


Finally, Senyo accompanied me to buy a new cellphone after being pressured by Mr. Johan. We're not alone. There was Mrs. Runi, who also joined in. This time, the mall is an option. It was all Mrs. Runi's suggestion, as she was looking for other things.

And here we are. The shopping center is the most in-demand by the people of the city. Mrs. Runi and her son walked in front of me. They joke with each other. We have visited many shops. Every time there is a new item, I am the one to bring it. While they are still empty-handedI'm no different from a maid who is guarding the employer's valuables.

After being satisfied with shopping, Senyo took me to a cell phone shop in this mall as well. Lots of choices. I put Mrs. Runi's things on the waiting chair. He sat there too. Then I walked up to Senyo, who was talking to someone.

"How much is that?" he asked, pointing to a flat silver object.

"15 million, sir," replied the shop assistant.

"What about over there?" Senyo pointed to another cell phone.

"Oh, that's the latest release. The price is $30 million.

I was stunned to hear the answer from the tall man. I just found out that there are cellphones for motorbikes. You know, so far I've never had such a sophisticated object. Will Senyo choose a cell phone at a fantastic price for me?

"How much is this one?" Senyo moved to the left. Several mini-sized cell phones were perched in a glass cabinet.

"This is an old and second model, sir. The price is only $200,000. "

Well, that's that then. I'll take one. " Senyo took out two red bills from his trouser pocket.

A black cell phone. mini-size and very thick. Yes, I've seen this thing before, but back when I was in elementary school. I swallowed the hard saliva. If Senyo really wanted to give me a cell phone like this, why did he have to point at an expensive phone? It just makes me hopeful.

I received the used cellphone from the shop assistant. Then they walked after Senyo and Mrs. Runi.


"You bought a new cellphone, Nara?" asked Mr. Johan as I walked past him in the television room. The half-century man had just returned from work with Senyo.

"Yes, sir. This…" I showed Mr. Johan a thick object.

Mr. Johan's face suddenly wrinkled. He snatched the little thing and turned it over. He glanced at Senyo, who was focusing on the TV screen while chewing peanuts.

"Why is it like this?" asked Mr. John. making Senyo's head turn.

"Apparently, Daddy's future son-in-law doesn't like luxury. I've offered him to buy a good cellphone, but he prefers the old one, "Senyo lied." He glanced at me meaningfully.

"Is that so, Nora? This thing is very ugly and dull. "

I let out a rough breath. I don't know how many times I lied to Mr. Johan. All of this on Senyo's orders. If I disobeyed, my life would be more uneasy in this house.

"Y-yes, sir. I chose it. "

I immediately ran to my room when Mr. Johan no longer spoke. He didn't suspect Senyo at all. Actually, I don't want to ask for more. Having a cell phone that can only be used for calling and texting is enough for me.


The long-awaited time has come. Ah, to be more precise, only Mr. Johan is waiting. Senyo and I were already sitting side by side in front of the river master and guardian, who is also my father's younger brother. Look at the mother and her happy expression on the right side. Meanwhile, Mrs. Runi and Mr. Johan are on the left.

My whole body tingled. Especially when Mr. Johan and Senyo have shaken hands. The annoying man looks charming in an all-white outfit and a cap that wraps around his head. If only his attitude was like Mr. Johan's, I would have fallen in love since the first time we met. It is undeniable that Senyo has a very beautiful face.

"I marry you and I marry you Ananda Senyo bin Johan to Kenara bin Oska with a dowry of 50 grams of gold in cash."

"I accept the marriage and marriage of Kenara bin Oska with the dowry in cash."

"How are the witnesses legit?"


I burst into tears when I heard the word "legitimate" being spoken. Who would have thought that I would marry an arrogant man like Senyo? My duty to comply with Mr. Johan's request has been completed. What is on my mind right now is how I will deal with Senyo, the cruel man.

Senyo and I shook hands with our parents in turn. There are not many present here. Only the closest family of Mr. Johan and Mrs. Runi. From my family, there are only my mother and uncle. I feel lucky because my father's sister still wants to be my marriage guardian.

While Senyo was chatting with his family, I met my mother. Mother hugged me passionately. I felt her tears fall down my neck.

"Be devoted to your husband and son. I pray that your household will always be happy, "she sobbed through my soul.

Seeing my mother cry made my heart feel sad too. Mom shouldn't know that Senyo and I actually don't have feelings for each other. I have to pretend to be happy in front of him. I'm satisfied that my mother is suffering because of my father's actions, and I don't want to add to the burden anymore.

"Oh yes, Your mother brought cilok for you. I'm sorry. couldn't give more. " Mom grabbed a medium-sized box that was lying next to her.

I gladly accepted my mother's gift. I haven't tasted it in a long time. I put the food on the long table. Side by side with other menu items,

After being satisfied with chatting with me, my mother and uncle decided to go home. I promised my mother I would visit her often. Don't forget to tell your mother to always take care of her health.

I took my mother to meet Mr. Johan's family. Since then, my mother has only had a casual chat with them. I found Mrs. Runi repeatedly trying to dodge. Yes, I hope you are not sensitive to this situation.

"I'm going home first. Thank you for accepting Nara to be your son-in-law and staying here. " Mom put on her best smile.

"We will take good care of Nara," replied Mr. Johan.

"Guide your wife when she's wrong, son. "Love him like you love him," said the mother to Senyo. His eyes glazed over again.

"Okay ma'am." Senyo kissed the back of my mother's hand. He's very good at acting.

We all accompanied the mother and uncle to the front. My mother's job is done taking care of me. Now it's my turn to make him happy. Even though I don't know how, I clearly don't want my mother to feel pain again and again.

We went back into the house. How surprised we all were when we saw so many people gathered at the long table. One of them was holding a box containing the cilok given to him by his mother.

"Run. Why did you include cilok as a menu dish? There are too few in number," said a woman who I knew was Mrs. Runi's older sister.

Ah! the Whose is this? I've never ordered cheap food like this. " Mrs. Runi grabbed the box and carried it to the tail of the house. When I chased and was about to stop him, suddenly Mrs. Runi dropped the object into the trash. My heart sank when I saw it.

"Madame, don't! It was made by my mother, "I shouted loudly."

