

It was evening and Lucian had gone out for some fresh air and I was brushing my hair till I began to hear noises on the window. I immediately went to the garden and saw Zelan throwing pebbles at the window. "I'm right here Zelan. You can stop throwing the pebbles now" I said "Okay" Zelan said as he dropped the pebbles "So... what are you doing here?" I asked "I just wanted to see your face" Zelan said "Don't try and flirt with me" I said "Okay. But you're really pretty" he said "Thanks" I said "You're welcome. Have you been able to master the special power?" he asked "Not really" I said "Do you want to learn it now?" Zelan asked "Sure" I said.




I went into the castle. I was done with the session and I was getting better. I opened the room door "Why are you always with Zelan??" Lucian asked "Why are you always with Ciara!?!?" I immediately snapped "For important reasons" he said. "A healing session isn't an important reason. I can do that FOR you!!" I said "The point is that you're always leaving me for him" Lucian said "I don't. And even if I did at least I don't leave you in the middle of a tense moment" I said but before I could leave Lucian held my hand "Are you still mad about what happened that night?" Lucian asked "Am I supposed to be happy!?" I said as I removed my hand angrily and left the room. As I slammed the door behind me I turned and saw Ciara. 'So she was eavesdropping on us' I thought. "I came to call you guys for dinner" Ciara said "I'm not eating here. I'm going to see a friend" I said as I left the castle. I remembered that Zelan gave me his address the last time we met. 'I might as well go meet Zelan' I thought as I went to his house.


When I reached his house I was actually amazed. He wasn't a prince but his house was huge and he had lots of servants as well. I knocked on the big front door and Zelan opened it. "Bella?? What are you doing here??" he asked "Just wanted to see you" I said "Come in" Zelan said and I went inside and sat down. "MICHAEL!!" Zelan called and his butler came "Go get some tea for us please" he said and Michael got the tea. "You're home is really big." I said. "Thanks" Zelan responded "Are you a prince??" I asked "Yeah" Zelan said and I almost chocked on my tea. "You're joking" I said "I'm not. Would I ever lie to you" he said "My parents died in a war and my kingdom was destroyed so I settled here and decided to build a little home for myself" Zelan said. Little?? His home wasn't little at ALL!! "Can I stay here tonight?" I asked nervously "Sure why not" Zelan said "Did you have a fight with Lucian perhaps??" he asked "No. Not at all. I just wanted to stay here with you. He knows I'm here" I lied. "Okay well make yourself at home" Zelan said as he took me to one of his guest rooms. The room was really big. "Do you like it?" he asked "It's great. I love it" I responded. "You can freshen up. I'll tell Michael to prepare dinner" Zelan said "Okay. Thank you" I said as Zelan left the room and closed the door.

( Back at the living room Zelan is sitting down and Michael comes to him "Dinner is ready your majesty" Michael says "I'll call her you don't have to worry" Zelan says as he stands up from the couch "Your Majesty" "What is it?" Zelan asks "I know you're in love with the Empress and you're doing whatever you can to make her fall for you but her husband is not ordinary. He's an Emperor, a devil and a war lord. He's never lost a war and also...I don't think the Empress is in love with you. She's in love with the Emp-" "Do you want to die??" Zelan asks as he glares at Michael "Your family is already in a very bad situation because of me. I won't mind being the cause of your death either. You better watch your mouth. Isabella is mine. I don't care if Lucian owns the world cause it won't stop me from making her mine. Understand??" Zelan says as his eyes begin to glow slowly "Y-Yes y-your m- m- majesty" Michael says shivering.)




I had just finished taking my bath and I was on my robe drying my hair with my hair towel when I heard a knock on the door but before I could answer the person opened the door 'WHAT KIND OF PERSON WOULD DO THAT!?!?' I said in my head. "Sorry to disturb you" Zelan said "Dinner's ready" he said "Okay let me get dres-WOAH!!" I screamed as I slipped and then Zelan caught me and looked into my eyes and pushed me against the wall and began to lean in closer and closer. My body froze. 'What was he about to do?' I thought. I put my finger on his lips and turned my face. "Zelan please don't do this...I'm married" I said and Zelan immediately let go of me "Oh. I'm sorry" Zelan said in a sad tone "Don't take too much time Empress" he said as he left and closed the door 'What the HELL just happened!?!?' I asked myself. "Is he.....NO!! he can't be in love with me. We're just friends" I told myself as I quickly dressed up and went downstairs.