
My Heart For you

He believed a love as pure as his should have no barriers or restrictions but would it be that easy? how did he prove it to her when barriers were all around them?

Deborah_Golden · Fantasía
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40 Chs

I want the girl

Ken finally received the guest he was waiting for the next day. He felt his heart race when Will came into his suite. Of course he had added a catalyst by sending Will more intimate pictures that would be harder to curb so it was only natural that he went straight there.

"Brother." He stood to greet him

"What do you want?"

"Straight to business, I thought you'd stay for a drink."

"I don't have a lot of patience today. Don't test me."

It was rare that Will would have a conversation with him so he took his time to compose himself.

"Very simple. I want the girl."

"You can't have her ever."

Will was always good at hiding his emotions but right then, Ken could see a lot of controlled rage.

"Who says I can't? I'll treat her well don't worry. In return, I'm sure she can satisfy my manly demands."

A hard blow landed on his jaw as soon as the words spilled out. It was so unexpected that he immediately fell to the floor. It looked like he would receive a beating today. But before Will could continue, the door burst open. They both turned their heads and shock marred their expression

"Father." They both said. Ken stood immediately and both bowed their heads in respect.

Ken definitely did not expect this turn off events. Everything would be ruined by his fathers presence. His heart was racing and it wasn't just for himself.

A group of men fell in behind the man. White hair graced his head. He had such a stern face and cruel eyes.

"How dare you..." He started with such a cold tone "touch my son?"

"Father I.."

"Beat him up."

Ken's eyes widened and he stepped forward to prevent it but stopped in his tracks. It would only make things worse so he stood back.

Two men held Will back and another one kept hitting him repeatedly. Ken folded his hand in a fist. His father hated any show of weakness. Begging would only make things worse.

After a few more minutes of torture, they left him and Will fell to the ground.

"This girl. She's the reason for this?"

"Father." Ken blurted out before it was too late and the man formulated a plan "let me take care of the girl."

His fathers stern eyes landed on him and he tried his best not to flinch "after this, you will go back abroad. It appears your training is not complete." His father said and he nodded "and you..." He turned to Will who looked like he was suppressing all his pain "are coming back home."

After he spoke, he left with his men. Ken rushed to Will's side "Will, are you okay?"

The man could only groan in pain. Blood oozing from his nose and mouth. Ken couldn't help but feel sorry for him. He quickly rushed to his bedside phone to call paramedic then rushed back to his side.

"Help is on the way."


Two days later, Gracie lay on her bed holding her phone close to her face. She had called him severally but there was no answer. Even at work, he didn't show up. He had never done something like that before, he always called everyday so she was worried and no one she asked knew where he was. She considered going to his house but had a bad feeling about that so she just lay there waiting for his call or text. Anything at all.

After a few more minutes of waiting, she got up feeling frustrated and helpless. It wasn't helping that she didn't have anyone to talk about it with either. The urge to call Lori Anne was strong. She might know something but Lori Anne didn't want to see her. Feeling utterly helpless, she picked up her bag and went out.


Meanwhile, Ken had called Diane earlier that day

"Hello." She spoke from the other end

"I have a job for you." He said seriously

"What is it?"

"Get the girl drugged and deliver her to me at the location I tell you." As he spoke, he hoped she had enough IQ to not ask him questions.

"Okay.," she said without hesitation and Ken nodded.


As Gracie came out of her dorm, she came face to face with Lori Anne. She stood and waited not sure of the attitude she should put up with her.

"Let's go for a drink," she said "I have something to tell you."

Gracie nodded "okay let's do that."

At a small restaurant, the two sat together with cold drinks, Gracie didn't have any appetite at all as she was too worried about Will and was trying to think of a way to ask Lori Anne about him.

"Gracie you and my brother can't be together."

Gracie suspected that she was going to say something like that but she was also ready to reason with her "why not?" She asked

"Its not about you really. He's going to get married to Diane. This won't work. I'm actually trying to help you."

She had met Diane before and Will never showed any sign of affection towards her "I'm sorry Lori Anne but I don't think you have the ability to make that decision for him. If he doesn't want to be with me then that's fine but he has to tell me that himself."

They just stared at each other for a while then Lori Anne looked down in disappointment. She sighed "where's he?"

"Drink up. I'll take you to him."

Although she didn't feel like it, she gulped down the whole thing and stood up without waiting for her to finish hers "let's go."