Well, AHAHAHA, I have Reincarnated to the Word of My hero Academia, I know you know it, You wouldn't be here if you didn't ! and guess what ? I have the power of fate servants, and I have fused bodies with Senji Muramasa, and Shirou Emiya, yeah, Not confusing at all ahahaha, anyway, I will be the Strongest hero, there is no debate, but, How long will it take ? Well if you want to know why not give this story a Try !
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I Will Also post poles for my future fanfics after this, I HAVE LOTS OF IDEA !
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The heroes found themselves locked in a fierce struggle against the encroaching flames. Sadly, numerous civilians were trapped, unable to flee in time. It became their duty to rescue these trapped citizens. However, this task was rendered even more daunting by the relentless onslaught of the Nomu's attacks. Most heroes found themselves unequal to the task of confronting even a single one of these Monster, let alone facing three. To make matters worst, one of the attacking Nomu possessed the ability to take fly
"WE NEED BACK UP, Where is All Might when we need him? Or Endeavor! We require the presence of powerful heroes here" Said one of the heroes pleading
"We have confirmation, Endeavor is Coming ! we have to hold on though"
"it isn't exactly easy to hold on, when we have to fight this monster, Takawa, get the civilians out of here" whilst trying to deal with the flying Nomu, one of the heroes was trying to get the civilians away, Unfortunately, the Nomu redirected its aggression toward him. The flying Nomu initiated an attack that left him utterly vulnerable. In an act of true heroism, Takawa selflessly pushed the young girl he was shielding away, placing himself in the path of the impending strike. Although he was prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice, the moment of destiny was intercepted by a brilliant flash of light.
"Eh! I'm not dead ?"
"TAKAWA ! What was that light ? A Laser ?"
A potent and swift laser struck the Nomu, slicing through its wings. Struggling to rise, the Nomu attempted to flee, but its escape was thwarted by searing flames that engulfed its body. In the grip of excruciating pain, all the Nomu could manage was a piercing scream of agony.
"It's on fire ! is it Endeavor ? where is he"
In response to the man's query, a spear suddenly soared through the air, impaling the Nomu's body and swiftly ending its torment.
"Endeavor isn't here. The name is Izuku, Izuku Midoriya. I'm on an internship, and I've come to offer assistance," came the unexpected response.
"What! A child! Where is your supervising hero?"
Before Izuku could address the man's question, a deafening roar shattered the air. The simian-like Nomu fixed its furious gaze on Izuku and lunged into action.
"Kid, watch out!"
Izuku stood his ground, seemingly waiting for the Nomu's strike. To untrained observers, he appeared like helpless prey, frozen in fear. However, to a discerning eye, it was evident that the Nomu posed zero threat – to the extent that evading its attack wasn't even necessary.
To the Nomu's misfortune, or perhaps its fortune, just before its attack connected, a powerful kick from a fierce hero, Mirko, sent it hurtling away.
Mirko's leg muscles flexed with incredible force as she delivered another forceful blow to the Nomu, propelling it through multiple buildings.
Amid the stunned expressions of the numerous heroes present, Izuku quipped, "That's my supervising hero. If you have any grievances, feel free to voice them to her."
Recognizing the famous "Mirko," the man simply shook his head and stated, "Nope, thanks for your assistance, kid. We must depart now."
Swiftly disengaging from the scene, the experienced older hero understood the difficulty of dealing with the notorious Mirko, choosing the prudent option of avoiding her entirely.
Upon reaching Izuku's location, Mirko appraised him and remarked, "Ho, you're packing some serious punch on that form, and that shine. whiter hair and all, your transformations are wild"
"Well, let's just say that in this form, I can give even All Might a run for his money. However, being a new summoned hero, this state might last only a couple of minutes," Izuku explained.
Their conversation was abruptly halted by a third resounding roar, this time emanating from the largest and mightiest of the three Nomu.
Gearing up for battle, Mirko declared, "Seems I've got myself a new target."
With a confident grin, Izuku countered, "I'm not sure if it's 'your' target, not if I can take it down first."
Locking eyes, the two of them immediately surged into motion, simultaneously launching powerful assaults against the lone remaining Nomu. Izuku aimed his spear, attempting to impale the creature, while Mirko delivered a forceful high kick to the Nomu's head, crushing its skull.
In a matter of minutes, the three most formidable Nomu under Tomura's control were eradicated.
The Man in question, Tomura was cursing and throwing a tantrum at the situation
In an attempt to console him, Kurogiri offered, "Please try to calm yourself, Tomura. Remember, those Nomus were expendable."
speaking from a portable speaker kurogiri had, the man who was enabling Tomura's behavior known as All for one said "You see the inherent inequity of our world, my dear Tomura. Heroes consistently emerge triumphant, while we must bear the humiliation of defeat. Both All Might and this fledgling hero must be eradicated to reshape the world as you desire, isn't that correct, my dear Tomura? Kurogiri, Tomura's entertainment is far from concluded. Deploy one of our High-End Nomus. Let us assess this young hero's capabilities. Can he genuinely endure the challenge of confronting an indomitable adversary?"
Meanwhile, back at the alleyway
"It's time for you to go down," Bakugo declared as he lunged towards Stain, hands poised to blast him away. However, this effort proved futile. Although Bakugo's initial attack caught Stain off guard, he was an incredibly agile individual, capable of defending against assaults not only from Tomura's decay quirk but also from Bakugo's explosive abilities. Stain skillfully avoided the blast radius, accurately gauging its range. Evading the explosion, he seized the opportunity to slash at Bakugo's back, but this maneuver proved to be a miscalculation.
Unbeknownst to Stain, Bakugo's quirk extended beyond his hands. Thanks to the ingenious upgrade to his boots by Izuku/Da Vinci, Bakugo could now expel sweat from his legs, enabling him to generate blasts from this new source as well. Leveraging this enhancement, Bakugo propelled himself forward, simultaneously launching Stain away from him and delivering a devastating blow that scorched him all over.
"I hate to admit it, but due to Master's help, taking you down isn't gonna be that hard"
Struggling to rise, Stain spat out some blood before declaring, "The time for games is over. I'm bringing you down now, kid."
If you wish to read more than check out my patréon at
I Will Also post poles for my future fanfics after this, I HAVE LOTS OF IDEA !
you get all the written chapters and more
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