
My Hero Academia: The Ultimate Stand System

A/N: I don't own anything to do with My Hero or Jojo, credit goes to Kohei Horikoshi and Hirohiko Araki

Ilikefords4455 · Cómic
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4 Chs

2-A Flashy Introduction

"Well, it's not the most practical as of right now isn't it!" I ask as I hold the weapon.

"Well, you could say it would be entirely unexpected sir," Jarvis says.

"A valid point," I say as I pull the hammer, using both hands to point the weapon around.

"Now sir, would you like me to run you through the tutorial program?" Jarvis asks

"Wait, what tutorial?" I ask

"For the system sir!"


"Of course sir"

"*ahem*, proceed," I say.

"Your System consists of the following tabs sir. 'Inventory', 'Map', 'Data', 'Stands' and 'Rewards'. These categories can hold various sub-categories that hold certain information important in its themselves" Jarvis finishes saying.

"Right, I get it, It has 'Reputation' for people I meet under Data, which makes sense," I say as the system's features begin to come together in my mind.

While I was in Data, I checked the 'Quest' section, finding no offered or active quest as I just got here after all. I then checked my Inventory, noticing the sheer amount of item slots with 25 across but a never-ending pit no matter how much I scroll down.

"If your wondering sir, It is endless," Jarvis says, surprising me.

"You don't say, and uh...Jarvis, how stealthy could one 'borrow' items through the system?" I ask him, even though the Mishimoto family is filthy rich.

"Well sir, if you give me a target of interest, I can collect Items from a few meters around and place them in the Inventory, the larger the item, the more difficult it would be to hide I'm afraid," Jarvis says, piquing my curiosity in the form of another question.

"How big can the items be?"

"No bigger than what would equate to an Aircraft Carrier sir" Jarvis finishes, making my eyes bug out of my head at the thought of stealing an Aircraft Carrier.

"And I'm guessing the extent of stack sizes would be around 1000?" I ask

"999 to be precise sir"

"Fantastic" I respond as I think of the many things I could do with this. I continue to brainstorm with all the possibilities that my life now holds, that is until the light breaks over the horizon, signifying to me and me overthinking to the fact that it is now daytime.

"I recommend you get some food sir, it's going a lengthy day after all," Jarvis says.

It was a good suggestion, so I got up and walked into the kitchen, needing to maneuver a stool around as to reach the cabinet that contains the treasure, fruit loops!.

"Raiden sweetheart *yawn followed by laughter* that's too dangerous," a beautiful woman says as she makes her way over to me, picking me up and putting my small body back onto the ground. "Are these what you want sweetheart?" The woman I know through memories as Akari Mishimoto, my 'Mother' and a sight to behold.

"Are these what you were trying to get baby?" She asks me holding the Fruit Loops as I respond with a nod.

"Alright but only a couple, can't have you bouncing off the walls on your first day," She says with a small laugh as she preps the cereal, handing it to me as I carefully sit on a small stool next to the bench, shovelling the coloured rings of goodness into my mouth as my excitement for my new lift doesn't rest, especially when I leave for my first day.

We eventually arrive, walking inside the building that looks more like a small castle. Other than the architecture of the building, it's just a pristine and fancy looking daycare, not evolving much from the atmosphere that I experienced when I first went to Kindy.

"Ah Mr and Miss Mishimoto, a true pleasure to meet you!" A middle-aged man in your typical sweater and long pants says as he makes his way over to greet the couple.

"Alright sweetheart, I'm going to talk to your teacher, you should go play, I love you," Akari says as she kisses me on the lip, a well welcome gesture to be sure.

I did as she said, looking around the very well constructed playground with big and elaborate gardens, a massive wooden castle that would be perfect for a full-on two team attack and defence and much more.

"Listen here Bobo or whatever your name is, if you don't make us candy, then GET OUT!!" a chubby snot-nosed boy says to a girl around his age with an elaborate and stylish hairstyle.

"Good heavens, only a few minutes and you are already annoying," The girl says.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY!" The boy says as he is about to hit the girl, but is stopped as Raiden grabs his hand and twists it behind his back, using the kid's weight as he uses his foot to his back to shove him to the ground.

"If you wouldn't mind pretty lady, could you by any chance make six toy gun darts?" Raiden asks the girl who is shocked by his display but quickly responds by summoning six toy darts out of her arm which are quickly grabbed by Raiden as he shifts both of his feet onto the fatties back.

Everyone in the small courtyard is shocked to see a goldish purple aura emitting from the saviour before them as he empties what looks to be six outlined bullets from a seemingly invisible gun into his pocket, loading the toy-version in before slamming the chamber back in, cocking it and then getting off the fat child, allowing him to get up.

"Jarvis, lower Emperor's lethality to as low as you can get it," Raiden thinks to himself.

"Of course sir, you can also change it manually, the dial for such a setting is next to the safety" Jarvis points out, a detail I didn't realise was there due to me only ever looking at it in near pitch-black conditions.

I test fire the weapon, firing out a foam dart that would otherwise be impossible to commit damage with unless shot in the eye.

"Alright tubby, apologize unless you want to eat foam!" Raiden says with a smirk.