
My husband isn't human

"R18 Taboo Love Between a Human and a Human-Headed Snake Creature" “A man-faced serpent creature and a beauty/The Dominant Serpent and the Tender, Caring Maiden" Scarlett, the female lead, finds herself abducted and delivered into the hands of Asher, the male protagonist, after hitching a ride in an illegally operated private car. Serving as a nanny, Scarlett gradually grows accustomed to life with Asher, fostering a deepening bond between them. Over time, Asher's initial dominance softens, giving way to genuine affection for Scarlett. Despite his formidable abilities, Asher's essence reflects a youthful simplicity. In the presence of someone he admires, he tends toward assertiveness, shielding his vulnerabilities while fervently safeguarding his loved ones. His intentions are pure; however, his understanding of morality is limited due to a lack of guidance.

AnnaShelly · Ciudad
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100 Chs

chapter16 Beach Time

She glanced back at Asher, who was unloading stuff from the car, and Scarlett hurried back to assist.

Asher set up the chairs under the palm trees and told her, "Go on, have some fun. It's still early. We can deal with this stuff later."

Seeing him pause as well, Scarlett joyfully dashed toward the ocean.

She kicked off her shoes, strolled across the soft sand, feeling the grains tickling her toes. Everywhere, there were intricate seashells and shimmering pebbles. Scooping up a handful of sand, the grains slipped through her fingers as the wind whisked them away.

She shed her outerwear, tossed it back into the car, and dashed along the shoreline, leaving faint footprints in the sand, kicking up fine dust. When she reached the water, Scarlett slowly waded in, feeling the gentle sea gradually enveloping her body like feathers. Moving her arms, the water embraced her, offering a sense of relief from any worries.

Asher also stripped off his shirt and plunged into the sea, swimming far out, splashing around like a fish.

After relishing the water for a while, Scarlett sat on the shore, letting the waves lap over her body.

In the distance, Asher was just a tiny speck, vanishing at times, then reappearing as he swam back from afar, his white tail visible above the water as he tossed something onto the beach, calling out to her, "Hang this up for me."

Scarlett darted over to pick it up, realizing it was his wet trousers covered in white sand. She couldn't help but sigh, "How much do you despise wearing pants?"

The golden sunlight poured down, illuminating the vast sea with sparkling hues. Asher swam further out, his body gliding swiftly through the water, occasionally leaping out, striking graceful poses before plunging back in, creating splashes. Compared to the narrow swimming pool, the vast ocean was a much broader playground, allowing him to swim far and wide.

In the blink of an eye, Asher vanished, leaving only a few seabirds soaring in the sky. Scarlett, feeling a bit anxious, called out to him, her voice dissipating like grains of sand before the vast sea.

After a while, a figure emerged in the distance, swimming rapidly toward her. As he approached, Asher heard Scarlett's calls echoing underwater, carrying a hint of concern and a touch of sweetness.

It seemed no one had ever called out to him like that before.

Asher swiftly swam to the shore, proudly displaying something in his hand, as if showing off a trophy. "Look at the lobster I caught. Isn't it huge?"

He tossed the lobster at Scarlett's feet, its large body wriggling on the sand. Scarlett, taken aback by its size, exclaimed, "It's really massive!"

Asher seemed pleased. "I'll catch an even bigger one for you later. This will be our lunch."

Scarlett furrowed her brow, watching him, and asked, "Can you stay in the water for a long time?"

Asher, recalling her loud calls earlier, slowly emerged from the water, "You don't need to worry about that. Next time, if you don't see me resurface, don't panic. Just shout loudly if you need anything."

Scarlett realized she had fretted for nothing and walked back to where she was before, calling out to the sea, "Asher... Asher..."

Her voice drifted in the vast ocean, a faint worry rising in her heart as she continued to call out, "Asher... Asher..."

After a while, a figure appeared in the distance, swimming quickly toward her. Asher heard Scarlett's calls underwater, the elongated echo of her voice carrying a hint of concern, mingled with a strange intimacy.

Asher swam to the shore, showing off what he had caught, and asked Scarlett, "Would you like to eat this? I'll go catch some more."

Scarlett took over, marinating the lobster. Meanwhile, Asher peeled and skewered some branches to make a fire. He returned with a bundle of firewood and lit a fire in a sheltered spot behind a large rock. Then he cleaned the lobsters and prepared them for cooking.

As Scarlett grilled the seafood, Asher went back into the sea and returned with some fish. He set up a makeshift stove with rocks and cooked soup while Scarlett grilled the fish.

The food cooked quickly, and Scarlett set up the table with snacks, drinks, and condiments. She sat on the beach, picking at the lobster meat with a fork, relishing its freshness and flavor.

Watching Scarlett enjoy her food, Asher asked, "Do you really like it?"

Scarlett nodded, "It's delicious, and eating outdoors feels amazing."

She sat on the sand, her legs crossed, wearing a colorful bikini that showcased her fair skin. Asher glanced at her from time to time, his gaze peculiar.

Scarlett finally noticed and realized that although the lobster was large for her, it might not be enough for Asher. She hesitantly offered him her lobster, saying softly, "Are you still hungry? You can have this."

Asher's eyes twitched slightly as he looked at her, then at the lobster in her hand. He shook his head awkwardly, "You eat it. I'll have the fish."

Although he said that, Scarlett felt he might not be entirely satisfied, making her feel uneasy and unable to enjoy her meal.

After the meal, Scarlett put on her large sun hat and started collecting seashells on the beach, marveling at their colors and shapes.

Meanwhile, Asher sat under a palm tree, watching her. Scarlett's short skirt accentuated her long legs, and her bikini revealed her smooth skin. Her curls spilled over her shoulders, dancing in the sea breeze. She looked vibrant and youthful, like a flower in full bloom under the sun.

As Scarlett collected shells, Asher called out to her, and she hurried over, her eyes sparkling with curiosity, "What's up?"