
My heart's Liberty.

Sapphire on the verge of total depression.. Unknown to her a path or direction to follow .. Memories of her past and sadness flood through her mind .. Walking down the nicely scented streets of Washington might help ease the pain as she comes across a bridge.. The pain, the guilt all flood through her mind . Her entire thoughts scavenge her 'End the pain .. And all the guilt you wont have to feel it anymore just jump . No one cares and no one will even if you disappear end all your fears' My eyelids are heavy and I'm so tired the last thing i remember is when i jumped in the river on the attempt to kill myself, Where am i? Sapphire Tiffens an 18 year old young adult, who lost her father at the age of 10, due to a homicide. After the loss of her father, she has a drunk for a mom, who just could not get over the fact of losing her husband and always felt insecure of her husbands love. Ever since the death of her father, who was the only one that showed her parental love, sapphire was forced to live 8 years of her life in guilt, agony, depression and pain having a mom who made her life miserable and never showed her love or affection. She was driven by depression to commit suicide, but was saved by Erick Thompson a 24 year old successful career man, who is a big shot and runs his retired fathers company. Erick an adopted son of his big shot parents, who has lived his life trying to be the perfect son, knowing fully well they are not his parents. The two meet and bond and begin to feel emotions for each other, as Erick tries bringing Sapphire out of depression, he begins to feel love towards her and she does too. But she constantly denies the fact of falling in love, considering that she only feels Erick has pity for her, and looks down on her. Will the two of them be able to realise their love towards each other? And be able to fight away the depression, and every other obstacle that comes between them?

Teejaaymorris · Ciudad
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13 Chs


with the steel of meekness, it's foundation will be set up by the certain colour of love

Erick's pov

I saw her stand and watch me drive off, she looked beautiful and fragile with her soft brown eye.

She had a kind of aura and i could see something in her, i don't even know what it was i saw but it makes me attracted, like it was calling me, and drawing me near.

My eyes on the wheel but my heads somewhere else, sapph is what i keep thinking, i cant help but get curious about her past, its so amazing how i

don't even know her but i'm so concerned with everything about her.

I don't know how long I've been thinking or kept my mind on her not until i heard my phone ring, while one hand's on the wheel i used the other to grab my phone and it was Bosi.

Damn, i forgot he came over to the house and he must've been waiting, my mind was so focused on sapph that i totally forgot about Bosi.

I arrive at home, park at the parking lot and go in, i sight Bosi on his phone as always, sitting patiently on the couch i'm sure he waited long.

"Hey Bosi, how are you doing bro?, sorry got held up with some urgent stuff". He stood up and came for a hug.

"I'm good bro, how's the business going?, not easy being a CEO and all right?, bro get some wine or the club, i gotta get the energy starting, i need to ease all the stress out"

Bosi never changed he always liked clubbing.

"Jeez dude you never change you always love the club, but you have to give me some minutes to change my clothes they are a bit wet, ill be back in a bit"

I take a few minutes to change to something simpler, a blue shirt with a jean and a sneaker. I head out to meet Bosi.

"Bro c'mon i just got back and need to get the stress off me with some chics you know what i mean". He gave a dirty smirk.

"Chics?, you just got back and now you want to flow with some chics, wow bro, your really funny".

"Funny? Dude c'mon lighten up a bit, besides weren't you the one that had something going on with Agnes the hot cute model"

Agnes and i just had a thing and she was the one who forced herself on me, i wasn't really interested , he shouldn't bring it up.

"Agnes was just a thing, we never had any sort of commitments, so she shouldn't get her hopes up i told her from the onset that i wasn't committed in any way"

Bosi didn't look interested in what i had to say.

"Erick, whatever its even in the Bible bro, Man shall not live by bread alone so whats a life without the pussies and boobs huh? I'm in the world so i gotta enjoy it, can we just go to the club now?"

"Do i have a choice?" i replied

We walk out and head to the club, i let Bosi drive because he insisted on driving he's like a wizard on wheels, his driving speed blows my mind he drives like the wind. We reach the club and head in. As usual its lively, background music, alcohol scents, chics all around and nigga's.

We found a spot and order for drinks, i don't know how long my mind was off, but it was long enough for Bosi to notice.

"Dude sup? Why are you lost, dont tell me work got you up this way " He asks.

"No, no its not work i just keep thinking of this whole scenario i experienced before you came back, partly the reason why i didnt see you earlier".

"Woah i know its a chic right?"

"Don't refer to her as a chic, she's a lady" i said.

"Wow, defensive i want to hear it all"

I tell him everything and just as he was about to give his response he paused and looked at my back pointing something to me, and i felt someones presence around me a feminine scent and she lowered her lips to my earlobe to whisper something.

"Hey Erick, I've missed you" she said seductively and the tone of this voice was familiar, it was Agnes.

" How are you?" i ask.

She moves towards me and takes a seat close to mine and glares at Bosi..

"Are'nt we going to get introduced?"she asks.

"Agnes, this is Bosi my childhood friend, Bosi this is Agnes".

Bosi speaks up.

"Hey Agnes, i have heard a lot about you and you are much more gorgeous in person" He told her

"Thank you, for the compliment, i get that a lot" she turns towards me to have a conversation.

"Erick darling, i've missed you a lot, you dont reply my texts or calls, whats going on?" she asks.

"I've been busy " i reply her

"Too busy to talk to me, anyways Erick darling i'm glad i spotted you here now there's no way you can avoid me, besides did you know your mom and i are currently getting along?"

I was surprised to hear this i didnt expect it at all

"How did that happen?" i asked

"Gosh Erick dont tell me you've forgotten i'm a top notch model and i once worked for your companies advertisement brand? i got introduced to your mom coincidentally, when she came to the company and ever since then, its been us hanging out, i can say she loves me a lot". She said

"She never mentioned you to me, listen Agnes i don't want you getting any ideas in your head, what we had was never serious and i don't think it will be, because i don't want any commitments with you".

"Erick darling, i have feelings you know and i never considered what we had a thing, although it was a short period of time but i realise i'm falling for you and your all i want so why cant you just see that?"

"But i don't love you or want you" I reply.

Bosi felt uncomfortable at this point, being in the middle of our conversation, and sighted a lady at the bar table alone and he used the opportunity to leave us both.

"Excuse me Fellas, but i got a chic to run, good luck with your problems" He said in a sarcastic tone, i didn't want to be left alone with Agnes.

"Listen Erick" She takes a gulp of alcohol and i can notice she's getting tipsy. "I love you, i want to be yours, you can imagine me being a top notch model and wanted by all, but all i just want is you, you are the one i love"

"Stop it Agnes your drunk, you sure you'd be able to drive home in this state? Let me take you home" She acts stubborn.

"What are you my father? I'm staying i want to get drunk tonight, i have more reasons to get drunk, for the first time in my life, i love someone and he doesn't love me back, i am emotionally depressed right now"

I stand up to take her home because i can't just leave her in this state, Bosi had a spare key to the house so i know i'd meet him back at home.

"C'mon i'm taking you home". And i got her in my car and drove to her house.

Over at Agnes's house, it's quite big knowing the fact that she's alone and lives alone, it might just be too big for her, but i know for a fact that she loves class, i headed to her room to tuck her in, but i felt she was still awake and she spoke up.

"You know what Erick?, i fucking love you and you better accept it because if you don't I'll kill myself".

"Oh please, Agnes just go to sleep now"

"How can i sleep?, i am emotionally depressed right now because of you"

"I'm calling your Nanny from the kitchen to come watch over you" I told her.

"No Erick wait"She stood up and came closer to me "Thank you for bringing me home, that's why i said you care for me, and that you love me, please just admit it"

She came closer to me leaned in for a kiss, kissed me and lingered.

"Stop pushing it Erick, you love me and i love you" She said softly.

I resisted and took her out .

"What the fuck Agnes control yourself"

"No i wont " She leaned in for another kiss, but was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Agnes are you in there?" That was Nanny Nancy's voice and i took the opportunity to leave, i opened the door and left.

And i drove back home.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know, also please vote, thank you.

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