
My husband isn't human

"R18 Taboo Love Between a Human and a Human-Headed Snake Creature" “A man-faced serpent creature and a beauty/The Dominant Serpent and the Tender, Caring Maiden" Scarlett, the female lead, finds herself abducted and delivered into the hands of Asher, the male protagonist, after hitching a ride in an illegally operated private car. Serving as a nanny, Scarlett gradually grows accustomed to life with Asher, fostering a deepening bond between them. Over time, Asher's initial dominance softens, giving way to genuine affection for Scarlett. Despite his formidable abilities, Asher's essence reflects a youthful simplicity. In the presence of someone he admires, he tends toward assertiveness, shielding his vulnerabilities while fervently safeguarding his loved ones. His intentions are pure; however, his understanding of morality is limited due to a lack of guidance.

AnnaShelly · Ciudad
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100 Chs

chapter80 clue

Zephyr's shoulder blade was pierced by a bullet, forcing him to recuperate in the hospital. His room turned into another office, with a desk beside his bed piled high with documents. Although the company's senior management shared the workload, many matters still required his personal attention. Fortunately, Nero helped him keep everything organized.

After signing a thick stack of documents, the assistant left. Zephyr, with an IV drip in his left hand, glanced at Nero and asked, "Have we found out who sent the hit this time?"

"Not yet. We have plenty of enemies, after all," Nero replied, as respectful as ever.

"Such precise shooting makes me wonder if Asher is back," Zephyr said, then quickly dismissed the thought. "But if it were him, he'd have shown up by now. Not dealing with him back then was my biggest failure. Once I recover, I need to clean out these pests."