
Chapter 128: What Smell?

"No, it was Karate." Li Lian furrowed her brows, he must have really lost his mind when she pushed him down a moment ago. "Are you hurt?" She asked politely feeling a little guilty for doing such a harsh move on a such a fragile body.

"No, please don't worry. It isn't as bad as it sounded." He said trying to stand up perfectly when he felt his knees shook and fell a leg down. Seeing his pitiful state in which he can not stand properly by his two legs, Li Lian shook her head. Even more than she think the youngster lack power. "Do you need a help?" She asked, offering a hand to help him. Wei Tsui Lan looked at her hand before her face and nodded intensely. "Please."

On the other side of the Li's Family entrance, an old man in his sixties with a large beer belly stepped out of his car with a young brunette woman. Swiping her hair to her fair shoulder, her tight red dress emphasized her cleavage each time she bent her shoulder. Taking the hand of the old man in an inviting manner, Fu Wanxi kissed the old man's temple. "Mr. Yan thank you very much for granting Wuxi's wish to come here tonight. I promise to give you more love, Mr. Yan!"

Mr. Yan was pleased by her words, taking her shoulder he rubbed the skin lustfully and laughed. "I'm also happy if you are happy too, Wanxi. Don't forget about tonight, okay?"

"Of course!" Fu Wanxi replied heartily. Frankly she can't see Mr. Yan in anything other than a disgusting old man, having to kiss him up was her last resort to come into the socialite's party if it wasn't for that, she wouldn't even want to bat an eyelid at the old man where she could find a better looking man even though they were less rich than this patron. Looking at the large building, her eyes glittered with expectation. If she could seduce even one of the men inside the building, she could end up as their lover or even marry them for more money. Just thought give her smile a wider look.

Yet when she entered no one cared of her look and no one did bat an eyelid toward her. The socialites value social standings much better than a face of a woman and it took a very long time for Fu Wanxi to finally understood this. When she find a good man with a good accessories which live well to his reputation, she was instantly gave a cold shoulders by them. The women who found the scene of her trying to butter the men only to fail didn't hold back on their cynical laughter, peering down at her with gazes of mocking.

"Did she think this is a place for a slut?" The other woman spoke in whisper but enough for her to hear.

"Perhaps. What can anyone ever expect from a commoners? They're nothing but foolish bunch who spread legs for money." The rest of the woman covered their laughter in delights.

"That is why for low births manner is something they have to be teaches first or else the capital will be filled with nothing but woman like that." Hearing this, Fu Wanxi angrily walked toward them crooking a smile she asked. "Do you think you are better than me by saying that?"

"What's this smell?" The woman didn't reply to her words but instead asked her friend.

"Smell? Oh my this must be a smell of a slut."

Anger boiled to Fu Wanxi's eyes, gritting her teeth, she snatched the drink from the server beside her only for red wine to spoil her dress. Looking up in surprise, she met the gaze of the women who mocked her. "Pathetic. This is why low births are." The woman who held the handkerchief seemed to be displeased by her face and threw the fabric toward Fu Wanxi. "We should go breathing the same air as this woman will only pass us germs."

"Wait! You!" Before she could yell the women had left, leaving her with gazes of guests who murmured by the scene, seeming unimpressed by how Fu Wanxi behaved. She turn to ask a help from her patron to see that the man had also been watching the scene but have no single intention in helping her who was nothing but an outsider in their class.

With the murmurs and gazed petrifying her, Fu Wanxi gritted her hand and ran out of the part hall, searching for the washroom without asking for pointers of the servants of the mansion. How could the socialites women be so daring to comment of her aloud? She thought they would be the people who would seclude themself in sarcasm not knowing that they could speak their opinion aloud without caring of their reputation. Or perhaps it was because she came in an unnamed position?

"Tch," Fu Wanxi clicked her tongue. This would be her last time ever meeting that stupid old man, she thought.

"No it was Karate."  A familiar voice came to her ears. Following the source of the voice, she saw Li Lian Not too far from the washroom where she had just want to enter. She hid behind the pillars, peeking her head she saw Yue Li Lian offering a hand to a young man affectionately. How could that woman be here? She took a look again in doubt and saw Li Lian's face clearly. So she came here too after kissing up an old man's thighs? Li Lian has always put an unstained face and a pure smile, who could ever guess that she was a dirty woman behind? This could be a large scandal, however, doing that would only put her at the spotlight too, Fu Wanxi furrowed her brows, trying to find a solution in which she could smeared Li Lian's good name without hurting hers.

A thought creeped on her mind and before Li Lian left, she took out her phone taking a picture of the scene to send it toward the person who was on her side when it come to hating Li Lian, Xie Hue Lin.