
Promising Youth

After the fight, I still didn't completely relax my guard. Although I could more or less sense that he already lost consciousness, I still didn't want to give him any opportunity to exploit. I walked up to his unconsciousness body and put my palm on his head.

Energy concentrated on my palm and then got transferred inside his body. That was one of my self-created techniques and it was also based on the skill 'Ki Transfer', only with the opposite intention.

Just like how I could transfer my own energy into others to heal them, I could also transfer 'destructive' energy into them to harm them.

I had created this technique when I thought about the punishments the villains received after doing innumerable crimes, which were clearly too light in my eyes.

Even if these villains had killed dozens of innocent people, the government merely put them in jail as punishment, at least as far as I was aware of.

My opinion clearly differed from them in this regard.

On one hand, I was of the opinion that they should receive a more severe punishment after they killed so many people, but, on the other hand, I also knew that I couldn't just kill them all off.

It could probably lead to many annoying things afterwards if I would do it that way.

This was the reason why I came up with a technique that would harm them from within their body, which was also traceless, meaning that nobody would be able to find out that I was the one responsible for it.

Naturally, it wasn't intended to kill the target, but only to slowly deteriorate their condition and maybe their usage of their Quirk, so they won't be able to stay strong, should they ever manage to escape.

I was also pretty confident that nobody would be able to trace it back to me and even if they did, I could just deny it..

After taking care of Muscular, I shifted my attention towards the hero duo, only to see them standing on the side with their eyes and mouths wide open.

"Y-you.. W-who are you??" they were pointing their fingers at me in sheer disbelief, seeing that I managed to take down that villain.

They never could've imagined that I would be able to defeat Muscular, and also seemingly accomplishing it so effortlessly..

I just scratched the back of my head in embarrassment and replied truthfully, "My name is Jin Jayden."

Based on their still stunned faces, it was clearly not what they actually wanted to hear, so I immediately followed it up and told them everything about what had led me here, like how I trained in the nearby forest and then noticed their battle and their disadvantageous position during the fight, and hence decided to see what was exactly happening.

They asked me several more questions and I tried to answer them the best I could. They were in disbelief when they came to know that I was only 13 years old.

Well, I did kinda look older due to my height, my build and my rather masculine features, so it was quite normal for them to mistake my age.

We talked for several more minutes until I sensed some people approaching us. And according to their auras, they were friendly so I didn't really worry.

Soon, someone came into our view. He was a tall man with short, black hair and somewhat-rectangular black eyes. He wore a tan overcoat, a matching hat and a black suit underneath his coat.

He arrived in front of us and immediately introduced himself, "My name is Tsukauchi Naomasa, a police detective from the 'Police Force'. You must be the hero team Water Hose and the ones who called us, right?"

"Oh, I'm sorry that I only noticed now that you're injured. Please, come with us and treat your wounds first before telling me what happened."

He wanted to immediately proceed with the details of the situation that he hadn't noticed their conditions at the first glance.

And only after he finally noticed it, did he called out to his subordinates to help the hero duo treat their wounds.

Right afterwards, he shifted his gaze towards me and the unconscious villain beside me.

He instantly reacted when he saw the villain and swiftly ordered his men to arrest him. His subordinates took out the handcuffs from their pockets and put them on Muscular, and then dragged him away.

Now that this was done, he finally came towards me and asked with a serious expression, "And who are you and why are you here at this place?"

I immediately replied back and introduced myself, as well as retold him everything that had happened earlier.

When I first told him about me training in the nearby forest, he looked at me quite suspiciously, but when he heard the second part of my story, that I was the one who fought against the villain, his expression immediately darkened.

It was then constantly switching between stern, surprise and disbelief before he finally let out a sigh.

Naturally, I had given most of the credits to the hero duo Water Hose, telling him that it was them who had already exhausted Muscular to a certain extent which then had given me the opportunity to defeat him.

Coupled with the fact that I was rather keeping my distance from him with long-range attacks, in order to further tire him out, as well as to keep inflicting him with more injuries, I tried to downplay my victory over the villain.

Though this was kinda the truth, too, which was also the reason Muscular seemingly lost so miserably against me.

"You know, normally, it is illegal to use your Quirk in public without a 'Provisional Hero License', especially in a battle. However.."

"Haa~.. I'm very grateful that you only used it because you wanted to save them and, at the same time, I'm very surprised that you were able to take him down. Of course, I'm still going to ask the Water Hose duo for confirmation, although I'm already quite sure that you are telling the truth. So this time, other than a warning, I'm not going to give you any more trouble for having broken the laws." Tsukauuhi said in a friendly tone.

"Thank you, Tsukauchi-san." I bowed slightly and thanked him.

I obviously knew that it was illegal to use your Quirk without permission, which was in this case clearly stupid, but still, there were some who might've made things difficult for you because of that.

It was good that it was Tsukauchi who came here and not someone else.

Tsukauchi was a good friend of All Might and I had quite a good impression of him, both in the story and now here in reality.

"Oh, I forgot to ask you this, Jin-kun. What do you want to be in the future?" Tsukauchi suddenly asked curiously.

It didn't took me long before I answered back, "I'm going to be a Pro Hero. In fact, the future Number One Hero!" I smiled confidently at the end of my sentence.

Tsukauchi became stunned at my reply at first, before his mouth also cracked into a smile.

'What a promising and confident youth!'

"I'm looking forward to that, Jin-kun."


We had some more small talk with each other until Tsukauchi left to ask the Water Hose duo about their take of the story which, in the end, more or less had confirmed mine.

Afterwards, I finally bid my farewell to them and left, but not before exchanging our contact informations with each other and also agreeing on not to disclose the information of my involvement in this case and to keep it a secret from the public.

After everything was done, I slowly made my way back home.

My family, especially my mom, should already be extremely anxious right now. I wasn't going to keep what happened today a secret from my family, and I was damn sure that I was going to be mercilessly scolded after they'll hear about that.

So I wasn't really in the hurry to go back home..


Well, after I got home, it basically went the way I expected it. First, my mother broke out in tears again when she saw me coming back safe and sound.

The others were also relieved to see me back, but at the same time they became scared when they noticed my damaged clothes and my ragged appearance.

In order to calm them down, I had no choice than to tell them about what happened during my short 'adventure'..

Obviously, I got heavily scolded by both my mom and my grandma which lasted for good two hours, whereas my dad and my grandpa silently gave me a thumbs-up, showing that they were quite proud of me after getting to know that I was already able to defeat a strong villain at my young age.

Of course, the two women in this house saw that, resulting in us all getting scolded together for several more hours..

"You are grounded for two weeks and don't you dare try to change my mind on this!"

At the end of the scolding, I additionally received a punishment from my mom in a very stern way.

"Yes, ma'am.."

It'll certainly suck to be grounded now, especially since it was already time for school to start again, because I was pretty sure that Mina would want to hang out with me since we hadn't seen each other at all in these last two weeks.

'Haa~, nothing I can do about..'