
My Half Mates

Esmeray is a beautiful kind and powerless human girl. The moment she met her Mates or in human word Soulmates, her world turn into an dangerous storm. She discover some thing which she never thought it's exist. What will she do when she discover her true self..?? Will she except her fate or is she going to lost her humanity during this process.???

Rukia_Debbarma · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
24 Chs


Ezekiel - Shit this sound really bad. What I mean is you don't have to say please. You can command me to do it and I will do it in a heartbeat without thinking too much. So yeah I will stay with you I know you need me. As I promise I am good guy if I want to be.. Now come on let's get inside your dorm before anyone could see us. I might be a little rule breaker but I don't want to create a problem for you after all it's your first day.

Esmeray - Thank you ocean eyes we just meet a hours ago and you know me like back of your hand. Anyway come inside.

(( Open the dorm room getting inside switch on the light and closing the door behind them ))

Ezekiel - So you and Daisy are roommates too,,I guess anyway where is she is she going to comeback while list I am staying then it will be a awakard situation to face.

Esmeray - No no she is not getting back specially tonight, she is getting some "Swedish love" today. Yeah we are roommates. So ummm umm...umm ...

Ezekiel - What is it skön spit it out..!! Okay okay too much information. She is having a fun night today I guess then. What about you skön don't you want some "Swedish love" just like your friend *wink*

Esmeray - N..n..no.. I ..I ..I'm. I am okay I guess. Okay so Zeke I don't have extra clothes for you so you can sleep with your clothes on or with your boxers on.. T..th..tha..that's what I am trying to tell you..

Ezekiel - Oh my skön are you trying to get me naked..!! Anyway I already thought about it and I don't have a problem to sleep with my boxers on because it's comfortable. But if you feel uncomfortable then I can sleep with my full clothes on too.

Esmeray - No no this is not what I meant *blush*. I..I..I.. I just ...

Ezekiel - Don't worry skön I am just teasing ya.. Don't stress too much but one thing I like about you is your blush face turning all your checks turning into a red colour.. Whenever I deliver a flirty comments then your voice starting to get shutter.. That's very cute of you.

Esmeray - Um Zeke jokes aside can you please turn around so I can change into my pajama real quick after that you can change too.

Ezekiel - Why should I turn around skön are you shy but I like to see you getting change..!! *wink*

Esmeray - ZEKE I said turn around. You pervert *eyeroll*

Ezekiel - Come down skön I am just messing with ya. Now now and I close my eyes too.

(( Both turn around to change their clothes while list there back facing each other ))

Esmeray - Okay I am ready you can turn around now Ocean eyes..!! And I was thinking we cna sle.....

— Esmeray thoughts —

Before I could even finish my word Zeke turn around and when my eyes see his whole physique I get stunt, bless all one in a same time. He is really build if I am not wrong half of the campus girl already fall for him. The way his half of the body, cover by ink it's really beautiful. Now I am really curious to know about the behind story about all of his ink which he put in his body. If I am not wrong there is always a story behind a ink. I have never seen a man who is this much gorgeous he is really perfect. As my eyes travel through his abs to waist and stop at the perfect "V" shape. Now I am wondering to see his lower body too. Fuck what I am thinking I should stop looking at him before he thinks I am some kind of creep who is checking his whole body without blinking an eye. Esme control your hormones this is not the right time to think about the naughty thoughts. Take deep breaths Esme everything is alright just push aside the naughty thoughts that's all. *Taking deep breaths*

Ezekiel - What is it skön..?? You can close your mouth now nad you know it's really rude to stare though I don't mind cause it's you. You can stare at me all you want but take a picture skön it will last long more. Now I think you really need your sleep because you face so much today in less then 12 hours. So hop into the bed and rest I am going to sleep at another bed okay. If you need something just call me and I will.....

Before he could finish his word I cut his word and speak —

Esmeray - We can sleep together not like you know sleep sleep just Normal sleep. We both are adults so we know our limits I guess. So we can share a bed you don't need to sleep to another bed. I am totally comfortable with it, I..I..I.. even feel s..s..s...sa...saf..safe with you.

Ezekiel - *smirk* okay then skön I don't mind to share a bed with you.. But promise me you will stay in your side you wont move a muscle specially getting close to me, cause I don't want to touch you accidentally and you are going to think the worst case scenario about me.. So will you.???

Esmeray - I I I okay.. I promise. I won't move a muscle specially getting close to you. Good night ocean eyes.

As I said good night to him he suddenly come close to me and kiss my forehead while softly rubbing my check and say —

Ezekiel - Good night skön..

(( Both hop on the bed to sleep covering half of their body with blankets again facing each other back toward themselves,, both are gone silence trying hard to ignore each other presence and drifting off to sleep ))

— Ezekiel thoughts —

I know what I said to her earlier it was harsh about not moving a muscle because look at that damn girl she look so fucking sexy in that red pajama. My mind gone blank when I see her, fuck my heartbeat was so first that I just want to kiss her and want to take her right there making her mine in all possible way. But I have to control myself because she worth the wait. I was never been a patient guy whoever I like I just fuck them, I never do relationships and all what's mater for me is only one night stand. But after meeting her, knowing her, spending time with her I just don't want any other women I just want her. If I have to wait for her an eternity I will wait for her in a heartbeat cause she is worth it and I really want to touch her soul not just her body. I know I am talking shit right now I just meet her but call me an instinct I just knew she is the one for me I guess. What I can say is I starting to like her because love is a strong word. My mom and dad always say that when you know you know who is the one for me. And she is the one for me. Fuck now I am talking like an romantic guy who is in love but what can I say she just woke up my soft side. Even I didn't knew that I have this side in me, she is just perfect for me. The thing I like about her she is stubborn but she can be kind when she want just like a matter of second, the way she smile, the way she talk, the way she care about people, and ofcourse her blush, shyness character but I know there is a bold side of her which I am eagerly waiting to see. She is really special and unique in her own way I really like to hold her in my life forever. She is really something else. How much beauty she consume she doesn't know yet. I can say she is the most beautiful girl in these whole campus, nobody can compare her beauty. I just hope that after hearing my reputation she give me a chance to prove her that I can change for her. In just a short period of time she became my priority like she is my everything. Before I could think more further I feel she is moving and a few seconds later she reply —

Esmeray - Zeke are you asleep..??

Ezekiel - No I am not skön, just trying to sleep I guess. Come on you need a good nap after getting chased by a werewolf.

Esmeray - I know I just want to show you something, can you please turn around.???

Ezekiel - This better be worth it. What is it.....umm oh..oh....oh..shit....!!!

— Ezekiel thoughts —

As I turn around before I could even look at her eyes she kiss me like her life depend on it. First I was shock but after a second I return the kiss more passionately. Fuck all the time I was controlling my fucking action and now she is making the move. I mean how can I push her away from me the way her lips taste damn it's the most delicious lips ever I have ever taste. Literally I will control myself from tomorrow onwards. I feel bless after tasting her cherry lips the way her lips taste like cherry is top of the world. Fuck the self control I can control myself from tomorrow onwards but if my girl is kissing me then I am going to return my all affection to her. The way she is kissing me is a whole another level feeling and now I want to taste her whole mouth and tongue. So I bite her lower lips and start smooching at first she open her mouth a little but when I bite second time her lower lips she gave me all the access for my tongue to enter her mouth and playing with her tongue. Literally I pushed my tongue into her mouth fuck isn't she taste this damn good. These delicious lips I just kiss her and I am already getting a addiction about her lips. Then I cup her face with my both hand holding and pushing her face more close to me.

— Esmeray thoughts —

As we lay down to bed I was thinking all about the things which happen with me today. I know I should take a nap because I am exhausted but I can't deny the fact that this smokey, handsome guy sleeping beside me. I am not a bold person but today I feel like I can be bold if I want. As he is laying beside me if I don't make a move then I am really wasting my time. I really want to kiss him and I should really tell him that I like him. There is no wrong about excepting your own feelings. If he don't kiss me back and reject me I will accept it. But in that way I can say that atleast I try. But when I take the initiative and kiss him at first he was shock but after a second he kiss me back with same passion which I am expecting from him. Then he start biting my lower lips and I gave him the access which he is asking for me. Our kiss become more and more deeper we both become breathless then I slowly put my hand behind his hair pulling his hair slowly, the other hand starting to drag from his neck to his chest then his abs, as I seductively dragging some of my nails in his whole body and stop my nails at the right place where his "V" shape start. Then I kiss his earlobe to his neck if I am not wrong this is the weak spot for him after that he lose all of his control which he is holding the all time. In a swift motion he push my back to bed getting his whole body top of me. Look s like he have some dominant side which is woken up. He broke the kiss and just stare at my eyes without blinking, it's like I am the most precious thing he ever have under him.

— Ezekiel thoughts —

After cupping her face I remove my one hand from her face and put my hand on her waist holding her body more close to me closing all the gap between us. The only gap which is there to stop our body to fully touch is only on our clothes. Then I move my lips from her lips and pat her face while I put some of her hair string behind her ear. After taking the breath which I am out of it I kiss her neck lightly biting her, then start smooching her neck then she lost all of her control guess I just hit her weak spot after that she starting to make a loud moan but to my surprise before she release that loud moan she kiss me so hard to my neck then my earlobe. Pulling my hair more scratching my back with her little nails pulling my body more close to him. But when she kiss my neck and earlobe I lost the control and push her back to her bed then I get up top of her body. Then I just look at her eyes admiring her beauty, I put both of her hands top of her head holding lightly without hurting her hands. My other hand lift her chin then I move my face towards her neck closing the all gap. I kiss her earlobe and whisper to her ear —

"" You are the most gorgeous girl I have ever seen skön even when you hair is messy you still look beautiful now tell me my skön what are your intention with me. You said you were scare but looks like you are very much bold enough to fight with that scarey ness. Do you want me..?? Cause without your permission I won't do anything you know I respect you too much to do anything before I know your intention. So tell me skön I am not that patient guy but I have some patients left which I can still use to control my action. But if you still keep teasing me like that I won't be able to control my action. Because your red pj is enough to turn me on, so before it gets more serious I want you to stop me and push me right now skön cause I like you to much !!! ""

— Esmeray thoughts —

To my surprise he hold both my hands upper my hand holding softly cause I guess he doesn't want to hurt me at all. Other hand holding my half of the waist while playing the cornor fabric of my pajama. Pulling slightly the fabric of my pajama making my nipples more visible for him then he lick his lip and bite his lower lip slightly looks like the teasing game leveling up in a extreme level. Cause I can't run from his embrace it's like he just trap my whole body under him. Looks like today he is going to make me his in all possible way but before he have to know this. After looking at him I admire his half of the ink body and he start to lift my chin moving his face close to my neck first he take a long breath smelling my body I guess then he kiss my neck seductively with little bit of bite he move his lip and stop at my earlobe and whisper some naughty words which got my knees more amore weaker. I gather all of my strength lifting my head enough to reply in his ear before I start talking I lick his earlobe and reply —

Esmeray - I like you so much Ocean eyes, when I saw you this morning while you were busy playing your guitar. From that moment onwards I have a crush on you or maybe more than crush. See now I am not hiding anything even I am excepting my crush for you. I know it's very early but I want to know more about you. I want to spend more time with you and right now I need you ocean eyes. But before we go any further I want you to know that I am still a virgin but I want my first time with you cause I feel a strong bond with you even feel safe with you it's like your touch and voice are enough for me to feel safe and calm all of my nerves. You are just really special for me which I can't even describe in words. But don't feel shame please I know some mans don't like virgin girls cause they thought they are not experienced and gave much more pleasure which they were expecting. If you are thinking the same thing then atleast be honest and say it to my face. I just wanted you to know before we continue for more. So ummm jus....

— Esmeray thoughts —

Before I could even finish my word to my surprise he kiss my forehead living me in shock then he lower his head more, now our forehead is touching with each other. Then he suddenly release my both hands which was trap upper my head. Then he put his one large hand on my waist pulling me more close to his body which is already is. He guide my hand to hold his neck and check which I will willingly do it. Then he kiss my nose to my lip just a peck kiss after that cupping my face with one hand he speak —

Ezekiel - Skön you are most perfect women for me ever. You are just simply best, you know when I saw you entering the class I thought that you will be again going to act like some mean girls, which we have in our campus. But you were totally opposite, not wearing any makeup doesn't care about surrounding so much but yet without knowing me you already knew about me so much like I am a open book to you. Anyway I don't care if you are virgin or not, it's your choice skön because you are perfect the way you are. And I am not shame and all I am just stopping myself cause it's your first time so it have to be special. Like candles, flowers and lots of chocolate which I know you will love it. Cause I want your first time to be a memorable night which you will never forget not just a heat feeling of moment. Atleast give me the permission to take you on a date first I promise I will treat you the way you deserve Prinsessa. Cause I respect you too much and how much you are special to me you have no idea skön. So don't think I am shame and all if I would say it's completely opposite cause I am proud you are so pure. But it doesn't mean that we can't have some fun. *Wink*

Esmeray - W...wh..wha..what you me..me..mea..mean by that.???

Ezekiel - Less talking more showing. Let me show you.

— Esmeray thought —

He is really showing me how much he likes me. First he move one of his hand from my face dragging across my face then he put his one finger into my mouth make me suck his finger. And I suck it like this is the only important thing for me after that he move his finger from my mouth slowly and seductively dragging his finger making me shiver from my body to core. He just slowly make his finger enter to my pajama shirt then to my boobs. He just start circling his finger around my nipples giving me pleasure while his other hand still holding my waist tightly then I arch my back like a archery from bed making my body more close to his chest. He then kiss my neck while his fingers still working with my nipples. But before he could do more his 📱 phone rings —

Then he curse some words in Swedish which I didn't understand but he cuts the call, but before he return to me the 📱phone rings again he cuts again. But looks like the call can't wait it start ringing again and now he is pissed off. He curses again —

Ezekiel - Fuck what is so important that they can't wait. Why these fuckers calling me nonstop without reason like the world is going to destroy in one second.

Esmeray - Ocean eyes receive it, maybe it's something important which they can't wait to tell you I guess. I can wait, no actually I am hungry I am going to grab some food from our cafeteria I will bring for you some food too. Until then you can discuss with your caller what is the emergency and all. Now talk to them. I am going to grab some late night snacks.

(( Esmeray leaving the dorm room before she could leave the room Ezekiel pull her close to her chest then kiss her forehead ))

Ezekiel - Now you can leave skön. The call won't be long I promise..

(( *Esmeray check blush* Esmeray nod her head then leave to grab the food from cafeteria closing the dorm door behind her back ))

— A Few minutes later —

— Esmeray thoughts —

After I grab some drinks and pizza for me and Ocean eyes. As I am heading to my dorm room I see this wolf again who is siting under the tree while watching the moon. If I am not wrong this is my saviour.!! I want to go there but I left my ocean eyes in my room. I am sure he is really looking forward this food I should go back to my dorm. But to my surprise the wolf turn around his face but the wolf is different it's like the wolf is angry. It look like my saviour but this wolf have a scar on his one eye. The it's growl in a angry voice. I tell myself fuck these Wolf's I don't want to be another wolf meal and I speed up my leg to my dorm room. But to my surprise Zeke open my dorm room when I look around I see he open my macbook, I guess ready for a movie night. Then I ask —

Esmeray - Are you thinking what I am thinking.. A romantic movie night.

Ezekiel - I guess it is. I am making up my action so accept my surprise my lady..

Esmeray - *Chuckle* Okay I appreciate it ocean eyes let's watch a movie then. And here I bought pizza and drinks too.

— Esmeray thoughts —

As we up to bed he pick up the movie. Which is my all time favourite movie *The Notebook*. We cover ourself with blanket and just like a baby I snuggle to his arm which he didn't mind and embrace me hugging me tightly while giving soft kisses to my neck. As the movie process he never let go myself from me, he is really hugging me tightly then in between the movie clip I fell asleep because I am fucking tired readers😅😅 coz your girl face a lot of action in 24 hours.

— Ezekiel thoughts —

In between the movie clip my skön fall asleep just like a baby. She looks so cute right now I can eat her totally though she look like a whole meal right now. But my fucking hormones have to wait because this woman worth it all the wait. Then I slowly move her body from mine making her whole body laying in bed. Removing her mac from bed and food too which she brought then I lay with her as I promise. I lay her straight on bed but she literally move her body and before I could react she is holding my chest with her tiny hand and body. She snuggle so much close to my body that I can smell her hair, the smell of her hair is out of the world the fresh rose smell is so addicting. Then I put my one hand on her back holding close to my chest, she is really tired but still she have so much energy. Then I start to play with some of hair admiring her face too. I start to think myself

**How I am going to keep her in my life the moment she is going to know about myself she will hate me forever but she have the right to know about my truth. Before I start to take her on a date I should talk to her about my dark sides but will she except me I don't know. I just hope she accept me after knowing the whole truth because without her I can't even imagine my life. Why you are so special skön what you have in you that pulling me towards you. I have to come clean but at the same time I don't want to lose her so for now I ma going to keep the secret to myself I will wait for the right time. I promise skön you will be my priority and I will always make sure that you are safe no matter what **

After that I close my eyes smelling her hair and feeling the warmth which is coming from her body it's very relaxing. I don't sleep to much cause I am busy with making song and all or spending my time with some random chick. But her being with my side I really want to sleep next to her it's giving me peace which I need in my life. Before I could think further I drifted off to sleep while holding her in my arms.

{ Morning 6:30 }

(( Door bang bang ))

Esmeray - *Open Eyes annoyingly* Who the fuck is banging the door. It's too early for this shit.

(( Again door bang bang ))

Ezekiel - * Open Eyes too* Skön I think there is someone who is banging your door. Go and open it I am going to hide under the bed..

Esmeray - Whose at the door..??

Unknown - It's Campus warden. So please open the door miss..?? We are here to check that's all.

Esmeray - *Whisper* Fuck ocean eyes common you have to leave. It's warden if we get caught then we are going to get punish for breaking the rule. Please leave through my window. Its just my second day and I don't want to get caught in some kind of trouble.

(( Door bangs again ))

Unknown - Are you going to open the door or we are going to use the keys..

Esmeray - Common Zeke first jump from my window.

Zeke got up and grab his clothes open the window and jump from my window I hear some noise outside the window so I guess he jump. Then I got up quickly then I open the door. But when I open the door I got shock.

Esmeray - There is no one here warde..!! Wait a minute You..?? What are doing here..??