
[33] Aftermath

Toji watched the portal materialize beside him in the mountain zone. The swirling black mist meant his observation period was over. About time - the Nomu's enhancement serum had proven a disappointment.

Toji stepped through without hesitation, emerging into the dingy bar that served as the League's base. The transition was jarring - from the artificial mountain terrain to the smell of stale beer and cheap wood polish.

Shigaraki burst through another portal moments later, hands scratching frantically at his neck. "Those damn kids! That barrier brat! He ruined everything!"

Toji leaned against the wall, content to observe. The League's leader was throwing a proper tantrum now, disintegrating bar stools with wild swipes.

"The plan was perfect," Shigaraki ranted. "The Nomu was perfect! But those students-" He whirled toward Toji. "And you! You just watched!"

"That was my role," Toji said.

"Bullshit! You could have helped! One of those brats was your target, right? Why didn't you grab him?"

"Not my orders."

Shigaraki's scratching intensified. "Orders? What about our alliance? What about-"

"There is no alliance." Toji's voice remained level. "Eclipse has its own objectives. Your 'Master' knows this."

"Then why were you even there?" Shigaraki lunged forward, fingers spread.

Toji didn't bother moving. The attack was telegraphed, sloppy. Amateur hour.

"Because," he said as Shigaraki's hand passed through empty air, "someone needed to evaluate the merchandise."

That stopped Shigaraki mid-swing. "What?"

"The Nomu. Your artificial human." Toji gestured vaguely. "Eclipse wanted to know if it was worth replicating."

"And?" Kurogiri asked, materializing behind the bar.

"Crude. Effective in theory, but..." Toji shrugged. "Five students took it down. The cost-benefit ratio isn't there."

Shigaraki's hands clenched. "They got lucky! If All Might had shown up first-"

"But he didn't. And now your weapon is gone." Toji pushed off the wall. "Speaking of which, how many of those can your 'Master' make?"

"That's none of your business!"

"It is, actually." Toji's tone sharpened slightly. "Eclipse needs to know what resources you're working with. Especially after today's... performance."

"Performance?" Shigaraki's voice cracked. "We had them! We had them cornered! If that barrier kid hadn't-"

"Nakamura," Toji said.

"Whatever! He ruined everything! Him and that explosive bitch and the ice princess-"

"You sound like a child."

The temperature in the room dropped. Shigaraki's hands stopped scratching.

"What did you say?"

"You're throwing a tantrum because your toy broke." Toji met his gaze evenly. "This is why Eclipse prefers to work alone."

Shigaraki moved faster this time, decay quirk active. His fingers nearly brushed Toji's chest -

Then he was face-down on the bar, arm twisted behind his back.

"Shigaraki!" Kurogiri started forward.

"Stay," Toji ordered. To Shigaraki: "I'm not here to fight. But I will defend myself."

"Let... go..."

"Are you going to behave?"

Shigaraki's free hand scratched the bar's surface, wood crumbling beneath his touch. "Yes."

Toji released him, stepping back smoothly. Shigaraki straightened, rubbing his arm.

"Your 'Master' wanted this alliance," Toji said. "But Eclipse has conditions. One of them is professional conduct."

"Professional?" Shigaraki spat. "You stood there while we fought! You didn't even-"

"I completed my mission." Toji pulled out his phone, checking the time. "Speaking of which."

He headed for the door. Shigaraki's voice stopped him.

"That barrier kid. What's so special about him?"

Toji paused, hand on the doorknob. "What makes you think he's special?"

"You watched him. The whole time, you watched him."

"Observant." Toji glanced back. "Maybe you're not completely hopeless."

"His quirk." Kurogiri spoke up, still polishing the same glass. "It's similar to mine, but fundamentally different. Spatial manipulation on a quantum level."

Toji nodded slightly. Trust the mist villain to piece it together.

"So what?" Shigaraki scratched harder. "Lots of people have strong quirks."

"Not like his." Toji pulled out his phone, checking the latest data. "The readings during that final clash... his quirk evolved mid-battle. Spontaneous adaptation under extreme stress."

"Eclipse." Kurogiri set down his glass. "You're studying quirk evolution."

"Among other things." Toji pocketed his phone. "The barrier user's quirk has massive potential. But he needs to unlock it naturally. Any artificial enhancement would be... suboptimal."

"Like the Nomu," Kurogiri said.

"Exactly." Toji's eyes narrowed behind his mask. "Your 'weapon' was impressive, but ultimately flawed. Brute force enhancement leads to diminishing returns. True evolution requires the right circumstances."

Shigaraki had been unusually quiet during this exchange. His scratching slowed. "You're waiting for him to get stronger."


"Why not just take him now?" Shigaraki's head tilted. "Your organization has ways of forcing quirk evolution."

"Crude methods." Toji's voice hardened. "They produce unstable results. We need his quirk to develop naturally, through combat and necessity. Only then will it be worth harvesting."

"Harvesting?" Kurogiri asked.

Toji didn't elaborate. Let them speculate about Eclipse's capabilities. The less they knew about the organization's true goals, the better.

"The League could help," Shigaraki offered. His tone had shifted, becoming almost eager. "We could push him, force him to evolve faster-"

"No." Toji's response was immediate. "You'll only interfere with the natural progression."


"This isn't a negotiation." Toji straightened. "Eclipse's agreement with your 'Master' is specific. We observe. We gather data. We don't interfere with each other's operations."

Shigaraki's hands twitched. "You think you're better than us."

"I think you're shortsighted." Toji moved toward the door. "Focused on immediate destruction instead of long-term potential. It makes you predictable."

"Where are you going?" Kurogiri asked.

"To report."

He left before Shigaraki could respond, stepping into the night air. His phone buzzed - another data update from the USJ fight. The barrier user's readings during that final attack were fascinating. The way his quirk had restructured itself, adapting to handle the increased power...

Eclipse's scientists would be very interested. But patience was key. Force the evolution too soon and the quirk could destabilize. Better to let it develop naturally, monitoring each stage of growth.

Toji smiled behind his mask. The boy had potential, yes. But potential meant nothing without the right pressure to shape it. And Eclipse was very, very good at applying pressure.

His phone buzzed again. A message from headquarters:

"Report status of target's quirk evolution."

Toji typed his response:

"Phase 1 complete. Quirk showed first signs of spontaneous adaptation under combat stress. Recommend continued monitoring without direct intervention."

The reply came quickly:

"Acknowledged. Maintain surveillance. Update timeline for harvest date."

Toji considered the data from today's battle. The boy's quirk had evolved faster than expected when pushed to its limits. Interesting implications for future development.

"Current estimate: 9-10 months until quirk reaches harvestable stability. Will adjust timeline based on combat exposure and stress factors."

"Understood. Continue observation. Do not engage unless absolutely necessary."

Toji deleted the messages and pocketed his phone. Nine to ten months. Time enough for the quirk to fully mature through natural progression. The boy would face more challenges, more battles. Each one would push his powers further, forcing adaptation and growth.

And when the time was right, when his quirk had evolved to its full potential... then Eclipse would make their move.

But for now, Toji had a report to deliver. He moved through the shadows, his footsteps silent. In his mind, he reviewed the data from today's fight. The way the barrier user's quirk had restructured itself was unprecedented. Most quirks evolved gradually, building on existing foundations.

This one had fundamentally changed its operating principles mid-battle. The implications were fascinating. If they could isolate that adaptability, replicate it...

His phone buzzed one final time. A message from Shinji himself:

"Confirmed viewing battle footage. Target shows promising evolution rate. Continue monitoring. Priority level increased."

Toji smiled again. Yes, this one was special. Eclipse had chosen well. Now it was just a matter of time and patience.

The night swallowed him as he disappeared into the city. Behind him, in the bar, Shigaraki was still raging about his failed plan. Let him throw his tantrum. The League's goals were ultimately irrelevant.

In the distance, sirens wailed as emergency vehicles converged on USJ. The aftermath of today's battle would have far-reaching consequences. But not for Eclipse. They would stay in the shadows, watching, waiting.

Patient predators, biding their time until the perfect moment to strike.


All Might surveyed the destruction across the USJ, his ever-present smile masking the guilt gnawing at his chest. The central plaza looked like a war zone - craters, ice, and scorch marks painting a violent story he'd arrived too late to prevent.

"Young Bakugo." He turned to the ash-blonde girl leaning against a broken pillar. Her throat bore ugly purple bruises, and her palms were raw and blistered. "What happened here?"

"We kicked its ass is what happened." She jerked her chin toward the Nomu, now secured by Cementoss in a concrete prison. The creature still swayed mindlessly, its movements uncoordinated and purposeless. "Thing was designed to kill you, apparently."

All Might's smile didn't waver, but his fists clenched. Children. Children had to fight something meant for me.

"The villains?" he asked.

"Ran like cowards." Bakugo pushed off the pillar, wincing. "Warp guy got them out after we scrambled their pet monster's brain."

Present Mic's voice carried across the facility: "ALL CLEAR ON THE MOUNTAIN ZONE, YEAH!"

Similar confirmations came from other areas as the pros swept the facility. All Might watched Snipe and Ectoplasm escort a group of bound villains toward the entrance. Many bore burns, bruises, and frozen limbs - testament to his students' capabilities.

And their resolve.

Movement caught his eye. Young Midoriya emerged from the flood zone, supporting a dazed Kaminari while Asui hopped alongside them. All three were soaked but largely unharmed.

"S-so many stars..." Kaminari mumbled, giving a thumbs up to no one in particular.

"He short-circuited fighting the villains, kero," Asui explained. "But he kept them away from the boat long enough for us to escape."

All Might nodded. "Well done, young heroes. Head to the entrance for medical checks."

"Wait." Midoriya's eyes darted around the plaza. "Is everyone-"

A sharp gasp cut him off. All Might turned to see Young Sakurada rushing forward, Jiro and Yaoyorozu close behind. They'd been helping secure the conflagration zone, but now...

"Yoichi!" Sakurada dropped to her knees beside Todoroki, who cradled Nakamura's unconscious form in her lap. The boy's clothes were torn and bloody, his breathing shallow.

"Recovery Girl's on her way," Todoroki said quietly, her right side still frosted over. "He... he pushed himself too far."

"What happened?" Yaoyorozu created a blanket, draping it over Nakamura's still form.

"He awakened something." Todo spoke up from where he sat nearby, looking exhausted himself. "A new aspect of his quirk. It let him match the Nomu's speed, but..."

"But it nearly killed him doing it," Bakugo finished, her voice hard.

All Might's smile finally slipped. These children had faced a threat meant for him - and one of them had been pushed to his absolute limit because of it.

I should have been here sooner.

"The ambulances are arriving," Jiro reported, her earphone jacks twitching. "They've already got Aizawa-sensei and Thirteen."

All Might nodded. "Young Nakamura will join them. The rest of you-"

"I'm going with him." Sakurada's voice left no room for argument. Her hands trembled slightly as she brushed Nakamura's white hair from his face.

"Me too." Todoroki's mismatched eyes met All Might's. "Someone needs to report what happened with the Nomu."

He couldn't argue with that logic. "Very well. The rest of you, gather at the entrance. Detective Tsukauchi will need statements."

As if summoned, the detective's voice called out: "All Might! We need you up here!"

"Go," Bakugo said, sliding down to sit beside Todo. "We've got this covered."

All Might hesitated, looking at his injured students. Todo noticed.

"Fear not, Symbol of Peace!" The boy struck a pose despite his obvious exhaustion. "For we are the mighty warriors of Class 1-A! A few scratches cannot defeat our indomitable-"

"Shut up before I blow you up," Bakugo growled.

"Your concern touches my very soul, dear Bakugo!"

All Might couldn't help but chuckle. Even after everything, they maintained their spirit. With a final nod, he bounded toward the entrance in a single leap.

Tsukauchi waited with several officers, reviewing preliminary reports. "Seventy-two villains captured so far. Two ringleaders escaped - one with a warp quirk, the other covered in... hands?"

"Correct." All Might's fists clenched again. "And their weapon?"

"Secure. Whatever your students did to it, it's not fighting back anymore. We'll transport it to a maximum-security facility for study." Tsukauchi's expression darkened. "They really brought something designed to kill you to a school?"

"Indeed." All Might watched paramedics load Nakamura onto a stretcher, Sakurada and Todoroki close behind. "And my students paid the price for my tardiness."

"Don't." Tsukauchi's voice was firm. "You can't be everywhere at once, and they handled it. Focus on what matters now - finding who's responsible."

All Might nodded, but the guilt remained. He'd created this society of peace, become its pillar... and now villains targeted children to get to him.

"All Might!" Young Midoriya approached, still supporting the short-circuited Kaminari. "Is... is Nakamura going to be okay?"

"Recovery Girl will see to him," All Might assured his successor. "You fought well today, young Midoriya."

The boy's eyes dropped. "I didn't do much. Just helped evacuate when the villains attacked the flood zone. But Nakamura and the others..."

"Hey." Asui put a hand on his shoulder. "We all did our part, kero. That's what being heroes means."

"EXACTLY!" Present Mic's voice boomed as he joined them. "You kids showed those villains what U.A.'s made of! Though maybe tone down the property damage next time, yeah?"

He gestured at the devastated plaza. Ice sheets mixed with explosion craters, broken concrete, and the remains of Nakamura's silver-white barriers. Evidence of a desperate battle fought by children who should never have faced such danger.

Never again, All Might silently vowed. I won't let them target my students again.

"Yo, All Might!" Kirishima called out, jogging over. "The police want to know what to do with all the frozen villains in the landslide zone. Todoroki really didn't hold back."

"I'll handle it." All Might turned to Tsukauchi. "We'll need quirk-suppressing restraints for all of them. And medical treatment - my students defended themselves admirably."

The detective nodded, already speaking into his radio. Around them, the USJ slowly transformed from battlefield back to training facility as heroes and police secured the scene.

All Might spotted Yaoyorozu creating capture tape while Jiro used her quirk to help locate any hidden villains. Even exhausted, they worked to help others.

True heroes in the making.

A commotion at the entrance drew his attention. Emergency response teams arrived in force - medical personnel, crime scene investigators, and additional heroes for security.

"Young heroes!" All Might addressed the gathered students. "You've faced a trial no first-years should endure. Yet you proved yourselves beyond any doubt. Be proud of your actions today!"

"HELL YEAH!" Kirishima pumped his fist, then winced at his injuries.

"But also learn from this experience," All Might continued. "Evil does not wait for convenient times to strike. A hero must always be ready!"

"Um, All Might?" Kaminari raised his hand, seemingly recovered from his short-circuit. "Does that mean we still have homework due tomorrow?"

The tension broke as several students groaned or laughed. Even Bakugo's scowl softened slightly.

"I believe," All Might said carefully, "that exception can be made in light of recent events."

"Thank god," Jiro muttered. "I don't think I could focus on math after all this anyway."

"Perhaps we should focus on getting everyone proper medical attention first," Yaoyorozu suggested, ever practical. "Some of us are still bleeding."

"RIGHT!" All Might struck his signature pose. "To the medical bay, young heroes! Recovery Girl awaits!"

As the students began filing out, supported by pros and medical staff, All Might caught snippets of conversation:

"Man, you should have seen Todoroki in the landslide zone! She froze like twenty villains at once!"

"Forget that - Bakugo's final explosion nearly brought down the whole building!"

"Hey, is it true Nakamura went toe-to-toe with that monster?"

"And Todo! The way he kept swapping everyone around was so manly!"

Pride mixed with concern in All Might's chest. They'd grown so much already, these young heroes. But at what cost?

"All Might." Tsukauchi appeared at his side. "We need to discuss security measures going forward. This can't happen again."

"Agreed." All Might watched the last students exit the facility. "But first, I need to check on young Nakamura and our injured teachers."

"Of course. I'll have preliminary reports ready when you return." The detective paused. "They're strong kids, All Might. Don't blame yourself for what happened."

"I know." All Might's smile returned, smaller but genuine. "They proved that today."

With a mighty leap, he bounded toward the hospital. Behind him, the USJ stood damaged but not defeated - much like the students who'd defended it.

The real question was: what would the villains try next? And would he be able to protect his students when they did?

Young Midoriya, he thought, remembering his successor's worried face. I fear your generation will face challenges even greater than mine. But after today... I believe you'll be ready for them.

The hospital came into view, and All Might steeled himself for what awaited. His students had fought bravely - now it was his turn to support them however he could.

Because that's what the Symbol of Peace did. That's what a teacher did.

That's what a hero did.

Landing outside the emergency room, All Might took a deep breath. Through the windows, he could see Young Sakurada holding Nakamura's hand while Todoroki spoke with doctors.

Time to face the consequences of his absence. Time to help his students heal.

Time to prepare for whatever came next.

Because one thing was certain - this was only the beginning.

[End of Volume 1]