian, nothing but water."

" Ahh..fine. " - he put then back to the others and saw the someone lifting a cup. " Lucian put that down! "

The long haired boy looked inside his cup and back at Alexander. " It's water. I wouldn't drink. I know about our duty."

Zephyr walked over and shook Metill hand.

" Metill come meet my daughter, Ilianna Astoria."

She extended her hand like the princess she become and let the man shook it meekly.

It's hard to believe she was hiding in the woods like a dirty raccoon just a month ago.

" Ilianna Astoria..You charmed, I'm sure." - she looked the picture of entitlement.

I couldn't hold back and laughter just burst out and our family followed in howling like wolf's. It wasn't a question she asked but a statement she made.

Zephyr laughed with us and turned to a very happy girl on his arm. " Nicely done princess..I told you they will love it."

Looks like Zephyr feed her those unnatural lines.

The Emils smiled and looked more relaxed.

They sure looked charmed sweetheart, nicely done.

Soon everyone was seated and was served plates of meat and potatoes with salad. Vegetable soup, bread, cheese and mother made apple pies which used to be rare. Now it just one of many things we could enjoy everyday if wanted to.

For a while we just ate and talked about tomorrow.

12 of our people will join Metill sons, including the man in our family. Tori village was almost a full day travel and since they be returning with wagons filled with woman, children and the old, their return could take up to three days.

I didn't like those numbers but, I accepted that it is what it is.

Zephyr kept everyone sober although after some of Demelza and my taunting them. He relented and let two have some.

He didn't have drop.

I had a few glasses and were having conversation with Demelza and the sisters at the end of the table.

"...seriously? You must be jesting ! "

" No, I'm not..like you wouldn't believe." - I put mt hand back down and enjoyed their looks of astonishment.

I told them some..secrets from earlier this afternoon and enjoyed their envious gazes.

The girls giggled with us and made looks at Zephyr, I didn't mind this time.

" Your story is truly magical Lylly.." - Setil the older as it turned out shook her head side to side. " Are you planning, your wedding this winter festival?"

" Hmm of course.." - I was middle of drinking from my glass. " Well soon. We are in the middle of building our home. Once they returned, it should be done in a week or so."

" How could a house possibly be finished that fast? "

Demelza answered.

" It's because Zephyr here is teaching his own creation of martial art to the village. " - she even got up and imitating a thei sideways stance. - " He earned their respect and they all help pitching in. It gonna be beautiful once it's finished." - she sat down and poked my side.

Our home..

I couldn't wait. It's gonna be one of the biggest house in the village with two stories. Incredible with five total rooms enough for a large family and a main room almost as big as this hall.

Zephyr wanted our family over often and space for them.

I overheard, Alexander talking loudly enough to reach us from the other end.

"..see it to believe it. He disappeared like a a..and then taking Emet with him. And soon.. " - he used his hands and two pieces of bread to demonstrate what he saw that night. " ..BAAAM! The monster body crashed to the ground broken and purple guts and b.."

Zephyr gave a little nudge to him and pointed at Anna in his lap, leaning back on his chest listening to her uncle every word. She looked excited to hear the rest, her father..He looked pissed.

"..Sorry, sorry...right! " - he reached over to Ilianna and sat down. " Anyway it was a glorious sight. My little brother here ended his reign of terror in an instant."

Him getting carried away again..look at those looks. Metill and his sons stared at Zephyr like some exotic animal.

" It sound like a battle for the heavens. Is it true? " - the youngest boy put his hands and imitating wing. " You flow like a bird?? It must've felt like being a God.."

"..No, flying no. " - he slumped his head back looking up at the ceiling as if it was the sky itself.

" It was just falling and incredibly cold. Could barely open my eyes from the wind and had to keep my mouth shut for the same reason.." - all of us listened in silence waiting for him to continue. " The air tried to choke me. I doubt its anything like being a God friend."

After a period of silence Metill Emil spoke first.

" Your as humble as you are powerful. Tell me Lord.." - he saw the disapproving look of him and cleared his throat. " I mean Zephyr, what did you see up from the heavens? "

I already knew, but listened anyway. With all the ladies around me.

" It was our landmass Loginus..it's surrounded by an endless sea. I saw the Sen stretch into 3 direction.." - he used his fingers to draw various shapes in the air to add visuals. " It looked like blue veins just cutting through the land. I saw snow covered mountain peaks and a lake so big it looked like God made a hole in the middle of the land. It was ..incredible." - at the end he smiled beautifully.

" Lake Yemi..it's also called Ehlite eye. It never saw it myself but, my grandfather told me stories how it's so deep no man managed to reach the bottom but the fish. " - after a few glasses he was much more open and talkative. " We have a similar lake on our way to Tori called Lime lake. It also said to be incredibly deep. "

The people around had dreamy looks as tried to imagine such a sight.

I wanted to see it too. It was hard to..comprehend such things clearly just by my imagination.

" May we ask a huge favour Master Zephyr? "

One of Metill son asked with respect.

Hmm probably plan to join Zephyr in training.

My love looked a little tired but of course heard him out.

" We just want see..your ability master. I want to understand, if it matches the picture I'll have. " - he pointed at his head and shook his head in disbelief.

" If it's not too much trouble."

It was night already..can't this wait?

He looked at me and I smiled despite my annoyance. He wanted my approval for even the small things. It made my heart flutter.

I just nodded gently and let him have some fun.

" Why not.."