

After he was done telling the story he went back leaving the children alone as he still had to recover a but to go back to his 'human' form.

Once he was gone the rest of the children cane near 17 and looked at his neck which had some red and and yellow gooey stuff stuck to it.

17 who still had some trouble taking breath looked at 21 and nodded his head.

21 understanding what he meant used his quirk to wash away the stuff attached to his neck.

17 then used his own quirk to make some heat and dry his clothes and said, "Some kind 'father' he is for trying to snap his son's neck."

Hearing which 35 snorted and said, "You still got off rather easy, at least he didn't used this microwave's heating to burn your neck."

50 and 17 both looked at him and said at the same time, "That's only because you are not able to hold back your tongue. Who the hell asked you to pick a fight with him?!"


But 17 and 50 ignored him and 50 asked in a serious tone, "Anyway leaving that aside. That man is making us go through all this just so he can match this symbol of darkness or something, huh? Gotta say, I didn't took him for a fanboy."

6 nodded and said, "Yes, and what was that talk about cucking and all, did the society back then was like this?"

All the boys looked at her and said, "There are still a lot of people who get cucked, you know?"(50)

"There are a lot of thots out there."(28)

"Not to mention many men get seduced rather easily."(21)

"Some people even have NTR fetish as well."(17)

"Wasn't 50's ex like that as well?"(35)

But at the last statement all the people looked towards 35 with a face of surprise except for 50 who got a bit angry at him for mentioning his ex.

"And you ask why you get your ass handed to you by 'father'? Don't mind him 50, we all know how 35 is?"

6 nodded her head as well and patted 50's shoulder trying to ease him a bit.

50 had a frown on his face for a while but he was finally able to calm himself down and sighed in relief.

17 looked at all of them and sat down on the ground and thought, '50 sure don't take it well about his ex...well if putting your trust on someone only for her to turn out to be Thot is not really a good experience for a teenager anyway.'

He then looked at the others and asked, "Hey that red mass that he had was corrosive right?"

All of them looked at the boy who was sitting on the ground and nodded their heads.

17 nodded his head as well and then said, "Then get away from their that liquid is coming towards you all." and pointed his finger towards the direction where the fluid was coming from.

All of them turned around and saw the red fluid flowing towards them while melting the carpet along the way and got out of its path.

17 used this chance when they were distracted to use customize on his clothes to add a healing enhancement to it so as to recover the damage a bit faster, as he knew that they will be going through their experiments after this.


After 30 minutes Antonio returned back with a few scientists following behind him and asked, "Now then let's go."

All the children looked at him a bit warily as now they had seen a worse side of him than the one he already had.

All of them got up and silently followed him with 17 being the last one in the line. 21 who was in front of 17 looked at him with a sad smile and said, "Good luck to you, you will require it more than us anyway."

17 just nodded his head and didn't say anything, he knew what he said just now was true. Suddenly the blond boy of the group came towards him and said, "You know I hate you, right?"

17 looked at him and just gave him a helpless smile. 35 clicked his tongue and then said, "So don't you dare die, just from this so you can know that I will hate you in the future as well." and walked away. while clicking his tongue.

Hearing him the whole group of children had a helpless smile on their faces and all thought at the same time, 'Here comes out his inner tsundere.'

35 who noticed their gaze glared back at them, though a slight blush because of embarrasment could be seen on his face.

17 lowered his head a bit and then thought, 'Well, let's do this.' and then raised his head with his usual expressionless look.

Soon they came in a room in the lab where a huge cylindrical machine was kept along with another huge machine in the form of a chair.

Antonio looked at the children with a 'smile' on his face and said, "Alright, you all, time to give me my share."

and went to the other end of the machine and put his hands in the slots which were present there.

The rest of the children were a bit angry about this as they knew that this is just going to cause more pain to them, but even then 17 had a small unnoticeable smirk on his face.

'One who stirs shit, eventually licks the spoon.'

He then looked at the machine and thought, 'Gotta pay him back for strangling my neck.' and used his customize create on it.

A blue screen appeared in front of him and various information about the machine started to fill inside his head. Once the process was over 17 was overjoyed knowing that his power could do something like this as well, and even though he didn't understand most of the things about it, it was still good to have that info for the future.

He then started messing with the machine inorder to pay his father back and when 50 stepped forward to put his hands in the sockets as well he stopped what he was doing and looked at the scene with anticipation.

Antonio then looked at the man who was wearing lab coat and gave him a nod seeing which one of them man nodded his head, while the rest of them walked back towards something which looked something like a control panel.

17 looked at the man who stayed behind and used his appraisal.





17 then stopped using his appraisal and then focused back on the machine.

Andrew then pointed his hand towards 50 and suddenly a very bright and large red aura surrounded 50 and the room's temperature increased immediately by a lot which made both Andrew and the rest of the children took some distance from the teen.

The men back at the control panel nodded their head and activated the machine with excitement, thinking how much power will he produce now.

But contrary to their expectations with 50 being the one to be screaming in pain it was Antonio who was screaming.


But before they were able to 17 already messed with the controls making the panel non operable for a while.

He then looked at Antonio who was screaming in pain and thought, 'How about we try this?' and used his customize create on his clothes and added, a few skills which took some of his mana.

The skills he added were:


2.PAIN RECEPTION INCREASE.(for even more pain)

3.SEXUAL PLEASURE INCREASE.(to make him unable to let go of pain)

Because of these skill which were now added to his clothes Antonio who was screeching with pain in the beginning of his hands being crushed by the machine was now letting out some moans filled with pleasure from time to time, totally creeping out the rest of the children who were looking at him with a face filled with surprise.

17 who at the beginning thought that it would be funny seeing him like that was now creeped out by his father as he was slowly turning into his red goo form and turned away though he secretly increased the power with which the machine was crushing his hand, making the moans even louder.