
My Heart For you

He believed a love as pure as his should have no barriers or restrictions but would it be that easy? how did he prove it to her when barriers were all around them?

Deborah_Golden · Fantasía
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40 Chs

Seeing him lately

Gracie was having a study sleepover with Christie and Lori Anne. They often studied together like that although Christie took a different major but they enjoyed studying together. They cuddled together on a rug on the floor with a big bowl of chips and dips in the middle.

Christie sat up after a while "he really has a girlfriend that he hasn't seen for years?"

Gracie sighed. She really wouldn't have told Christie that much detail but Christie was way too interested in the man's personal life and now she felt bad for gossiping behind his back. What would he think if he knew she discussed him with her little group? "Help me out here." She turned to Lori Anne who had a small frown on her face "Lori Anne?" she shook her. Lori Anne turned to her "What are you thinking?"

She shook her head "its just a little bit strange." She sat and folded her legs "are you sure he wasn't that woman you saw he meant?"

Gracie shook her head furiously. She wouldn't dare to make that mistake again, not after seeing his reaction "I thought so too but there's no way." She looked at the calculative gaze in Lori Anne's eyes "do you know something?"

"She might just be a little disappointed," Christie said "everyone wants a chance with him anyways but I still don't get it, did she run away from him or something?" she paused to think "I mean, its kind of romantic that he would do that but where is she?"

Gracie shrugged "I don't know."

"come on Gracie, that's way too vague." She frowned at her "couldn't you have asked a little more? You're so close to him but you're not taking any advantage." She scoffed "someone on the fan page would probably know better." She took out her phone but Gracie snatched it before she could do anything.

"You better not say anything about this to anybody." Gracie warned. What if the man found out? She couldn't imagine what he'd do

Christie rolled her eyes "fine but I want more info." She stretched out her hand for the phone

Lori Anne hissed "you girls are so noisy, why don't we all just go back to study?"


Gracie walked down the street angrily away from Will, she felt so wronged. She only wanted to tell all her friends that she had a really cool boyfriend. Of course they didn't believe her so she had invited them to meet him but he denied everything and now everyone thought she was a liar.

"Gracie wait." He was following behind her effortlessly

"Go away Will, I don't want to speak with you."

"You have to listen to me first."


Will grabbed her hand and whirled her towards himself. it wasn't that he was ashamed of her but he couldn't afford to let people know of his involvement with her. They would think he was a pedophile or something and probably restrain them from seeing each other. He didn't want that to happen. He didn't have any indecent desire for her either, he'd wait till she was old enough and then marry her.

"Gracie, we can't let people know about this just yet?"

"Why not? Are you ashamed of me now?"

"No but lets just tell everyone we're friends for now or someone would try to separate us. You trust me a lot, don't you?"

She folded her hands and pouted "yes but I'm still mad at you."

He thought for a while and then produced a caramel candy from his pocket, he opened it carefully and fed it to her "take this sweet candy so that you would be full of sweetness for me." He smiled

She eyed the candy, she wanted to stay mad at him but it was her favorite and he had smiled at her so she ate it and returned his smile

"Is it good?" he asked

She nodded "very much."

"I'll always feed you this candy whenever you're angry with me then you must treat me sweetly."


The last thing Gracie saw before she woke up was his smiling face. She didn't know why she was filled with thoughts of him now after such a long time. He had left without saying anything to her, it was horrible for a long time but she had gotten used to his absence so she didn't know why she suddenly felt him. She sat up and stretched her stiff muscles. They had fallen asleep on the ground again. She tapped Lori Anne and Christie to wake them up before she left to prepare for the day.