
Going home

Class 1-A stood in the middle of the train station while Aizawa went over a couple of checks.

"You all have your costumes right?" Seeing them nod their heads he continued. "I shouldn't have to tell you this as it should be obvious but, wearing your costume in public is prohibited to those who don't have a hero license. Now with that topic over and done with, go to your chosen agency and do your best to learn from your predecessors."


"Aidennn!!" Mina jumped at him.

Moving out of the way, he side stepped her lunge and looked at her with a bored expression.

"You really have to change your way of attack."

Seeing that she missed her target, she growled and turned to face him with a frown.

"That's not fair Aiden! First you don't tell me what agency your going to, and now you won't let me hug you even though you know that we won't see each other for a while!"

"That's how it is." He shrugged.

"Grrr, GIVE ME THAT HUG!!" Lunging at him again, it took Kirishima, Sero and Sato to hold her back.

Seeing that she was contained, Aiden smiled and walked towards his own train.

"See you soon Mina." He waved and laughed when he her yell.


'Home at last.'

Standing in front of his house, Aiden put his hand in his pocket and rummaged around until he grabbed onto a key.

'Might as well reacquaint myself with my room.'


Just as he was about to go forward, the sound of the lock being undone found its way to his ears as a sports top wearing Rumi came out.

Locking the door behind her, she was about to turn around when she heard a voice that she had been yearning for.


The moment her name escaped his lips, she found her body tremble as a well emotions started to overflow. Turning around slowly, she saw a tall tan skinned boy with black hair that had purple tips at the ends. His dark purple eyes radiated an enchanting type of beauty that made her heart skip a beat as she looked him up and down. Seeing him standing there in his UA uniform, Rumi could barely contain herself when she saw the smile on his face.

"I'm home." He smiled.

"...Welcome back."


"So what do you have planned?" Aiden asked after putting his stuff in his room.

Now that he was back, he was interested in hearing what Rumi had planned for them. Unlike his classmates he didn't take this whole agency thing seriously. For him this was nothing more than a vacation.

Seeing his relaxed attitude, Rumi couldn't help but smile as she chopped some vegetables. Wearing an apron, she had her had tied back into a pony tail and her sleeves rolled up. From a certain point of view, she looked like a young housewife preparing diner for her newlywed husband.

This was one of those rare occasions where she was completely docile.

Humming to herself, she showed off a sad smile when she heard his question.

"Have you heard of what happened to Ingenium?" She asked.

"Ingenium?" Thinking that the name sounded familiar, Aiden sat quietly and searched for the name in his memories. It was only after he recalled all the data he gathered on class 1-A that he remembered why the name sounded so familiar.

'4 eye's big brother...'

"I've heard of him. But why are you bringing him up now?"

"Have you heard about what happened to him recently?"

"Recently?" Since he didn't really watch tv and got his news from the internet, Aiden didn't get the information about Ingenium's injury as news on the internet is quickly replaced.

Shaking his head he asked. "What happened to him?"

"A week or two ago, the hero Ingenium was chasing after a criminal when out of nowhere a villain who had killed 17 named heroes and crippled 23 to the point of no recovery appeared." She explained.

Understanding where this conversation was going he nodded his head and asked. "So which one is Ingenium? One of the dead or crippled?"

"Luckily the police found him before he bled to death so he's on the cripple list."

Hearing her words, Aiden couldn't help but say. "Sometimes being dead is better than being crippled." Remembering the mercenary group Wild Dogs, Aiden truly believed this statement.

"Maybe, but his family is glad he's alive." She said before putting the chopped up vegetables in the pot.

"So what's Ingenium's injury have to do with us?"

Now that they had reached this point again, Rumi's sad smile resurfaced.

"I got a tip from an old pal of mine that the villain's next target is located in Hosu city."

Realizing where she was going with this, Aiden turned around to look at her. "So you want to go there to capture him."

Knowing that her going there would mean that the two of them would spend less time together, Rumi felt regretful. But as a hero and a warrior, she couldn't allow such a danger to continue roaming the streets.

"So when do we leave?" Aiden's words pulled her out of her thoughts.


"Don't eh me. I know full well what your ears are capable of!"

"No, I just mean... aren't you disappointed that I'm choosing to work instead of spending time with you?"

Shrugging his shoulders he turned back to face the tv. "I'd be lying if I said that I was happy with what your doing, but I understand why you're doing it. A-A long time ago someone told me to find my own happiness... The last thing I'd want to do is stand in the way of yours. If going to Hosu city makes you happy then go for it."

"Oh, but I'll definitely be coming along, you going to a foreign city alone sounds like a recipe for disaster." He added.

Although he hid it well, Rumi could still hear the concern in his voice. After reading that letter from her deceased grandfather, she understood what family meant to him.

"What's the name of the villain that injured Ingenium?"

Snapping back to reality, Rumi recalled the villain's name and title.

"Hero Killer Stain."


Aradacreators' thoughts