
Chapter 2

[Would you like to run the tutorial?]

[Accept] [Deny]

Izuku smiled and pressed [Accept] with slight hesitation. It was the weekend, a day after he had discovered his quirk or at least what he thought was one. During this short time, Izuku had held off experimenting mostly because he thought he may have still been hallucinating the whole thing. However, when he woke up in the morning and received the message that he had quote on quote [Slept in a comfortable bed and have regained 100% HP and MP], he reconsidered that idea.

[Welcome, Izuku Midoriya to the Gamer System V2.0. You are the only human individual capable of accessing the great powers bestowed upon you by Gaia! Congratulations!]

Midoriya looked on in confusion but decided to scroll down. As he did so, the new text would appear and the older text would vanish off the screen.

[As you've seen, the Gamer System assigns the powers of a gamer upon you! Can you believe it?]

He kept reading, eyes widening by the minute as more and more information made its way into his mind.

[You would've noticed in the status screen, an EXP bar. In order to level up, you must fill this bar. This can be done by completing quests or defeating *cough* killing *cough* enemies.

For every level you increase, you'll gain 5 attribute points that can be put into several different areas.

Strength increases your latent muscle power and attack power. Basically, you become All-Might without the roids!

Dexterity is all to do with your flexibility, speed and reaction time. By increasing it, you'll become faster than the Flash. You probably don't know who that is, do you? I didn't want to use another All-Might reference, okay?]

Izuku laughed off the systems apparent sense of humor. Who knew his quirk would be partially sentient? Maybe it was based on his own personality. That'd be an idea.

It seemed that Strength and Dexterity would be important factors if he wanted to be a hero, but he knew that these weren't all that made one.

[Vitality is your health. It directly affects the amount of punishment you can take, and the effectiveness of attacks on your body directly.

Intelligence increases your processing ability, memory and ability to understand. Also, your MP bar/amount which will be explained later.

Wisdom adds to your wiseness or something... What? Isn't that enough? Fine. It increases your MP regeneration rate and also helps you make clearer, more concise decisions.]

There it was. Intelligence and Wisdom, mans greatest asset. From what it looked like, the system had already assigned more points than average in these areas, as shown by the lack of points in strength and dexterity when compared.

Izuku skipped over the fact that low strength points meant he was physically weak and decided that increasing said attribute would be a good place to start out of all. How he was to go about this, he wasn't sure.

[Your HP (Health points) bar shows your current health. Pretty standard. However, if you take major damage, you'll see the debilitating effects listed underneath. For example, 'Broken Arm.'

The MP bar stands for 'Mana Pool.' You can use mana in several different ways. Ranged or close combat, support, etc. You have a finite pool, that as mentioned, will increase as Intelligence does. Your MP bar (and HP) is located in the status bar section of status. As a favor, your status screen and status bars have been melded together. Enjoy that little present.]

[Lastly, there are two special categories. You would have seen the title of 'Quirks' under 'Status.' If you open this tab, well, you'll see. We'll leave that as a surprise. In games, you'd know that characters often have special skills. You're no different.

You'll be able to make practically any skill you can think, provided you have the required stats, intelligence, and will-power of course. Some skills will require MP, usually magical attacks. Anything physical will run off the amount of stamina you have, although that isn't quantified. You'll feel it. And nothing world-breaking. That'd just be unfair. Well now that I say that, not any skill. You'll have a lot of wiggle room though! I'm so kind, right?]

The teen scoffed at the system.

[Well, let's see you run a massive network, kid. It's hard work.]

"What!? You can talk!?" he shouted, his voice echoing throughout the house.

[Pstttt, quiet kid. You don't want the whole world knowing, do you? Try talking to me with your mind.]

'S-Sorry... Wait why am I saying sorry to you? You're a... Quirk. A system. You shouldn't be able to talk! I mean, I thought you'd be partially sentient not fully! You can respond to me and everything!'

[Well excuse me. I thought you'd be grateful. You finally have a friend. Although it's a voice in your head. That's probably not the type of friend you were looking for, huh?]

'N-No I'm grateful. I was just confused is all. So, do you have a name?'

[I do not. I am merely known as 'The System.' That's what Gaia called me.]

'Alright, then, I'll call you System! Also, Gaia?'

[Nevermind that. Just try opening the Quirk menu or creating a skill or something. System out!]

'Wait!' the boy pleaded.

[Tutorial Ended]

No response. The screen had closed instantly. Izuku took a moment to think over the facts. He had a quirk. It had shown up years later when he was fifteen and for some reason, it was sentient. Not that he was complaining. A quirk's a quirk.

He stood up and was about to change into his everyday clothing when he remembered he had an inventory. If he had that...


[What items do you wish to equip? Please place them in your inventory for storage and assimilation.]

Midoriya threw into his inventory a simple grey hoodie, soft and large, allowing for most of his form to be hidden. A loose All-Might tee in which the hero stood proud, flexing for the camera. A pair of brown cargo pants with tons of pockets. Hey? Who knew when you'd need extra storage! Finally, a pair of socks and brown and grey combat boots were tossed in.

He shouted 'equip' once again and felt a slight shift in the air around him. Instantly, his Pyjamas were drawn into his inventory and his chosen costume rapidly appeared on his body. He looked down at his hoodie and smiled.

[Do you wish to make this an outfit?]

[Accept] [Deny]

Izuku pressed accept and another screen appeared before him.

[Would you like to name this outfit? If so, state the name. If not, continue on.]


The screen flickered and when the teen opened his inventory, he saw a new tab titled [Outfits]. He smirked and walked out of his room in glee. No more wasting time changing into his clothes!

The quirk menu! He had been so absorbed that he had forgotten to check the quirk menu! He opened the 'Status' screen and selected it, waiting for only a second before what looked like a tree materialized on the blue screen.


[Assistive Breathing: 10 QP]

[Muscle Bound: 10QP]

[Brain-Power: 20QP]

Three quirks were available and labeled. What they did, Izuku wasn't quite sure. The last two were more obvious than the first at least. He assumed that assistive breathing would help his restoration, muscle-bound would improve or give him muscles? He wouldn't be opposed to that. And finally, brain power would boost his intelligence.

'Hey, system... What's QP?'

[Oh, hey there. QP stands for 'Quirk Points.' You need that amount of points to purchase a certain quirk. Each quirk has 5 levels and for every level you increase, you'll gain 5 QP. On level ups, you'll gain 10QP. Hope that helps. I'm going back to sleep!]

The boy stretched his arms and closed the menu. He needed breakfast. Something delicious that could satiate his hunger. He opened the door and practically skipped down the hall only at the end noticing the trail of dried chowder that he had left the night before.

"Oh. I forgot about that. Better tell Mom..."

"Tell me what, Sweetie?"

The sudden voice caused Izuku to jump. He twisted around and standing there was his mother in a blue apron, armed with a vicious looking wooden spoon.

"O-Oh, well, when I was coming home I was..."

She motioned for him to continue.

"I was walking and some guy dumped chowder from his top balcony, directly on my head!" he nodded. "Yeah, that's it!"

"I see. Don't worry about it, hon. I'll clean it up today. You go to the kitchen and eat. I'll be there soon."

Inko walked off, feet lightly tapping the floor as if she was dancing.

'That was close...'

[Mission completed! Clean that chowder. Reward: 100 XP, + Relationship with Inko Midoriya!]

He had also forgotten about that mission.

'That's a nice reward, I guess. Wait... 100 XP. My status screen said I needed only a 100 XP to...'

"Level up!"

[Congratulations, Izuku Midoriya. You have reached level 2! +5 attribute points. +10 QP]

He stood there shocked for a moment before he opened his status screen to check the change.

[Status Screen]

[Name: Izuku Midoriya, Age: 15]

[Title(s): The Grand Gamer]

[Level 2: 0/200 XP]


[Strength: 2]

[Dexterity: 4]

[Vitality: 3]

[Intelligence: 10]

[Wisdom: 6]

[Points available: 5]


There it was. Level 2 with 5 new points to spend! He felt ecstatic. For once he had made progress. With this, he could be a hero. He'd need to train and do quests, sure. But eventually, he'd catch up to Bakugo and the others, and maybe even pass them! He'd be able to save people! Most importantly, he wouldn't be looked down upon anymore. He wasn't quirkless 'Deku' anymore. He was 'Izuku Midoriya: The Grand Gamer!'


He ran into the kitchen and scoffed down his breakfast. It was amazing as always. For some reason, though, he felt more energized.

[Bacon and Eggs: +50 HP +20 MP]

If this was true, then his mothers cooking could only be compared to Lunch Rush, the pro hero and chef of choice for UA academy! The teen then scrambled to the fridge and opened his inventory. He tossed in apples, bananas, cheese, chocolate, biscuits and more. Basically, anything he could get his hands on that wouldn't be sorely missed.

Whilst he did so, his mind traveled elsewhere. He was told by System that he should test his abilities, but he had nowhere to do that. His apartment was too small and even though he was weak right now, he didn't want to test how much damage he could cause. He ran back to his room, first thanking his mother for dinner, then sat down at his computer.

"Come on! Come on," he stated impatiently. "There's gotta be some sort of abandoned railway yard or something nearby."

He continued to scroll through page after page until an article caught his eye. 'Dagobah Municipal Beach Park.' In the past, it was a popular dating spot but now, years on, the beach had become a dumping spot for garbage and waste alike. It was filled to the brim with old appliances, utensils, practically anything you could think of.

It was noted further down that the beach never had anyone visitors anymore. People didn't want to stay due to the stench and those who tried to dump there found that there was no longer room. The government and hero association had also been too lazy to clean it thus far, and Izuku was pretty sure that'd never change.

"It's perfect!" he announced happily.

The perfect place. No one would find him. He'd have a place to train and objects to test his skills on. And maybe, he could help clean up the beach a little later, when he had grown stronger.

He spun around on his chair, grabbed his backpack with the necessities and headed out the door. Sure, he had an inventory, but it was nice to carry something. Made him feel alive. Yes, he knew that was stupid.

"I'm heading out, Mom! I'll see you in a couple of hours! Love you!"

He slammed the door and ran out. Inko sighed.

"Izu? Where are you going?"

She heard the front door slam as Izuku ran out and laughed lightly.

"Teens these days! No respect."


After a short bus ride, Izuku had reached the main stretch of road that connected to Dagobah. Now, he was witnessing the actual state of the mess that had been reported in the article for himself. It was even worse than what was shown in pictures.

The trash piles reached several meters upwards. Cars lay strewn about, rusting and breaking down in the salted air. And the smell... It was atrocious. Atrocious but bearable. While Izuku felt bad that the beach had been turned into this dump, he was also excited. It was time to test his abilities.


He stood in a small clearing, amidst the piles of garbage.

"How about we start with something simple? I'll try hitting something and see what happens. Cause and effect."

Izuku threw down his backpack and went to the nearest mound. He located a dishwasher with its piping still exposed. With a little wrenching and a lot of effort, he managed to acquire a rusty iron pipe.

He stared at the pipe for a moment then attempted a couple of swings, testing the weight and feel of it.

"Not bad for a first weapon, I suppose."

He continued to look at the pipe.

[Skill Created: Observe. Cost: Passive.]


[Observe (Level 1): Gather information from an object, person, etc without knowing them. Amount and detail of information will increase at higher levels.]

"My first skill! Sweet!"

The teen was exhilarated. He stared at a hair dryer sitting upon a trash can.


[Hair dryer: An item created and used by humans to style or dry their hair. Runs on electricity.]

[Item durability 0/10]

He then looked at the pipe he was holding tightly once again.

[Iron Pipe: A basic pipe made of iron once attached to machinery or an appliance of some sort. Also good as a makeshift weapon.]

[Durability: 4/10]

For the next half an hour, the teen spammed observe on every conceivable object. During that time, the brand new skill leveled up 3 separate times. By the time the skill was level four, Izuku had decided that it was time to create another skill.

He walked over to the same washing machine, gripping the iron pipe tightly, and swung with as much force as he could muster.

[Skill Created: Blunt Weapons Mastery.]

[Blunt Weapons Mastery (Level 1): Your experience with blunt weapons. Increasing this level will increase the damage you do with, you guessed it, blunt weapons. +5% damage for every level.]

[Skill Created: Heavy Swing.]

[Heavy Swing (Level 1): You swing your weapon hard! +10% damage per hit with certain weapons. +5% bonus per level.]

"Two new skills! W-Woah... They seem pretty powerful. I wonder why the washer didn't take damage though?"

[Simple. Inorganic life forms won't take damage direct damage. They only have durability. Beat it enough, it'll break. Even some organic things like trees won't take direct damage. They'll also have durability. You won't be notified how much durability they've lost, but that shouldn't be a problem since you have 'Observe.' TL;DR, monsters, humans, and animals have health. Everything else doesn't.]

"Monsters!?" the boy squeaked.

[Forget I said anything.]

"I don't trust you."

There was no response.

"God damn it."

[Language, Izuku. You're swearing like a sailor.]

Izuku growled and closed the menu returning to his pastime of beating the dishwasher.

[Skill 'Blunt Weapons Mastery' has reached level 2! +10% damage!]

[Skill 'Heavy Swing' has reached level 2! +15% damage per hit with a blunt weapon!]

The boy coughed and spluttered. His back was pooled with sweat and his arms were strained and sore.

"Guess I don't have much stamina after all..." he huffed. "That was only 20 or so swings. Damn."

He tried to swing his makeshift weapon a few more times.

"I really... need to... improve... my body..." His breathing was now erratic and the teen fell on his butt.

[For straining your body you have gained +1 strength!]

"What!? I just gained a free point?"

The teen thought over his activities.

"Exercise. I need to do more exercise. That's probably why. If it's saying that I gained a point for strenuous activity then can I gain more if I do other activities? Exercise for strength and maybe dexterity and I'm assuming puzzles and books would stimulate the mind meaning a boost in intelligence. What about wisdom and vitality then?"

[For making a logical deduction, you have gained +1 Wisdom!]

"Huh, that answers half that question."