
My Harem Is Not What I Expected!

MC Rune Argentus wants to leave his village for a more exciting life as an adventurer, only things turn out a lot different than he thought they would. A power he shouldn't have, a bloodline hidden from him by his parents, and various women vying for his affection. Rune learns that not everything is as it seems as he's slowly dragged into an ancient conflict. Sexual Content warning: this novel contains content of the R-18 nature and might not be for everyone. All characters appearing in this novel are 18 years and over, despite what the text may say. I do not own the cover image. If you are the original artist and are unhappy then let me know and I will change it.

Tasty_Dragon · Fantasía
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320 Chs


A few miles from where the battle between Serac and Atheon took place lay a small island, a lone sanctuary amidst the turbulent waters of the raging sea. Here, Serac had taken refuge after being gravely injured. His throat was partially crushed, and a hole had been punched through his stomach.

As serious as his injuries were, Serac knew he would survive. The experiments to turn him into a first beast greatly increased his life force as a side effect, so it would take much more to kill him. Still, he would not be moving for some time.

His gaze drifted over to the one standing beside him as he forced out a few raspy words of gratitude.

"I was not expecting to be saved, but I am grateful you stepped in when you did."