
My history in fairy tail

I was an ordinary high school girl student, an otaku with no friends, cold and distant, but I always got excellent grades at school and always came first in exams, but one day I tripped on a banana peel on the stairs and died, and then I woke up in another world in another person's body. And so her adventure begins. Fairy tail is not mine, I'm just inspired by it.

popo9074 · Cómic
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30 Chs

Fateful encounter?

The week after the Harvest Festival and Fantasia Parade had been a whirlwind of emotions and changes. Despite the chaos, life in Magnolia was beginning to settle back into its familiar rhythm. However, the shadows of the recent events still loomed large, particularly Laxus' excommunication from Fairy Tail.

I was walking through the guild hall, the usual noise and bustle of my guildmates providing a comforting background hum. I had spent the past few days adjusting to staying with Mirajane and Elfman, trying to find my place in their home and in the guild.

"Jade, you alright?" Mirajane asked, her voice filled with concern as she approached me with a warm smile.

"Yeah, just thinking," I replied, trying to push away the lingering thoughts of Laxus and the tension it had caused.

Mirajane nodded, understanding in her eyes. "It's been a tough week for everyone. But we'll get through it, together."

Her words were a balm to my weary soul. The sense of belonging I felt here was unlike anything I had ever experienced. I smiled at her, grateful for her presence in my life. "Thanks, Mirajane. I know we will."

As we chatted, Lucy entered the guild hall, looking unusually flustered. Her eyes scanned the room, and she made a beeline for Cana, who was sitting at the bar, shuffling her tarot cards.

"Cana, do you think I'll ever have a fateful encounter?" Lucy asked, a hint of desperation in her voice.

Cana looked up, a mischievous glint in her eye. "Fateful encounter, huh? Let's see what the cards say."

She spread out her deck, and Lucy watched with bated breath as Cana drew a card. "The Lovers. Looks like today might be your lucky day."

Lucy's eyes widened with excitement. "Really?"

Before Cana could respond, Natsu's voice boomed through the hall, interrupting the moment. He was standing in front of Master Makarov, his face contorted with anger. "How could you excommunicate Laxus, Gramps? He's our family!"

Makarov sighed heavily, the weight of his decision evident in his tired eyes. "I had no choice, Natsu. Laxus crossed a line that couldn't be ignored."

"But he's a Dragon Slayer! He's strong and—" Natsu began, but Makarov cut him off.

"Laxus isn't a true Dragon Slayer. He was implanted with a Dragon Slayer Lacrima when he was young because he was frail," Makarov explained, his voice filled with a mix of sorrow and resolve.

The guild fell silent, the revelation sinking in. Even though I knew this from my previous life, hearing it again in person, amidst the tension and raw emotions, made it feel more real, more impactful.

Fried stepped forward, his usual stoic demeanor softened. "Master, please don't leave. We need you here."

Makarov looked at Fried, seeing the sincerity in his eyes. Slowly, he nodded. "Very well. I'll stay."

A collective sigh of relief swept through the guild. The Thunder God Tribe's attitude had shifted as well, their demeanor more friendly and open. It was a small comfort amidst the turmoil, but it was a start.

As the day wore on, the guild members tried to return to some semblance of normalcy. Erza was deep in thought, clearly troubled by the situation with Mystogan. She approached Makarov, seeking information, but it was clear he had none to offer. The mystery surrounding Mystogan remained, another layer of complexity in our already tangled lives.

Lucy, still hopeful about her fateful encounter, was having a conversation with Cana about never having had a boyfriend. Cana, never one to shy away from stirring the pot, loudly announced Lucy's lack of romantic experience to the entire guild.

"You've never gone out with a guy before?" Cana teased, her voice carrying across the hall.

Lucy's cheeks turned a bright shade of red. "Cana! Keep it down!"

"Don't worry, Lucy," Cana said, her tone suddenly more serious. "The cards say today's your day for a fateful encounter."

Lucy's eyes lit up with renewed hope. "Really?"

Mirajane, who had overheard the conversation, joined in. "Actually, there's a reporter from the Weekly Sorcerer Magazine coming today. Maybe he's your fateful encounter."

Lucy's imagination ran wild with the possibilities, and she spent the next hour preparing for her "destined" meeting. Meanwhile, I tried to distract myself with guild tasks, but my thoughts kept drifting back to the earlier conversation and the weight of everything that had happened recently.

Later, as I was reorganizing a stack of spell books, Lucy burst back into the guild, her hair freshly styled. "How do I look?" she asked, clearly fishing for compliments.

"You look great, Lucy," I said, smiling at her enthusiasm.

She beamed at me, then rushed off to greet the reporter who had just entered the hall. Jason, the reporter, seemed more interested in interviewing everyone but Lucy, much to her chagrin. She even changed into a bunny costume, trying to capture his attention, but ended up being knocked off the stage by Gajeel, who was engrossed in his usual shooby-doo-bopping.

As Lucy dusted herself off, looking both annoyed and defeated, I couldn't help but laugh. "You gave it your best shot, Lucy."

She pouted but couldn't help but laugh as well. "Yeah, I guess so."

As the day drew to a close, the guild slowly emptied, leaving just a few of us behind. Mirajane approached me, a thoughtful look on her face. "Jade, do you have any plans for tonight?"

I shook my head. "Not really. Why?"

"I thought we could go for a walk. It's a beautiful evening," she suggested, her smile inviting.

"That sounds nice," I replied, feeling a flutter of excitement at the prospect of spending more time with her.

We left the guild hall, the cool night air refreshing after the warmth and noise inside. We walked in comfortable silence for a while, the streets of Magnolia quiet and peaceful. The stars twinkled above, casting a gentle glow over everything.

As we strolled, Mirajane began to talk about her childhood, sharing stories about growing up with Elfman and Lisanna. There was a wistfulness in her voice, a longing for the simpler times before everything became so complicated.

"I miss her so much," Mirajane said softly, her eyes fixed on the stars above.

I squeezed her hand, offering silent support. "I know, Mira. I know."

She gave me a sad smile, then took a deep breath, as if trying to shake off the melancholy. "But enough about that. Tell me more about you, Jade. Where did you come from?"

I hesitated, the familiar pang of my secret weighing heavily on me. "It's... complicated," I said, hoping she would understand.

Mirajane nodded, sensing my reluctance. "We all have our secrets. When you're ready, I'll be here to listen."

"Thank you," I whispered, feeling a surge of gratitude for her understanding.

As we continued our walk, the conversation shifted to lighter topics. We laughed and joked, sharing stories about our guildmates and the adventures we had experienced. It felt good to let go of the tension and just enjoy the moment.

When we finally returned to Mirajane's home, Elfman was already asleep, his loud snores echoing through the house. We stifled our giggles as we tiptoed past his room, not wanting to wake him.

"Let's have some tea," Mirajane suggested, leading me to the kitchen.

We sat at the small kitchen table, the warmth of the tea seeping into our bones. The conversation flowed easily.

"Do you ever wonder what the future holds?" Mirajane asked, her eyes distant as she gazed into her tea.

"All the time," I admitted. "But I've learned to take things one day at a time. It's all we can do, really."

She nodded, a thoughtful expression on her face. "You're right. We can't control everything, but we can make the most of what we have."

There was a comfortable silence as we sipped our tea, the weight of the day slowly lifting. I felt a deep sense of peace, a feeling that I was exactly where I was meant to be.

As we finished our tea and prepared to head to bed, I couldn't help but feel a growing sense of affection for Mirajane. She had become so important to me in such a short time, and I cherished every moment we spent together.

"Goodnight, Jade," Mirajane said softly, her smile warm and genuine.

"Goodnight, Mira," I replied, my heart full of gratitude and hope.

As I lay in bed that night, I couldn't help but reflect on everything that had happened. Despite the challenges and uncertainties, I felt a deep sense of contentment. I had found a family in Fairy Tail, and in Mirajane, I had found something even more precious—a connection that felt like it could blossom into something truly beautiful.

With a smile on my face and a heart full of hope, I drifted off to sleep.