

We arrived at the castle in our Limo and we stepped inside and the place was so beautifully decorated. "I'll go to my room now" I said but before I left Lucian held my hand "We share a room now. Don't you know that??" he said"I...I-" "Now let's go to our room" Lucian said as he took me upstairs.

When we arrived Lucian opened the door slowly and I was so amazed. The entire place was decorated with roses and on the bed they used roses to create a heart and they were lots of candles. There were still some servants decorating, though. Lucian cleared his throat and all the servants left immediately and he locked the door "Are you ready??" Lucian asked as he unbuttoned his shirt "For W-what?" I said as my cheeks turned bright red and I tried to hide my face. What was he planning on doing?? Suddenly Lucian came close to me, removed my veil, put his hand on my waist and pulled me close to him "You owe me" he said and then he took my hands and placed them on his chest and we both began to glow and that's when I realized that he just wanted me to heal him. So I was owing him a healing session?? Once we were done I wanted to leave but he refused to let go of me and he pulled me even closer, removed the rubber from my hair and my hair went flying down then he used his finger to push my front hair to the back of my ear. "You're so beautiful. You know that right??" he said as he looked deeply into my eyes. "I...I-" "Shh!! Don't say a word. Just allow me to admire my wife" Lucian said as he started leaning in and I put my hand on his lips and turned my face. My heart was racing "What do I owe you" I asked "A kiss" Lucian replied "Please..... Let me kiss you" he said. "If you wanted to kiss me why didn't you do it during the wedding?" I asked "Cause I knew you didn't want it then. Don't you want it now?" he asked. My cheeks turned red. Did I want the kiss?? "I.....I can't do this" I said and I removed his hand but before I could leave he held my hand and pulled me close to him and before I could say a word I felt his lips on mine. He kissed me and I felt my world stop. The kiss started getting intense and then suddenly Lucian pulled back and we were both breathing heavily "I-" just then Lucian kissed me again and this time it was even more intense and then he pushed me on the bed and started kissing my neck. I couldn't move my body. It's like my mind wanted him to stop but my body didn't. Just then he was going lower and I felt his hand on my zip and then I immediately opened my eyes and stood up "What's wrong" Lucian asked "I....I need to take a shower" I said then I went into the bathroom and locked the door. I wasn't ready...I wasn't ready for any of this!! I looked into the mirror and saw that my face was red. Why was I blushing like this?? I wasn't in love with him was I?? I couldn't be in love with a devil!! It's just not possible. I decided to take a shower and get my mind off all these things




When I was done I looked around and gasped in shock. I forgot my robe and Lucian was in the room so I couldn't go out. I unlocked the door, opened it a little and put my face out "Um... Lucian" "Yes" he answered as he turned and my face turned red. He was shirtless "C-Can you please help me with my robe?" "Sure" he said as he handed it over to me and I hid behind the door and collected it. I wore it and came out "Thanks" I said "You're welcome" he replied "Did I take too long??" I asked "No." He immediately replied and then went into the bathroom. He wasn't even able to look at me properly. Was he mad at me?? Did I hurt his feelings?? I asked myself continuously. As I put on my nightgown I looked at the bed...Was I going to sleep on this bed...With Lucian?? That's when I realized that there were no roses on the bed and the decorations in the room were removed. Lucian did this. Did I hurt him that bad?? I laid down on the bed and covered my body with the duvet and then Lucian came out and I covered my face with a pillow. He was on his towel. "Why are you covering your face ?? We're married you know. Stop being a child" Lucian said and I immediately removed the pillow and threw it on his face. "I am not a child" I argued "But you act like one" Lucian said "No I don't" "Yes you do" Lucian said "Goodnight" I said as I covered myself properly with the duvet and then Lucian laid down beside me and I stared at him in shock "What are you doing??" "I'm going to bed. This is our bed now you know" he said "But-" just then he put his finger on my lips "Haven't you rejected me enough already?" he said. So I did hurt his feelings. "Good night" he said as he kissed me on my forehead and laid down to sleep. I felt so guilty I couldn't even sleep. I just started at the ceiling until I went to sleep.




The next day I woke up and my hand was on something hard and that's when I realized that Lucian and I were sleeping together. My hand was on his chest and his hand was on my waist and we were really close to each other. I sat up and was about to leave but Lucian held my hand "Good morning" he said he got out of bed "Oh. Yeah. I was just going to have a bath and get breakfast for y-" "No need for that. We have more than a hundred servants here so you don't have to worry about anything. Now go freshen up and get dressed. We are expecting a visitor" Lucian said then I went to have a shower.

When we were done, I was dressed in a blue gown and with other accessories. I tried to look good for the visitor. As I and Lucian settled down for breakfast we heard the door bell. "It must be the visitor" I said and I went to open the door. As I opened it I saw a lady. I knew her. She was Ciara, the one that complemented me on the day of I and Lucian's engagement. "Hello Empress Isabella" she said as she gave me a warm hug. "Won't you let me in?" "Of course. Come in" as she entered Lucian stood up and hugged her and when they hugged I suddenly felt angry and sad at the same time. They were so close and they were laughing and chatting and I felt sad. I wasn't jealous was I?? "Um... Enough of the chit-chat , let's have breakfast" I interrupted rudely "Okay but I have to get my luggages first" Ciara said "WHAT!!?? YOU'RE LIVING HERE!?!?" "Yeah, what's the problem with that? She is my friend after all" Lucian said "FINE!! Do whatever you want. I'll be in the kitchen" I said as I walked into the kitchen.