
Chance Meeting !

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Izuku returned home and settled into his favorite spot on the couch. He switched on the TV, eager to catch up on the latest news about heroes and their battles. It felt like watching real-life superhero movies, and he loved it.

The news anchor reported that a suspect, known as the "Archer of Vigilantism," was still unidentified and wanted by the police for spreading a message against heroes. Hearing this, Izuku slammed his hand on the table in frustration, exclaiming, "What a terrible name!"

His mother, Inko, scolded him for his outburst, and Izuku quickly apologized.

The news continued, stating that the thieves were arrested but in critical condition, making it challenging for the police to identify the Archer of Vigilantism based on their descriptions. Izuku smirked, knowing that he could easily change his appearance to avoid detection.

Feeling upset with the online discussions about him, Izuku turned off the TV and retreated to his room. He decided to check some forums to see what people were saying. The reactions were mixed, with some praising him for capturing villains, while others argued that his actions, as a non-official hero, might lead to reduced sentences for the criminals.

Frustrated, Izuku vented his annoyance at those criticizing him. He realized he should take a break from online debates and the toxic atmosphere of social media. "Man Twitter is toxic in every single timeline"

Feeling the need to cool off, he decided to rest and get some sleep.

Izuku decided to skip his training session with Katsuki that night, giving him a day off. He knew Katsuki would ask questions about the events from the previous night, so he chose to avoid him. As he strolled through the city, Izuku stumbled upon a manga shop, hoping to find a good manga to read.

While browsing for manga, he accidentally wandered into the doujinshi section. Trying to pick up a particular doujin, he ended up grabbing the hand of a different girl instead.

Looking at the girl's short pink hair and her "Acid" shirt, Izuku recognized her from the anime, but he couldn't recall her name.

Izuku: "Uh, sorry, you can take that." Izuku waved his hands as he apologized to the girl he had just met.

The girl also waved her hand and said, "No, please take it. I'm sorry, I'm not even allowed to be here, tihi."

Izuku smiled and said, "I don't think either of us is allowed here, Ahahaha."

???: "AHHAHAHA."

Izuku then stopped laughing and said, "Izuku Midoriya. What about you?"

Mina: "Mina Ashido. Nice to meet you, Izuku. Not the place I would like to meet someone, but it seems it was fate."

Izuku smiled wearily as he looked around him to see the many doujins that had naked girls on covers and said, "Yeah, really a bad place. Nice to meet you as well, Mina. Maybe we should go somewhere else to talk. We might get caught. Here, take this. I wasn't going to read it anyway."

Izuku gave Mina the Doujin they both wanted and escorted her outside the manga shop. He then noticed a coffee shop nearby and took her there to hang out.

Izuku: "Now that we are out of that place, we can talk freely. How are you doing, Mina Ashido?"

Mina smiled and said in an energetic way, "I'm very good. I was only embarrassed that someone my age caught me holding... that."

Izuku smiled hearing her words and said, "Well, it's not that bad. We are at that age, so discovering this kind of stuff isn't that bad. You have a good taste, though."

Mina's cheeks turned beet red hearing Izuku compliment her doujin taste as she shook her hands, saying, "No, NO, this is the first time I held this thing."

Izuku had a grin on his face as he said, "Oh? That doujin looks a bit too hardcore for someone looking for her first read. I wouldn't expect you to go for anal play and mfff."

Before he could embarrass her more, Mina placed her hand on his mouth, stopping him, and saying, "Please stop, it's embarrassing!"

Izuku smiled and said, "Alright, alright, I was just teasing you."

Mina then cleared her throat and said, "Ok, let's change the subject now. What do you do? I mean, I can tell that you are a student like me, but what is your future aspiration?"

Izuku thought for a second, then said, "I made a promise to someone important to me. I want to be a hero, someone that will make this world's villains shake in fear and apply true justice. Cringy, I know, but I truly want to be a hero."

Mina beamed with a warm smile as she leaped from her seat, surprising the other customers with her excitement. "I WANT TO BE A HERO TOO, ahahah! Let's show the world our potentials, Izuku. I don't care if it sounds cringy; I'm determined to become a hero of justice!"

Izuku smiled in response, "Well, well, it looks like I have a rival!"

Mina sat back down and chuckled, "More like a friend!"

Izuku asked, "I see... are you participating in the UA exams?"

Mina jumped up cheerfully once again, exclaiming, "OF COURSE! Let's meet there and fight together! It would be awesome if we end up in the same class!"

Izuku nodded, "Sure, that would be nice."

After spending the rest of the day hanging out with Mina, Izuku escorted her back to her home before heading off for a good night's sleep. "UA Exams are due in two days, huh! I wonder how fun it would be!"


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