
My heart no longer love(MHNLL)

Tired of a bunch of women chasing a billionaire? How about describing your FL as a female billionaire being courted by men? On a luxury yacht, your FL sits at a negotiating table with a group of men. She's sexy, smart, decisive, and has feminine charm as well as business acumen. She draws attention of all men, but none catch her eye. She will not fall in love easily! When all sorts of attractive men appear in front of her, how will she choose?

wisdom_udex · Fantasía
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3 Chs


Our parents are now seated as they are done greeting each other. They principal started by acknowledging their effort of leaving their business to come,as she finish by saying Thank you.

She continue,, this two lovely daughters were fighting in class today and is an offense going against our policy in this school. We don't take this from anyone as we have decided to punish the two of them.

My parents were quite as her parents stated that the person needed to go for the punishment is me because I started it. They principal said again,, please ma like I said both of them are going for the punishment that's all.

Her mother look at mine and told her that she didn't trained me well,, that's when my mother gets angry as replying back in a bitter way to her.

They both were stop and was ask to leave the school premises immediately by the principal, as we joined them too to their cars.

Arrived at home. My parents asked me what happened and why do I chose to fight instead of walking afar, i narrate what happened to them as the listen but they still insist that I should have walked away.

Now being suspended for couple weeks, am now at home alone or maybe with the worker in the home. I keep watching television and playing video game suddenly I chat came to my phone

Hi friend

How are you doing?

Please who are you,,, I asked

Your new friend in school, I chatted to inform you of the project we need to submit next week

Can I get all the questions please

Alright I will send them immediately

Thank you

You're welcome

I went back continue playing my game, thinking of nothing at the moment.

This 3 pm and school should have closed by now and I'm bored, I chose call him to come over at least let's do the assignment together,, that will be great idea as I called him.

He answered and I asked him to come over but because of the distance he turned me down saying he will see me in school