

After dinner as I was in my room I decided to go down to the kitchen to drink some water and as I arrived I heard a noise and it was coming from one of the cupboards in the kitchen. 'Is someone....in there?' I thought as I opened it and gasped when I saw Michael inside it and he was badly beaten up. "M-Michael?? W-what h-happened t-to y-you??" I stammered in shock and fear and my face became completely pale "W-who did this??" I asked as I helped him out "B-beware o-of m-m-mas-master Z-Zelan. H-He's d-dangerous" Michael said which left me in shock. "What did he do??" I asked "H-He-..." just then Michael suddenly kept quiet "Why are you quiet Michael??" I asked and as I turned I saw Zelan glaring at him. He turned to me and suddenly smiled. "There you are. I went to check on you but you weren't there" he said "I came to drink some water and found Michael in one of the cupboards. What did you do to him??" I asked "Oh. I just taught him some lessons" he said. "Taught him some lessons?? HE ALMOST DIED IN THOSE CUPBOARDS ZELAN!! That is NOT how to teach someone some lessons" I said "I'm sorry" Zelan said. "You should apologize to Michael not me" I said "I'm sorry Michael" Zelan said and Michael gulped in fear "P-Please don't kill me Master" Michael said and I looked up at Zelan in shock "You won't kill him right Zelan??" I asked "Why would I?? I would never do that" Zelan said with a smile on his face. "Goodnight. Sleep well Empress" Zelan said as he left and I immediately healed Michael. "Don't worry Michael. Zelan won't do anything to you. I trust him." I said as I took Michael to his room and went to bed.




When I woke up, after having my bath and dressing up I packed my things and went to the table to see if I was forgetting anything. I was going back to the kingdom today. As I looked, I saw a letter with blood stains on it. I began to tremble badly as I opened the letter. It read:


Dear Empress,

I am writing this letter to bid you farewell as this is my last greeting before I die due to how I'm bleeding profusely because of the knife that has been stabbed into my stomach. I was unable to tell you everything last night because of Master Zelan so now I will write everything down. Master Zelan is in love with you and he also wants something from you and so he has decided to do whatever it takes to separate you from Emperor Lucian. I want you to know that Master Zelan is not ordinary. He isn't human and he has told so many lies but it would be better for you to find out by yourself as it would be most suitable. Master Zelan is very dangerous. I have been killed because I have interfered in his plan. Please be careful. I have left blood marks on places he can't see. Please try tracing them so you can find my body. But before you do anything, I have one wish... please take care of my wife and daughters. They're the only family members I have left. The rest were killed by Master Zelan and now I'm gone I don't know what he will do to them so please protect them. Ensure to take care of yourself as well.

Your Royal Servant,



Tears profusely ran down my cheeks and I immediately followed the blood trails which led to an empty room no one had ever entered. I opened the door and gasped loudly. Michael's body was on the floor and there was a knife in his stomach. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!" I screamed and other maids and Zelan rushed to where I was and I knelt down and began to cry. I was filled with so much regrets at the moment. Michael entered my room and I couldn't even wake up. I was so deeply asleep. If I had woken up earlier I would've healed him. "Oh No!! Who did this!? I am not going to spare that person!!" Zelan said yelling and I immediately glared at him and stood up and slapped him HARD!! He looked at me in shock. "Did you just-" "Mira" I interrupted as I called one of the maids "Tell the guards to bring Michael's family over" I commanded "Yes my Queen" she said as she immediately left and I looked at another maid "Stella, tell the guards to prepare a nice coffin so we can bury Michael in a proper way instead of leaving him in an empty room" I said as I glared at Zelan again "Yes my Queen" she responded as she left and as I was about to leave Zelan held my hand "Won't you talk to me?" he asked and I just snubbed him and removed my hand then I stormed out. I was so mad at Zelan. How could he do this?? Just then Mira came to me "Michael's family members are here my Queen" "Okay I'll be right there" I said and then she left and I went out to meet his family. When I arrived I saw his wife crying profusely. She had a baby girl in her hands and a girl that was about 4 years old holding her other hand. How could Zelan be this cruel?? Michael had a wife and two children to take care of but Zelan still killed him. I felt so angry and disappointed in him. I gave him a disappointing glare with tears in my eyes. "I'm sorry but your husband has passed away-" I couldn't even finish my sentence as his wife began to cry seriously. "I'm sorry. I can understand how you feel so I've decided to take you to my palace and give you a home to stay in. You don't have to pay me anything. I will take care of you and pay for all your childrens education. I will also make sure to protect you" I said "T-thank you so much" the wife managed to say as she continued to cry. "Please enter the car. I'll go get my luggage" I said as I went in to get my luggage.


"Why are you mad at me?" Zelan asked "Why did you kill Michael?" I asked instead of responding to his question "I didn't kill him. He might have committed suici-" "LIAR!!" I said as I showed him the letter Michael wrote.

"He said you killed cause he was getting in the way. HOW WAS HE GETTING IN THE WAY HUH!? HOW!!??" I said yelling. "He said you were in love with me. Are you in love with me Zelan? ARE YOU!?" "YES!! I AM IN LOVE WITH YOU!" he responded. "Why?? WHY ARE YOU IN LOVE WITH ME!?" "It's because-" "You know what, I don't even want to hear it. Listen Zelan, we aren't in a relationship and we never will. Incase you don't understand let me make it clear. I DO NOT LOVE YOU ZELAN!! I NEVER WILL!!! And I don't think we can be friends anymore. STAY AWAY FROM ME!! I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!!" I yelled. I carried my luggages in my hand and was about to leave but Zelan held my hand "What about our sessions. I'm a healer too" he said and I scoffed "A healer?? What are you Zelan?? No healer would do what you just did. Healers heal people. They don't kill them so I highly doubt you're a healer. And about our sessions I can learn them myself. NEVER talk to me again" I said as I stormed out.




We arrived at the castle and I took Michael's family members to their new home. "This place is huge. Thank you so much Empress" the wife said "You're welcome" I responded "Thank you my queen" I heard a tiny voice say and as I looked down I saw Michael's 4 year old daughter and I immediately had tears in my eyes. I knelt down to reach her level "You're welcome" I said "What's your name?" I asked. "Crystabel Williams and that's my baby sister Eliza Williams and my mom's name is Clarissa Williams" she blurted out all at once. "Crystabel don't speak too fast or the Empress won't understand what you're saying" the mother said scolding her daughter a little. "I'm sorry, she's just so excited to see you" Clarissa said "It's okay. Your daughters are really adorable" I said "Thank You. They resemble their father a lot-" she paused and I could see the tears in her eyes "Hey don't cry. I'm going to care of all of you and I'll make sure he is buried appropriately" I said and Clarissa hugged me. "Thank you My Queen" Clarissa said. "You don't have to address me formally. Please call me Isabella" I said "Okay. Thank you Isabella" Clarissa said "Please enjoy yourselves. I'll see you later" I said as I hugged Clarissa and Crystabel and left. Lucian would be mad at me. I had to talk to him.


As I entered the castle I saw Ciara there. "I'm sure you enjoyed being at your boyfriend's home" Ciara said "Zelan is not my boyfriend Ciara. Please keep your mouth shut" I said then I went upstairs. I took a deep breath 'Everything will be fine' I said as I stood in front of the room door.