

Lin looks up at the moon knife about to plunge in, but it was smacked away. "Linny what the hell!" Lin looked at the scard white haired boy. "Why would you try and kill yourself. Think of the babies. You made this decision." Subaru was yelling tears in his eyes. "NO YOU AND THE BASTARD I MARRIED DID! YOU WENT ALONG WITH HIS PLAN TO HAVE ME SUBARU! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO TELL ME WHAT TO DO! GO BACK TO THAT FUCKING BLOOD BAG TURN HER AND HAVE THE CHILDREN WE WERE SUPPOSED TO HAVE! MY ETERNITY IS FUCKED NOW BECAUSE OF YOU JUST LEAVE!" She yells back only for Subaru to smash his lips onto hers.

🦇time skip🦇

Lin gets dressed and walks out of the room. She knows this has to stop because she has no right to him. "Liato do you want to go to that small cottage in the county side. It is perfect for you me and the babies." She said her heart braking. Liato looks up from his book. "So you want to make an effort well then. I guess a place without distractions would be ideal. Hmmm~ I guess you took my advice after all. To an eternity of happiness for you and I." He said pulling her into his lap.

*will Subaru let her slip away? Will Lin go along with what's been set for her? Find out in book two coming soon*