
Memory Land ii

Mr. and Mrs. Martin went home that day troubled, scared, and worried after hearing all that the shaman said. Mr. and Mrs. Martin both don't know what to decide, whether to save their children and have an early death or to let them die. After so much thought from both sides, they decided to talk to each other to know about what both of them have decided on.

Mr. Martin said to his wife ''Darling, am sure this is not an easy decision for both of us, but whatever your decision is I will respect it and stand by it''.

''Finding out about who they are makes me want to believe that they are not our children, even the ones we gave birth to. But have decided not to believe that. I don't care whether they are gods or not, or whatsoever name they bear. All I know is our children are in the hospital and they need our help, and am going to save them. I don't care if we die early, at least we leave something behind and they will continue from where we stop'' said Mrs. Martin.

''You are right. It is every parent's wish to die before their children and we are going to make that wish come true'' said Mr. Martin.

After Mr. and Mrs. Martin's agreement, they called uncle James and told him to tell the shaman that they will go to the memory land.

Adetutu lying down on the ground, opened her eyes to see the bright white sky with no sun. Adetutu smiled and said to herself ''what a lovely day it is'', upon seeing the bright sky. Adetutu sit up and looked at her surrounding which got her shocked. Adetutu (scared) muttered ''where the hell am I?'', as she stood up.

Adetutu saw she was in a beautiful big and large garden surrounded by huge rocks. Adetutu stood up and looked around her then she started walking. After a long walk at the same time wondering where she was, Adetutu got close to a big tree and saw a bench placed under the tree. Adetutu was tired so she decided to sit on the bench to rest. As Adetutu was about to sit on the bench she heard someone call her name from behind. Adetutu recognized the voice that call her name and turned back to see Adewale then she ran to him and hugged him upon getting to him.

Adewale and Adetutu both sat down on the bench under the big tree. Adetutu asked Adewale ''where are we, A?'', still wondering where they are.

''I wish I had an answer to that because I have no idea'' said Adewale to Adetutu.

''Could it be paradise?'' asked Adetutu with a smile.

''I don't know. But if it is paradise it means we are dead, thanks to you'' said Adewale with a little annoyance.

''I don't think it's my fault'' said Adetutu in denial.

''What do you mean by it's not your fault? If you had gotten off the road instead of pressing your goddamned phone and the stupid earpieces, none of this would have happened'' said Adewale with anger.

''Am sorry'' said Adetutu with a baby face.

''I was even trying to get you off the road but instead, you opened your arms wide to hug me'' said Adewale in disbelief.

''That was because I was surprised to see you and I thought you were running to hug me, and I was also putting on earpieces so I couldn't hear you. Why didn't you tell me you were coming back home today in the first place?'' asked Adetutu annoyed.

''We all planned to surprise you but how did that turn out for me? I got hit by a car because of you'' said Adewale annoyed.

''Thank you for saving my life again. You are my sweet angel'' said Adetutu with a smile.

''Wait, let's assume I was here because I had an accident, what about you? What happened to you?'' asked Adewale puzzled.

''Um...I have no idea. All I....can remember is calling your name then here'' said Adetutu, trying to remember what happened but can't seem to picture it.

''That's weird. This place is also weird and I don't think this place is also paradise. Come with me there is something you need to see'' said Adewale and stood up, then Adetutu also stood up.

Adewale took Adetutu to a place in the garden where seven doors could be seen and at the front of each door were some unknown words engraved in a language that looks ancient. Adetutu asked Adewale "what is this?", as she strangely looks at the weird doors.

"They are doors as you can see'' said Adewale to Adetutu.

''I know they are doors and they don't look like normal doors. Where do the doors lead to that is what am asking'' said Adetutu.

''I don't know but something is confusing behind that door that stopped me from entering'' said Adewale.

''What does that suppose to mean?'' asked Adetutu.

''First, try to read the words engraved on the first door'' said Adewale with a smile.

''You are joking, right? This is a language have never seen in my life, how do you expect me to read it'' said Adetutu.

''I believe you can, just focus'' said Adewale.

"Well, I can't if you don't know" said Adetutu.

"I think you can. You haven't even tried to read it. All you need to do is just focus" said Adewale.

''okay'' said Adetutu and tried to read the words on the first door.

After staring at the words engraved on the first door for a while Adetutu still couldn't read them then she told Adewale she can't read the words but Adewale insisted that she can.

Adetutu calmed herself and stared at the words again trying to read them then suddenly the words reformed themselves to a language she understand and Adetutu read the words out loud ''memories of Leo and Deo".

Adetutu was surprised that she could read the words. Adetutu asked Adewale "Did I just read the words? how is that possible?''.

''No idea'' said Adewale with a smile.

''Can you also read it?'' asked Adetutu.

''Yes, I can and I also don't know how or why I can read them. Now read every word on each door'' said Adewale puzzled.

Adetutu read out loud all the words on each door ''the second door says ''through life and death we shall never be apart''. The third door says ''we are one''. The fourth door says ''she is mine and he is mine''. The fifth door says ''we are the only true gods and bonded together by one heart, fate, and destiny''. The sixth door says ''we are inseparable''. And the last door says ''we are Leo and Deo''.

After reading the words on each other, Adetutu asked Adewale ''Who are Leo and Deo?''.

''If I tell you, you won't believe me so you have to see for yourself" said Adewale and walked to the seventh door.

Adewale tried to open the seventh door but couldn't then he said to Adetutu ''this door, the sixth, the fifth, and fourth door can't be opened except the first, second, and third. And I also don't know why before you asked''.

Adewale went to the first door and upon getting to the first door Adewale asked Adetutu ''are you ready to see who Leo and Deo are?''.

''Am curious since you said what's behind the door is confusing'' said Adetutu, then Adewale opened the first door.

Immediately after Adewale opened the first door, Adetutu was shocked by the images she saw being displayed inside the door.

Adetutu (in disbelief) said to Adewale who was just smiling "this is not possible. This can't be real. Is this some kind of illusion or what''.

''I wish it was but it's not. l was shocked when I saw it too'' said Adewale as he walked back to Adetutu.

''Are you saying we are Leo and Deo because the faces in there are ours'' said Adetutu.

''It may be us or someone that looks like us. That is what is confusing'' said Adewale.

''This is not real. I don't want to believe any of this'' said Adetutu.

''Same here. But this is not paradise and for us to be here they must be a reason. I mean why are we in someone's memory land if it's not ours'' said Adewale.

''It's not us A, and whosoever they are they just happened to look like us'' said Adetutu, in disagreement that Leo and Deo are them.

''Okay let's say they are not us but I still want us to go into that door and know the real truth. Whether they are us or not'' said Adewale.

''No, I don't want to and if you want to go into the door you can. Right now, all I want to do is get out of whatsoever this place is'' said Adetutu, and turned to leave but Adewale held her hand.

Adewale said to her holding her hand ''I know you don't want to believe any of these but we don't know any way out of this place. What if finding out who Leo and Deo are or looking into their memories will help us get out of here''.

Adeutu looked at him and gave no response then Adewale said to Adetutu ''please, let's try these. We need to get back to Mum and Dad, and I think this is the only way''.

Adetutu later agreed to go with him into the door and they went inside the first door.