

Uraraka came by to visit him later that day, and right after class he guessed, since she was still in uniform. She sat sat beside him on the bed carefully, smiling, and holding his hand, resting her head on his shoulder. "You had me worried, Deku. Really worried." He rested his head on hers. "I know. I'm really really really sorry, Uraraka. Ifi wasn't here, none of this would've happen. We wouldn't have been attacked at USJ, we wouldn't have had to face so much evil in one year, you all wouldn't have gotten hurt half as bad as you did-" "And we wouldn't be where we are right now. Deku, if we weren't here, who knows what could've changed? We could be villains by now, if things went that wrong, but we aren't. And that's because of you. You light up the room just by walking in. You make everyone smile. You care for everyone. You love everyone. You all get along and try to raise the others up. Nothing was your fault. No matter what you think. You need to know that. Deku, I love you, and I know you are really smart, bur right now, your acting a bit...dumb, to put it nicely." Izuku laughed, and kissed her head, then stayed there. "Yeah, I guess I am. I'm just-I feel bad about all of it, I guess." "Well, don't. No one blames you for anything. Not even Bakugo." That night, they fell asleep like that, holding hands and resting on each other.