
[26] Infinite Responsibility in Finite Time

My stomach dropped as the realization hit me like a bucket of ice water. We hadn't used protection. Not once. Not in any of the multiple rounds we'd-

"Nakamura!" Iida's voice snapped me back to reality. "Are you paying attention? This is a crucial moment in our academic careers!"

"Yeah, sorry," I muttered, my mouth suddenly dry. "Totally focused. Super important. Got it."

Kaori must have felt my gaze. She glanced up, eyebrow raised in silent question. I tried to school my expression into something resembling normalcy, but based on the way her eyes narrowed, I wasn't very successful.

"Now then," Iida continued, oblivious to my internal crisis. "We'll start the voting process. Please write your choice on these ballots I've prepared."

As he passed out slips of paper, I tried to focus. Class rep. Important stuff. But my brain kept circling back to one thought: I'm an idiot. A colossal, hormona-driven idiot who-

"Brother!" Todo elbowed me. "You okay? You look like you're gonna hurl."

"Fine," I said, my voice an octave higher than usual. "Totally fine. Why wouldn't I be fine?"

He eyed me suspiciously. "If you say so. Who're you voting for?"

I glanced down at my blank ballot. Who was I voting for? Hell, who was even in this class?

"Probably Yaoyorozu," I said, trying to keep my voice steady. "What about you?"

Todo tilted his head, considering. "Hmm. Yaoyorozu is a solid choice. But I'm thinking of voting for you, brother!"

"Me?" I blinked. "Why?"

"Because you're my best friend!" He beamed, slapping me on the back. The impact sent a jolt through my body, aggravating some of the more... sensitive marks Kaori had left. I winced.

"Thanks, but maybe reconsider? I'd be terrible at it."

Todo's face fell. "But you'd be great! You're strong, smart, and you smell nice!"

I stared at him. "What does smell have to do with being class rep?"

"Everything!" He nodded sagely. "A leader must have a commanding presence. And nothing commands presence like a good scent!"

"Right..." I turned back to my ballot, shaking my head. As I pretended to deliberate, I pulled out my phone under the desk.

How do I ask this without sounding like a complete idiot? I wondered, thumb hovering over the keyboard. 'Hey, remember all that sex we had? Yeah, we might have a problem.' No, too blunt. 'So, funny story...' Definitely not.

I settled for something simple: 'We need to talk. After class?'

The reply came quickly: 'About?'

I glanced up. Kaori was looking at her phone, expression unreadable. I typed back: 'Last night. Important.'

Three dots appeared, disappeared, then: 'Nakamura, if you're about to give me some "it was a mistake" bullshit, I will end you.'

'No!' I typed quickly. 'Nothing like that. Just realized we forgot something important.'

Another pause. Then: 'Oh.'

Oh? What did 'Oh' mean? Before I could ask, Iida's voice cut through my thoughts.

"Time's up! Please pass your ballots forward."

I scribbled Yaoyorozu's name and handed my slip to Todo, who was still extolling the virtues of a well-scented leader.

"And now," Iida announced, adjusting his glasses, "I shall tally the votes!"

As he began counting with far too much enthusiasm, I tried to catch Kaori's eye. She was pointedly not looking in my direction, instead engaged in what looked like an intense whispered conversation with Jiro.

Great. This was going to be fun.

"The results are in!" Iida's voice snapped me back to attention. He stood at the front of the class, a piece of chalk in hand. "I shall now write the top three vote-getters on the board."

He turned, arm moving in sharp, precise motions as he wrote:

Yaoyorozu Momo - 5 votes

Nakamura Yoichi - 4 votes

Iida Tenya - 2 votes

I blinked. "Wait, what?"

"Congratulations, Yaoyorozu and Nakamura!" Iida chopped the air. "You are our new class representatives!"

Yaoyorozu stood, bowing slightly. "Thank you for your trust. I'll do my best to-"

"Hold up," I interrupted, standing as well. "There's been a mistake. I didn't even vote for myself."

"The ballot is anonymous, Nakamura," Iida said. "Perhaps your classmates saw leadership qualities in you that you yourself do not recognize!"

I looked around the room. Todo gave me a thumbs up. Midoriya smiled encouragingly. Uraraka... was that a smirk?

"I can't be class rep," I said.

"You'll do great, brother!" Todo stood, clapping me on the shoulder. "Your scent will guide us to victory!"

I shrugged off his hand. "This isn't about smell, Todo. I'm not cut out for this."

"Perhaps," Aizawa's voice cut through the chatter. He sat up in his sleeping bag, looking even more disheveled than before. "But it's what your classmates chose. Deal with it."


"Homeroom's over." He stood, shuffling towards the door. "Yaoyorozu, Nakamura, see me after school for your duties. Don't be late."

With that, he was gone, leaving me standing there like an idiot.

Yaoyorozu approached, her expression a mix of sympathy and determination. "I know this is unexpected, Nakamura, but I'm sure we can work well together. Perhaps we could meet at lunch to discuss our approach?"

I opened my mouth to refuse, to insist there had been a mistake. But something in her eyes - a glimmer of hope, maybe - made me hesitate.

"Yeah. Lunch. Sure."

She smiled, relief evident in her posture. "Excellent. I'll see you then."

As she walked away, I slumped back into my seat. What the hell had just happened?

"Congrats, vice rep," Jiro's voice startled me. She leaned against my desk, twirling an earphone jack. "Looks like you've got your work cut out for you."

I groaned, letting my head thunk against the desk. "This is a disaster."

"Probably," she agreed. "But hey, at least you'll have Yaomomo to keep you in line."

I lifted my head. "Yaomomo?"

"Yaoyorozu," she clarified. "It's a nickname. You know, since you two are going to be working closely together and all."

There was something in her tone that made me narrow my eyes. "Did you vote for me?"

She smiled, all innocence. "The ballot is anonymous, remember? But hypothetically, if I did... it might have been because I think you need to take on more responsibility."

"Responsibility," I repeated flatly.

"Mhmm." Her eyes flicked to my neck, then back to my face. "Speaking of... Kaori wanted me to give you a message."

I sat up straighter. "What message?"

Jiro leaned in close, her breath tickling my ear. "She said, and I quote, 'Tell that idiot I'm on the pill. But we're still talking later.'"

She pulled back, grinning at what must have been a spectacular look of relief on my face.

"Oh thank fuck," I breathed.

"You two are idiots," Jiro said, but there was no real heat in it. "Honestly, how do you forget something like that?"

I felt my face heat up. "We were... distracted."

"Clearly." She pushed off my desk. "Well, congrats again, vice rep. Try not to screw this up too badly."

As she walked away, I slumped in my seat. Class rep. How the hell had this happened?

I slumped further in my seat, the reality of my new position as vice class rep slowly sinking in. The room buzzed with chatter as everyone discussed the election results. I rubbed my temples, trying to ward off the headache I felt coming on.

"Yo, Nakamura!" Kaminari's voice cut through my self-pity. I looked up to see him approaching with Kirishima and Midoriya in tow. "Congrats on the big win, man!"

"Thanks," I muttered, forcing a smile. "Though I'm pretty sure it was a clerical error."

Kirishima laughed, slapping me on the back. I winced as his hand hit a particularly sensitive spot. "No way, dude! You'll be great at this. It's super manly to take on responsibility like that!"

"I agree," Midoriya chimed in, his eyes shining with that earnest enthusiasm that made me feel simultaneously inspired and exhausted. "You have a lot of qualities that make for a good leader, Nakamura-kun."

I raised an eyebrow. "Like what? My ability to get lost in a building I've been in for months?"

"Well, um..." Midoriya's brow furrowed as he thought. "You're adaptable! And quick-thinking in combat situations. Plus, you have a way of bringing people together..."

"By getting them to laugh at my inability to navigate basic architecture?"

"That's not what I-"

"Dude," Kaminari interrupted, leaning in close. His eyes widened as they fixed on my neck. "Are those-"

I clapped a hand over the marks, but it was too late. Kaminari's mouth opened and closed a few times, looking like a particularly shocked fish.

"Training accident," I said quickly.

Kirishima peered at my neck, his brow furrowed. "Man, what kind of training leaves marks like that? Looks more like you got mauled by a-"

"Very aggressive training dummy," I cut him off. "New support item. Still working out the kinks."

Kaminari's shocked expression morphed into a knowing grin. "Right. A 'training dummy.' Got it."

I shot him a look that promised pain if he didn't drop it. He mimed zipping his lips, but the smirk remained.

"Brother!" I turned to find Todo practically vibrating with excitement. "I just had the most amazing idea!"

"Oh no," I muttered.

"Oh yes!" He leaned in, eyes shining. "As our new vice representative, you have the power to bring us all together for important discussions, correct?"

I blinked. "I mean, technically, I guess? But-"

"Excellent!" Todo clapped his hands together. "Then I formally request that you arrange a gathering of all the male students in our class. I have a presentation of utmost importance to share with everyone."

"What kind of presentation?"

Todo's grin widened. "I'm so glad you asked, brother! I have prepared an extensive PowerPoint detailing what someone's type of woman means on a psychological level. It's very scientific."

"Todo, I don't think-"

"I've been working on it for years!" He continued. "I've compiled data from various sources, including magazines, anime, and my own observations. Did you know that those who are into olde-"

I opened my mouth to cut Todo off, but the words died in my throat as the classroom door swung open. Midnight sauntered in, her hips swaying with each step. The chatter in the room died down, replaced by a mix of awe and apprehension.

"Good morning, my little heroes-in-training," she purred, her gaze sweeping across the room. Her nostrils flared slightly as she paused, tilting her head. Her eyes locked onto me, or more specifically, my neck.

I stared back, trying to keep my expression neutral. Innocent, even. Just a regular student with absolutely nothing to hide. Definitely not someone who'd spent the night doing things that would make even Midnight blush.

She raised an eyebrow. I could practically see the gears turning in her head. But instead of calling me out, she simply winked and turned to address the class.

"Today, we're going to discuss a vital aspect of hero work: dealing with the media." She perched on the edge of her desk, crossing her legs. "As I'm sure you're all aware, we had some unwanted visitors this morning trying to get a scoop on All Might's teaching position."

Murmurs rippled through the classroom. I'd been so caught up in my own drama that I'd completely forgotten about the media frenzy outside the gates.

"Now," Midnight continued, "while it's important to maintain a good relationship with the press, it's equally crucial to know when and how to set boundaries. Can anyone tell me why?"

Yaoyorozu's hand shot up. "Because uncontrolled information could potentially be used by villains to plan attacks or gather intelligence on heroes."

"Excellent point, Yaoyorozu." Midnight nodded approvingly. "Anyone else?"

"It could also lead to civilians trying to get involved in dangerous situations just to see their favorite heroes," Midoriya added.

Midnight beamed. "Very good! Now, let's role-play some scenarios. Nakamura, since you're our new vice rep, why don't you come up here and be our hero for this exercise?"

I froze. "Uh, I don't think-"

"Come on, don't be shy!" She beckoned me forward with a crooked finger.

Resigning myself to my fate, I stood and made my way to the front of the class. Midnight's grin widened as I approached.

"Alright, here's the scenario," she said, addressing both me and the class. "You've just finished a major battle. The villain is defeated, civilians are safe, but there's significant property damage. As you're catching your breath, a reporter shoves a microphone in your face and demands to know if the destruction was really necessary. What do you do?"

"Uh... no comment?"

Midnight tsked. "While that's a safe answer, it's not always the best approach. Anyone want to suggest an alternative?"

"Maybe apologize for the damage but emphasize that protecting lives was the top priority?" Uraraka offered.

"Good!" Midnight nodded. "Nakamura, try that approach."

I cleared my throat, trying to channel my inner pro hero. "While we regret the damage caused during the battle, our primary concern was ensuring the safety of all civilians in the area. We-"

"But surely there were less destructive methods available!" Midnight interrupted, slipping into the role of an aggressive reporter. "How do you justify the cost to taxpayers?"

I faltered for a moment, then remembered mom's lessons on staying calm under pressure. "In high-stress situations, heroes must make split-second decisions. We always strive to minimize collateral damage, but sometimes it's unavoidable when facing powerful villains. Rest assured, we'll be working closely with local authorities to assist in the cleanup and reconstruction efforts."

Midnight's eyes gleamed with approval. "Not bad, Nakamura. You managed to acknowledge the concern while still standing your ground. Class, what did you notice about his response?"

"He didn't get defensive," Tsu noted, her finger tapping her chin. "And he promised action to help with the aftermath, which shows responsibility."

"Exactly!" Midnight clapped her hands together. "Now, let's try another scenario. This time, the reporter is asking about rumors of a romantic relationship between you and another hero. How do you handle it?"

"I, uh..."

"Come on, Nakamura," Midnight purred, leaning in close. "How would you respond to such... personal inquiries?"

"I'd say that my personal life is separate from my hero work, and I'd prefer to focus on discussing the ways we're working to keep the public safe."

Midnight's grin widened. "Deflection and redirection. Very good. Though I must say, your body language tells quite a different story. You might want to work on your poker face if you're going to be in the public eye."

I nodded stiffly, praying for this torture to end.

"Alright, back to your seat," Midnight said, mercifully releasing me from the spotlight. As I walked back, she addressed the class again. "Now, let's discuss the importance of maintaining a consistent public image..."

As Midnight continued her lecture, I tried to focus on taking notes. But my mind kept wandering back to the conversation I needed to have with Kaori. And now, apparently, I had to meet with Yaoyorozu at lunch to discuss our new roles. Not to mention whatever fresh hell Aizawa had in store for us after school.

I glanced at the clock, silently willing it to slow down. For once in my life, I wasn't in a hurry for class to end.


[Next time on "My Hero Academia: Limitless"]

"My fellow students," Iida declared from behind a makeshift podium constructed from his math textbooks. He adjusted his glasses, the fluorescent lights of the studio glinting off the lenses. "While I may not have secured the position of class representative, I want to thank everyone who believed in my vision of a more organized and disciplined Class 1-A."

Todo leaned over to whisper in my ear. "He's been practicing this speech for twenty minutes in the bathroom."

"As I continue my role as... ordinary student," Iida continued, his robotic arm movements growing more dramatic, "I pledge to support Yaoyorozu and Nakamura in their leadership duties with the same dedication I would have shown as your representative."

"Iida-kun," Midoriya called out, "the camera's still recording."

"Ah yes!" Iida spun to face the lens. "Viewers, please support our story by dropping power stones and adding us to your library! Together, we can make Class 1-A the most exemplary class in U.A. history!"

"Does someone want to tell him this isn't actually being broadcast?" Jiro muttered.

"Let him have this," I said, watching Iida bow repeatedly. "It's kind of endearing."

I turned to the real camera. "Next time: Will Yaoyorozu and I survive our first challenge? Will Todo ever stop making comments about my love life? And why does Aizawa keep smirking every time he looks at our class schedule?" I raised my eyebrows at the camera.

"Plus Ultra?"