
Setting the reason***

Jess could no longer stay at the hospital. So I bought an apartment with my family's inheritance. Me and Rumi moved the mattress into the small bedroom. Rumi looked up at me, "So how are you gonna explain this?"

I shrugged, "Just gonna tell her it's my cousin's."

Rumi laughed, "HA! I saw your file, both your parents had no siblings."

I mean technically I had a distant cousin, but they lived in Hawaii. They were like my Mom's Cousin's son. So I mean, "It's not totally a lie. I do have a distant cousin. What's it called a once removed cousin? The child of a parent's cousin. Something like that?"

Rumi shrugged, "I had a big family. Even my cousin's were called my siblings."

The image of many Rumi's appeared in my mind and I cleared it away. I looked back up, "Just the boxes of Jess's stuff. I'll let her sort her stuff by herself."

Rumi nodded, "How did her stuff even get gathered up?"

I shrugged, "No clue, but it's in the moving van down stairs. Best to get it now since I have to drive it back in a day or so."

The whole of the apartment was decorated with some basic stuff. I paused, "You aren't gonna kick me out because I can afford a place like this are you?"

Rumi laughed, "I knew you could buy something like this when I first made the offer. I figured you wouldn't want to live alone though. That's why I made the offer since you were almost guaranteed to accept it. Which is in a way messed up. Except I don't really care since I got the protege I wanted."

Rumi rubbed her hands, "Gonna be able to brag."

I grabbed a box from the moving van. "Why do you care about the successor talk? I've watched your interviews, you never seemed the type."

Rumi gave a half hearted shrug, "Petty principal mostly. I have like four enjoyments in life. Kicking ass, Saving lives, Athletics, and finally being respected. Having a successor I can show off checks all four of those. I get to kick the asses of my peers. I can train said protege to save lives. Finally, them being respected gets me respect."

Respect? I mean the first three made sense, "Respect though? Do you mean popularity?"

Rumi laughed, "No, I mean literal respect. The popularity is just part of that respect. It's a legacy kind of thing, like how All Might is the symbol of peace. People respecting you, makes them remember you. As a hero that likes fighting, retirement means either death or mental ailment. If I lose a hand or leg. Those can be replaced, so it's a legacy thing. I don't want to be one of those people who burn out and are forgotten. Respect gets you that, that's all."

That was pretty insightful actually. Rumi really is more than most would first think. I placed the box in the living room. Jess was being forced through quite a bit right now. I'll try to make sure to spend my free time with her.

I went back to grab more boxes. While Rumi placed the one she grabbed. I had to go to the police station again. I still had like a week before I get to actually go to UA. It felt like forever, but I bet when I actually start the hero courses everything will fly by.

I rubbed my forehead, it felt like someone made a bunch of filler episodes in my life. I cracked my knuckles and picked up another box. It was filled with Jess's clothes, "Hm?"

How does Jess wear underwear? I saw her in them previously, hell she looked good in them. However Jess didn't really need them did she? I mean theoretically couldn't Jess make her breast bigger if she used a bigger bra size? I mean…

Rumi interrupted my thoughts, making me jump. "Your friend sure has a lot of notebooks. I think we moved 4 boxes of just notebooks so far."

I nodded, "She takes a lot of notes, I think a few of them are drawing notebooks too. Hell, one or two might be a diary."

Rumi nodded, "That's fair and all. It's just you know, a lot of them, it's really impressive."