
My Hero Academia - reader x izuku [ALL MIGHTS DAUGHTER]

[NO DESCRIPTION] y/n: all might daughter status: alive personality: strange "she's obviously all mights daughter" -- "why do you do that" "d-do what.." "stay by my side when i tell you to leave me alone. what is your purpose of doing that- w-what's your reason." "it's because i care for you and it's because i'm.. it's because i'm also your hero." "m-my hero..." -- "i'll protect you no matter what, even it takes me to break my bones all over again. i'll save you y/n, not matter what happens" -- "i-i'll protect you too _." -- "huh- what are you doing, shouldn't you be healing y/n." "i-i can't let you do this alone.. i'm coming with you, whether you like or not- you're not the only one he's after." -- "thank you." [WARNING: DO NOT STEAL OR COPY MY WORK]

eken9588 · Cómic
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13 Chs

after school..

after school..:

readers pov: it was finally the end of the day and midoriya managed to get a solid hit on the softball on his second try beating bakugou record. not to also mention infuriating him about being quirkless, right now midoriya was currently "interrogating me about my quirk"

izuku: b-but still.. how did you get the softball all the way in the air

y/n: (sighs) i used twenty percent of my quirk.. you still need training, you aren't experienced with that power

izuku: (clenches his injured arm) i-i know that.. but how will i get better

y/n: ..... i'll train with you

izuku: r-really.. you'd do that for me-

y/n: you do know that i can always change my mind, midoriya (slightly irritated)

izuku: n-no, nevermind. when should we meet

y/n: two times a week after school..

izuku: ok-huh, lida

lida: (smiles) hello midoriya, and hello kim-san


readers thoughts: lida wanted to tag along with midoriya and i to the train station, obviously i refused the offer letting midoriya walk the rest of the way with him. right now, i was currently in my room preparing myself to spend some time with sora- this wasn't my idea but hers. after a few minutes of getting myself ready i was done just on time for the doorbell to ring

y/n: she's here.. (mumbles)

third person pov: once y/n made it to the door she was greeted with sora but she wasn't alone.. nora was there causing y/n to frown and question her presence

y/n: i thought it was only going to be us (referring to her and sora)

sora: (smiles) well, nora was free and had no homework so i asked her if she wanted to join us, plus, y/n we've been over this; nora doesn't have any friends beside me and y-you and she needs to cope with us in order to make new ones

readers thoughts: of course she would allow her to come. what's the point of bring her with us is she's so anti-social

author note: haha, aren't you anti-social y/n

y/n: (sighs) whatever.. let's just go (while walking past the girls)

readers thoughts: i didn't mean to be rude but it's frustrating when you're involved with m-making friends, sora was an exception and well nora.. she wasn't. the only thing i knew about her for the past few months was she was antisocial or just socially awkward, flustered easily, and weird

time skip to town....


third person pov: as y/n walked in front of nora and sora, the girls were in the middle of having a conversation about making friends or sora coming up with a plan to get nora and y/n together

sora pov:

nora: d-do you really think.. that this will work

sora: (smiles confidently) of course this will work, i'm a hundred percent positive. like i said i'll leave you and y/n alone while following you guys behind pretending to browse for things

nora: you make this sound so s-simple

sora: hehe, because it is. now go

nora: aah, ow- i-im sorry (yells panicky)

(after that sora pushed nora towards y/n slightly forcefully before running into a rice cake shop. as this happened nora bumped into y/n back causing y/n to stop walking )

reader pov:

nora: aah, ow- i-im sorry (yells panicked)

third person pov: y/n turns around with a glare before processing what happened until she noticed that sora wasn't there

y/n: (ignores the situation) where's sora

nora: oh uhm.. she went browsing

sora thoughts: t-that idiot.. i told her i was pretending to go browsing but she told y/n i went browsing, i thought she would come up with a lie and back up the plan

y/n: browsing..- (shrugs) that sounds like something she would do, let's go find her

nora pov:

nora: n-no, let's go somewhere else.. alone (mumbles while blushing in embarrassment)

y/n: (sighs slightly irritatedly) where do you have in mind..

nora thoughts: i-i did it.. i finally started a conversation. but where should we go

nora: h-how about..

nora: (clenches her fist before pointing at a shop) the ice cream shop over there, we can get ice cream. (in an audible tone)

y/n: (eyes widen a bit before scoffing) a-alright..

sora pov:

(once y/n and nora entered the ice cream shop sora jumped in delight)

sora: she did it, phase three is a go

(this caused a baby in the store to cry making another cry the mother glared at sora)

???: excuse me young lady, but will you not cause a ruckus in the store. it took me awhile to get him to sleep

sora: (bows) hehe, sorry miss. it was unintentionally

???: unintentionally. do you know what you just did (narrowing a finger at her)

sora: hey, it was an accident miss and it's not like i can predict my every movement

???: (smirks) you're obviously a disrespectful child to make that type of remark. yelling at someone far more superior than you, i had years of experience in life so you better back down and accept the fact that what you did was wrong

sora: what the hell is your problem woman, i apologized. you're going to regret calling me a disrespectful child

(with that being said sora ran towards the woman getting ready to land a punch on her until the store owner used his quirk stopping her movements)

author note: quick background on sora; she doesn't like getting accused for minor things and tends to get angry if she's reminded on how the problem or issue started

nora pov:

nora thoughts: once y/n and i entered the shop, we were met with a variety of flavors. unlike y/n she already began to order her ice cream and well.. i didn't know what to pick they were just too good. that was until i saw y/n gesture an ice cream cone at me; it was strawberry and vanilla with rainbow sprinkles

y/n: take this. you're gawking too much

nora: u-uh.. thanks kim-san- did you pay

y/n: obviously.. how do you think i got this ice cream

nora: r-right..- i need to repay you

(nora was about to pull out money from her bag until she felt y/n grab her wrist then pulling her out of the shop)

y/n: (sighs) you don't have to i already have enough money.. lets enjoy our ice cream instead, then look for sora

nora: sora..

y/n and nora thoughts: i hope she didn't get into any trouble (slightly worried)