
My Heart Is Always Yours

In this life she will live for her and her mothers dream, but her heart will always belong to him.

birdy15 · Otras
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33 Chs

Banquet Announcement Pt. 3

Elena walked inside the banquet as everyone was getting served, she smile and said hello to people that said hello to her. At the very front by the stage we're her family sitting, Elena sat in between her grandmother and father.

"What a lovely dress dear" Luna said

"Thank you grandmother" Elena said

"Would you like to make a toast?" He father asked

"Okay, before we eat" Elena said

Madam Zhou click her fork to the glass cup, everyone looked towards the front. Elena took the mic as her grandmother held her hand giving it a squeeze.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. I am Elena Zhou or my mother and friends call me Nina. I would like to thank everyone that came this evening, as well as my grandmother you have thrown such a wonderful banquet, and my father George Zhou, you never gave up hope that my mother and I would still be alive, with your hope I safely came back home to you, after losing my mother you brought me home to where I have a wonderful elder sister, a nice stepmother and two great grandparents and you a great father who never gave up" Elena said as emotions tear up here eyes

Applause went around as George hugged Elena, soon everybody began eating the food that was served, during the desert the ladies went up to the stage again taking out there musical instruments Kay set up a mic for Elena to talk to the crowd.

"I will be playing my mother's favorite song, also a friend of mine asked me to play the violin so this is them too" Elena said

She nodded to Lena on cello and Jessie on the piano with Elena holding her violin, they began to play Elvis Presley Can't Help Falling In Love With You. Everyone watched as the girls played, George had tears in his eyes this was his wedding song to Elena's mother, Gabriel thought of the painting as Elena played her violin. Applauses sounded as they finish they quickly bowed and played the instrument down and walked off stage, when the party finally finished they were saying their goodbyes to the guests the last was Ariels family.

"It was much better than the painting" Gabriel said

"What painting?" Emma asked

"I gave Gabriel a painting when he drop Ariel's bag off the other day" Elena said

"How nice of you dear" Luna said

"I could see the painting as you played the violin" Gabriel said

"I am glad you like it" Aria said

The family watched the interaction between the two.

"Brother Gabriel, I wanted to ask if I can do my intern at your company this summer" Emma said

"That's a wonderful idea!" Susie said

"I think so too! Sister can learn from the best." Elena said

"You can hand your resume to the HR department whenever you start your intern" Gabriel said

He wanted to deny but seeing the way Elena was happy for her sister he couldn't say no so he could only agree to it, on the other hand Elena wanted Gabriel to spend more time with Emma. Eventually the Zhou family went home with the girls Ariel stayed with her family because they missed her, once home the girls showered and changed they all slept in Elena's room with her. The next morning after their morning smoothies and some cereal they were drop off with the family car, and they began there school. Elena waited for Ariel since her class was moved back for an hour the new computers were still being set up.

"Hey were you waiting for me?" Ariel asked

"Yeah, I told your teachers you would be late do to family problems so your excuse for the first class, let me help you take your things to the room" Elena said

"Thanks" Ariel said

"Have a wonderful week girls" Auntie Lynn said

"We will bye auntie Lynn" Elena said

Ariel and Elena waved as she left and they went towards their dorm room talking about anything that came to their mind, then Elena left for class now that the computers were set up. Elena was in middle of doing a pop quiz when the teacher told her the Sister Helga wanted to speak with her. So, Elena quickly finished up her test and logged off and went to Sister Helga's office with a knock she entered the office, seeing that she was doing some paper work so she waited until she finished.

"I have seen your Show from your grandmother." Sister Helga said

"Yes, we practice during our free time and we ordered our costume ourselves" Elena said

"I see. I called you here because I heard that the girls said you were the one that help with the practice and teaching. Something your grandmother had as well when she went to school here" Sister Helga said

"Yes they are correct and thank you Sister" Elena said

"What I am trying to get at is that I wanted you to do a showcase, with the Junior High Class you can look at them during your lunch time since they have classes then, but wait until after the senior showcase" Sister Helga said

"The Junior High will be doing their showcase at the end of the school year, make the list of at least twenty girls. Since you will have less classes on the summer session, I also want you to do another showcase with the girls from the orphanage. Do about three shows so they can perform. Your grandmother and I will be holding a Donation Ceremony at the beginning of July after the fourth." Sister Helga said

"Yes, will there be a orchestra?" Elena asked

"Yes, I also want you to play the piano for them your the best in the school Miss. Ken will be in charge of that one, I just want you to do the Junior Class and the Girls from the orphanage, you can come up with any dance they will do as long as it is appropriate, just make sure you dance with the little girls as every teacher would do" Sister Helga said

"I will, is that all Sister Helga?" Elena asked

"Yes you may need to find a studio for those two, we can proved the bus but fortunately the studio's will be remodel starting after the Senior showcase" Sister Helga said

"Okay, I may know a place" Elena said

"Good, that will be all." she said

Elena bowed and went to go out but stop at the door when she heard Sister Helga speak again.

"Oh, and Elena?" Sister Helga said

"Yes Sister?" Elena said

"If they go successful, you might just break your grandmother's record. Good Luck that is all" She said

"Thank you sister" Elena said smiling

Elena went out the office and did a little cheer. She called the restate, in her old life there was a old two story building downtown that was for sale for a long time, she thought was a good place for a studio. She made an appointment with them this Saturday she paid the down payment with her mother's card and went on to her next class she had a big smile on her face.