
The League of Villains Attack! (1/4)

"Everyone, I have been waiting for you."

Arriving on the training facility, we got welcomed by someone wearing a full-body spacesuit. This individual was the 'Space Hero: Thirteen'!

"It's the Space Hero: Thirteen! The well-mannered hero who has rescued tons of people from disasters!" The others were excited to meet such a famous hero here.

"Let's go inside without delay." Thirteen led the way.

"Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu!"

Without further ado, we entered the facility. The first thing that came into our view was an amazing sight.

Various massive areas that simulated all kinds of disasters. Each and every one of us, me included, was fascinated by this huge training facility.

"A shipwreck, a landslide, a fire, a windstorm, et cetera.."

"This is a practical training area I created to simulate all kinds of accidents and disasters. It's called the 'Unforeseen Simulation Joint' or 'USJ' for short!" Thirteen explained.

Honestly, I felt that it was quite amazing to be able to create something like this. I mean, how did they change the environment in those areas and made it so that it stayed that way permanently.

From what I knew, Thirteen's Quirk was called [Black Hole]. It created a vortex that turned anything it sucked into dust, so I had no idea in what way those areas could be considered Thirteen's creations.

Meanwhile, Aizawa-sensei approached Thirteen and asked her about All Might's whereabouts. Thirteen replied that it looked like All Might had done too much hero work on his way here and thus was now resting for a bit.

I was naturally quite surprised that All Might still didn't make it in time, even after all of my influence. Normally, he shouldn't be exhausted already. Did something happen?

Suddenly, I felt multiple presences popping out of thin air in the various areas. It seemed like the villains had begun preparing for the attack.

"Let's see.. Before we begi-"

"Sensei." I interrupted Thirteen mid-speech.

Thirteen, Aizawa and the others looked at me curiously.

"Yes? What is it?" Thirteen asked.

I was looking towards the many areas in the distance and replied with a serious expression on my face, "I sense danger."


"What are you talking about, Jin?"

Thirteen and the others were obviously confused by what I meant, but Aizawa's expression suddenly changed drastically hearing this.

"There are many malicious presences popping out from these areas. If I'm not wrong, we might be under attack." I replied seriously.

Even after my explanation, they were still clearly confused and doubtful about my statement. Except for Aizawa-sensei though, who promptly asked, "Are you sure, Jin?"

"Yes, I'm sure, sensei." I nodded.

"That's not good. Can you tell me how many there are?" Aizawa immediately asked with a frown on his forehead.

"Oi, oi, sensei. Is this real? We are under attack? But who would dare to target U.A.?" The others didn't like the way our conversation was going.

"40, 50, no, over 60 at least. They are all scattered in all the different areas." My eyes darted from one area towards another.

"Aizawa-senpai, can we trust his words?" Thirteen asked Aizawa since she couldn't really decide whether my claim was right or wrong.

Aizawa-sensei looked at me for a second before replying, "Yes. You can. Over 60 villains, huh? We have to call for back-up in ord-"

Before he could finish his words, the lights suddenly flickered and then went out. All of a sudden, a black portal appeared right in front of the fountain at the small plaza.

Right after, numerous malicious-looking people came out of the portal.

"Huddle together and don't move! Thirteen, protect the students!" Aizawa shouted while putting his goggles on.

"What is that? Are we really under attack?" asked Kirishima shakily.

"Yes. They are villains. Real villains." I answered plainly.

"No.. way.." The others were a little bit in disbelief that my words turned out to be true.

I was looking towards the center of the group of villains. There he stood. The leader of these mobs. The one with dozens of hands on his body – Shigaraki Tomura.

Next to him stood the huge bird-looking creature whose brain was openly displayed on his head – 'Nomu'.

"Thirteen and Eraser Head, huh? The teacher's schedule we received the other day said that All Might was supposed to be here, and yet.." The mist-like villain thought out loud.

"I knew it. So the trespassing yesterday was the doing of you scumbags, huh?" Aizawa narrowed his eyes.

The other students were bewildered by how they managed to enter the U.A. facility.

"Thirteen-sensei, what about the intruder alarm sensors?" asked Momo.

"Of course, we have some set up, but.." Thirteen furrowed her brows.

"They should have someone who has a Quirk that can deactivate them. An isolated space away from the school building during a time where a class is supposed to be here. It may sound out of question, but this surprise attack should've been carefully planned, with some solid objective in mind." Todoroki added on.

Right after, Aizawa told Thirteen to start the evacuation and try to somehow contact the school. He also asked Kaminari to use his Quirk to help with it.

Meanwhile, he prepared himself to fight against those villains all by himself. Though, before he could move into action, I stopped him for a second.

"Aizawa-sensei. Do you see the bird-looking creature there next to the light blue-haired man with those hands on him?" I pointed at the Nomu.

His eyes followed the direction my finger was pointing towards. After seeing the Nomu, he nodded at me, telling me that he could see him.

"Don't engage him head-on if you can. I feel a similar strength to All Might in his body. He is the most dangerous one of this bunch." I warned him.

Hearing those words, he was shocked. And not only him but the others present were also utterly shocked by my words.

"Y-You're j-joking, right?" Kaminari shakily asked.

"No, I'm not." I shrugged my shoulders.

Aizawa's gaze rested on the Nomu for a long second before jumping straight into the mobs of villains.

The first small fries he engaged with were mockingly making fun of him before getting easily taken out by Aizawa.

Aizawa was using his 'Capturing Weapon' which was a cloth made from steel wire alloy woven with carbon nano fibers, and his Quirk to quickly deal with them.

After getting beaten up so easily, those small fries finally came to know who he actually was and what his abilities were, so the Mutant-type villains were the first to initiate the second round of their assault, thinking that they could easily kill him now since he won't be able to erase their Quirks.

Unfortunately for them, Aizawa-sensei wasn't strong solely because of his Quirk. Rather, his strength lay more in his extremely formidable expertise in hand-to-hand combat.

Despite being surrounded by numerous villains, he was still able to easily evade their attacks and beat up every single one of them all by himself.

"Quick. While Aizawa-senpai is occupying the villains, we should run towards the exit to call for back-up!" Thirteen quickly commanded us to run to the exit.

But suddenly, the black portal that had appeared previously, appeared once again right in front of us.

"Nice to meet you. We are the 'League of Villains'. It may be presumptuous of us, but we have invited ourselves in to the home of the heroes, U.A. High School, in order to have All Might, the Symbol of Peace, take his last breath." The mist-like villain appeared from the black portal.

"I believe All Might should have been here. Has something been changed? Well, setting that aside.. This is MY role."

Saying this, the mist-like villain suddenly expanded his mist-like body.

Putting up her guard, Thirteen was ready to confront him. But, before she could make a move, Bakugo and Kirishima attacked first. However, unfortunately, their attacks didn't have any effect on Kurogiri.

His Quirk was called [Warp Gate] and it could create and manipulate a dark fog that acted as a portal. Whenever he produced a mass of the dark fog, it transported anything it came in contact with to another location.

So, shortly before Bakugo's and Kirishima's attacks could land on his body, the mist-like villain created warp holes around him to teleport their attacks to another location, thus he remained unharmed.

"My job is to scatter you all and torture you to death!" He opened his arms widely. His black fog spread outwards, seemingly wanting to swallow us whole.

The others became panicked and flustered at his action, but before the villain could smile in success, a blinding light shot towards him at a frightening speed. With no time to react, he was instantly blasted away and the black fog vanished before it could fulfill its objective.

Thirteen and the others were extremely surprised and shocked by this turn of events. They immediately turned around to see where the attack was coming from.

Obviously it was me who had attacked. His rambling was getting more and more on my nerves. I was already impatient in joining Aizawa-sensei in the fight, but I had to first deal with this annoying guy.

Although it might sound good to let the others face some hardships and gain some real combat experience to become stronger, but as I had said once before, I won't be taking any risks.

For example, Midoriya, Tsuyu and Mineta had been teleported into the same area in the original story where they had to fight against many villains by themselves.

However, you had to consider, Mineta wasn't present anymore. And although his Quirk seemed rather useless to me, it still had helped the other two greatly in their fight against the villains.

Now that he was no longer here, there was certainly a possibility that something bad could happen if things would proceed the way it did as in the story.

"You are really annoying." I said nonchalantly while slowly walking towards him.

After having recovered from my attack, he slowly stood up from the ground. He had some bloodstains around his mouth.. Well, if you could call it a mouth.

"Ugh.. This is really unexpected. I didn't know someone like you was among this year's students. It is our fault for not collecting enough information about you.. Who are you?" He narrowed eyes at me.

"It's rude to not introduce yourself first before asking someone who they are, you know?" I mockingly said.

"Oh. Pardon my manners. My name is Kurogiri an-"

"Okay, stop. I don't care. Let me beat you up first." I rudely interrupted him.

Although Kurogiri was usually a calm and rational person, but right now, he got slightly ticked off by my behavior. Coupled with the fact that he had been injured by me, a kid, his mood wasn't that good at the moment.

Not that I cared, though.

"No, step back. Let me handle it. You guys run to the exit while I'll be holding him off." Thirteen said while protectively positioning herself in front of us.

"I'm sorry, but this is not necessary."

After I said that, I quickly vanished from my position and reappeared right behind Kurogiri. Seeing me disappear out of nowhere, Kurogiri immediately reacted and turned around while using his Quirk in order to block my attack.

Unluckily though, I was probably one of the worst opponents for him. With my Ki Sense, I could easily determine any location on his body that was vulnerable against my attacks. Not to mention that I knew of one of his weak points which was located on his neck.

Even so, something like a space-related Quirk was not very suitable against me in a fight. My Ki was special. I was probably the worst match-up for individuals with intangible forms. (A/N: It's 'similar' to Haki against Logia-users from 'One Piece'.)

He failed to block my attack and got injured once again. I didn't give him any more time to react and immediately continued my onslaught of attacks on him.

He didn't even have an ounce of a chance to counterattack. He was constantly trying to teleport himself away, but I didn't let him.

While I was beating the hell out of him, I was also secretly sending strands of destructive energy into his body without anyone noticing, not even he himself.

"Hey, what are you standing here for? Go, call for back-up or rather let Iida run first. With his speed, he should be able to make it in time!" I shouted at the others who were still in a shocked state from my display of power.

Especially Bakugo, Todoroki and Thirteen. Bakugo was gripping his hands tightly after seeing my strength. Todoroki was also observing me with a serious expression. Thirteen, on the other hand, was simply astonished that a student had such power.

Thirteen tried to imagine putting herself in the villain's position and astonishingly found out that she also wouldn't be able to react to all of my attacks and especially my speed.

Other than those three, the others were obviously also surprised at how easily I was dealing with the villain right in front of them.

My face couldn't help but twitch from being ignored.
