


I was panicked and scared at the same time because I had bumped into Nara's mother. However, an idea arose when Daddy was about to contact Nara to tell him to go to the hospital.

I grabbed Daddy's cellphone and said, "Let me just call." Daddy agrees. Next, he entered the room to check on Mrs. Ranti's condition.

Outside, I told Nara to get ready as soon as we were going to the top. At first, Nara didn't believe it, but after I picked her up and took her away, she understood.

I invited Nara to sit on a long bench at the top. I pretended to check his cellphone. After I managed to grasp the object, I asked Nara to buy meatballs. Nara just obeyed without arguing in the slightest. As soon as he left, I quickly pulled out his SIM card. I have my own purpose behind this.

After being satisfied at the top, we returned home at five in the afternoon. An hour after that, our car broke down. complete traffic jam.

Ah no. To be more precise, this was all my plan. I just turned off the car engine, and Nara wouldn't know about it. Maybe this is the first time he has ever ridden a car.

I accidentally stopped the car not far from a hotel. I immediately took Nara and asked her to stay there until I picked her up. Repairing the car was an excuse I used.

After cleaning up Nara, I immediately stepped on the gas to the hospital. The place where Mrs. Ranti is being treated I have rented a hotel room for three days. Nara will not be able to contact us because I removed the SIM card first.

Arriving at the hospital, I said that Nara was visiting his friend who was dying in the other city. At first, Daddy and Mrs. Ranti had a hard time believing it. But only after I sent a fake message through Nara's SIM card, did they believe it? I acted as Nara and informed them that Nara would be there for the next three days.

Mrs. Ranti was disappointed because she thought that Nara didn't care about her. What else can we do? I plan not to take Nara with her mother.

However, my plan did not live up to expectations. On the third day, Mrs. Ranti was allowed to go home. Unfortunately, Mrs. Ranti couldn't even walk. Then Daddy decided to take him to our house to be treated until he recovered. This counts as an apology to Mrs. Ranti.

I'm confused. There's no way I'd let Nara languish in another city while her hotel room rations were only good for three days. I didn't give him any holding money either. It would be a shame if he became a bum there. Besides, Daddy must be wondering why Nara didn't come home.

For the first time, I got dizzy from that girl.

After thinking for a long time, I finally decided to pick up Nara at the hotel. Yeah, I hope he doesn't run away. I will accept all risks. When everyone is mad at me, I don't want to bother. I also have no other way.

My heartbeat became more erratic when I set foot in the hotel. I shuffled into the room. When I pulled the knock, it turned out that the door was not locked. got me in easily.

From here, I could see a woman with curly hair leaning against the headboard. He hugged his knees. His eyes glazed over in any direction. He didn't even notice my presence.

"Nara..." I stepped into the room.

Hearing his name being called made Nara quickly raise her head. He was stunned to see me. The next second, Nara grabbed a bolster and threw it right in my face.

"What do you want, sir? Satisfied with making me wait so long, hm? " He exclaimed presumptuously. I saw a red flash in Nara's eyes.

"Why are you angry?" I asked, pretending to be stupid.

Nora got up from her seat. She was like a lion who had just woken up. Her face was pale. Nara must have thought that I would not pick her up. Luckily, this woman didn't run away.

"Master can still ask why am I angry? Oh, my gosh. What day is it? If you don't come, maybe soon I'll be a bum. "

However, I was wrong. However, I still don't want to look low in his eyes.

"I already told you that I would definitely pick you up after my car is repaired."

"Lie! The car must have been finished the first day I was here. "

Apparently, Nara did not easily believe me. His hands were crossed at his waist. Only this time I found Nara, not as usual. Nara is much more chatty.

"My car was badly damaged. It took three days to fix it. That's enough! You don't act too much. Let us go home! "

"Master did leave me here on purpose." Otherwise, there is no way Master could rent this room for three whole days. "

UnfortunateApparently, Nara knew that I had booked this hotel for three days. It looks like he asked the hotel maid.

Not wanting to prolong the problem, I finally forced Nara out of the room and into the car. Nora thrashed. Some people looked at us in amazement. Next, the car speeds through the hubbub of the city.

I repeatedly slapped my chest. Especially when Nara and I arrive home. I dared not approach. I let Nara in first.

At the same time, I saw a woman whose face was similar to Nara's, sitting in a wheelchair. He was surprised to see us coming.



Nora froze. The irritated expression on his face turned into a tense one. Mrs. Ranti runs her wheelchair towards Nara. This made the woman even more surprised.

"Mom, what happened? Why are you here? "asked Nora. sHe squatted when Mrs. Ranti arrived in front of her.

I couldn't help but run.

The next second, Daddy came down from upstairs.

"Nara, have you come back from visiting your friend?" Daddy's question made Nara scratch his neck.

My history is over.

"Friend? Which friend? "

"Senyo said you visited your sick friend,"

"I smell something amiss here. First, I don't know what happened to mom and the two; I didn't visit friends, but Senyo left me at a hotel for three days. "

"WHAAT?" Daddy and Mrs. Ranti shouted in unison.

My sweat fell off instantly. as if carrying a heavy burden. Their eyes were fixed on me. demands an explanation.

"What does all this mean? Explain, Senyo! ", said Dad firmly.

"What happened? Mom, why are you like this? " Nara asked worriedly.

I couldn't help but have to take the risk of my plan. I walked over to Nora. He swallowed his pitch-black eyes. Nara also returned my gaze. I gripped his shoulders tightly. During my meeting with Nara, this was the first time I accidentally touched her. I held my breath while praying that I would be safe from the lion's circle.

"I've bumped into your mother, Nara." Instantly, I bowed. Feelings of guilt lodged in the chest.

