
My Goddess System

Kayden lane, an average male soldier that died in combat, finds himself reincarnated into a goddess, and yes, a GODDESS. He finds a new way to live life more enjoyably. But finding some difficulty living an enjoyable life, he will do anything to live the life he loves. ========= Please at least read the first 30 chapters. This is my first novel, so the beginning might be slow but gets seriously better later on. And you also might find the MC kinda naive. But it gets better, later on, I swear. === Note: I do not own the cover. All rights of the cover belong to the original artist. === Other novels: Reincarnation of the Empire’s legend(It’s also genderbend)

Rimpa · Fantasía
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56 Chs


Thirty days had passed since Kayden had drifted into slumber when suddenly, the voice pierced through the depths of his subconsciousness, rousing him from his peaceful rest. The experience was akin to being transported through time, as to Kayden. It felt as though he had barely blinked before he was jolted awake. If he had something like this in his previous life, he would abuse this ability.

As per the voice's account, it was a journey of around thirty sunrises and sunsets for its essence to meld completely with the soul of Kayden's being. Though it had always been together with his soul, the reset seemed to have wiped the slate clean, allowing the voice to settle in anew.

However, there was a question that Kayden was wounding about. 'Why go so far to fix this error? Aren't there trillions of souls out there? What differences would it make if my soul was just left alone?'

<< Master's soul is very precious and unique. It would have been very worthwhile if I fixed Master's soul. The answer to your second question is that it would have caused a universal breakdown if it had been left alone. In other words, Master's soul would have exploded if left unattended.>>

'Um...What? And why are you calling me Master? Do you hold me that high in regard?'

<<I was fused to Master's soul fix an error>>

'Eh? No, not that. I'm asking why you're so formal with me.'

<<Because if it weren't for Master, I would not exist. So to me, Master is someone like a god.>>

Kayden couldn't help but think how awkward this was. He didn't know what the voice meant when it said, "If it weren't for master, I would not exist." Nevertheless, Kayden found solace in the voice's company, like a beacon of light that shone through the darkness, illuminating a path toward companionship.

'Well, that aside, you said something like my soul was very precious and special. What was that about?'

<< Master was initially supposed to be a god. But with the errors' interference, Master was never able to achieve godhood.>>

'Eh? Was I supposed to be a god?' Kayden's mind was struck dumb. He felt dwarfed and insignificant, like a mere ant in the face of a towering mountain. The idea of him being compared to a god seemed absurd.

"I think I see the baby!" A feminine voice suddenly rang inside Kayden's ears. But unlike the voice that resided within him, a neutral and disembodied presence, this voice was brimming with emotion.

'I guess it was finally time for me to see the outside world.' Kayden thought.

A cold, metallic instrument clamped onto Kayden's head, pulling him towards a blinding light. Despite the violence of the intrusion, Kayden made no attempt to resist. And finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Kayden emerged into the world.

From what Kayden remembered was that newborn babies had their eyes closed, so he unconsciously also closed his eyes.

"Wow, what a beautiful girl. She's sure to grow up into a beautiful woman."

Kayden heard someone say, but he was sure it wasn't him. 'I'm a guy, right? Ha-ha, what I'm I thinking, of course, I'm a gu-'

<< Master is now a female.>>

Upon hearing this, Kayden felt the world go dark. The voice's words struck him like a bolt of lightning, jolting him out of his complacency and shattering his sense of reality. He was unable to fathom the implications of what had just been said. 'You're joking, right?'

<<No. >>

'UGH!... wha-what happened? Is my manhood gone just like that?' That's not fair!' Kayden shouted inwardly, and at this point, he was already crying his eyes out.

'But why? Tell me, Miss' voice.' Kayden asked, still sobbing.

<<Master has initially been a female.>>

(Arthur's note: since the main character is now a girl, she will be referred to as she/her/hers.)

'Ahhh...' It was hard for Kayden to wrap her head around the fact that she was now a female. And yet, despite her reluctance, Kayden was compelled to accept this new reality.

As Kayden's whimpers faded into silence, she whisked away to another room. The new chamber was cloaked in darkness, like a cavern that swallowed all light, leaving only shadows in its wake. Newborns were subjected to a battery of checkups, probed, and poked by a host of instruments. But Kayden simply feigned sleep.

A sudden epiphany struck Kayden like a bolt of lightning. As she surveyed the other newborns around him, she noticed that most of them were sound asleep, like tiny cherubs resting in a state of pure innocence. And yet, despite the peaceful atmosphere, Kayden couldn't help but feel a creeping sense of weariness.

<<Gods and Goddess do not require sleep or rest.>>

The voice's words reverberated in Kayden's mind reminding her that she was no longer bound by the limitations of mortal flesh but instead had ascended to the realm of the divine. 

'So I guess if they don't require rest, then they wouldn't run out of breath after running a few marathons?' Kayden asked herself, but that brought up another question in his head. 'Do gods even breathe?'

<<A god's body operates exclusively on mana. Oxygen is unnecessary and, therefore, breathing. A does not have any restrictions that humans have.>>

That was when it hit her. 'If I'm not breathing, won't the nurses think I'm dead? Ah! That's bad. Quick miss voice, do something!' Kayden ordered.

<<Please do not worry. I have already taken such things into consideration.>>

Kayden sighed a relief internally.

"Looks like you're a healthy baby girl, he-he" The nurse's laughter echoed through the room as she reached out to touch Kayden's face. Her fingers danced across her skin like playful butterflies, tickling Kayden's cheeks with a delicate touch. "Ah! That's right. We can't stay here. We're going back to see Mommy!"

The nurse's words flowed like honey, sweet and reassuring, like the gentle voice of a wise older sister. As she lifted Kayden into her arms as she stepped out into the bustling hallway

"Hm? Doctor?"

"Oh? What are you doing here? The patient has already been taken to the recovery room. You can find her there."

"Ah! Okay!" The nurse nodded as she quickly walked to the recovery room.

When they arrived, the nurse handed Kayden to her mother. "We just ran a checkup, and everything was fine. She's a healthy girl."

"Yes, thank you."

"Of course, this is my job, after all," The nurse said as she left the room. "Oh my god, she was so cute! Kyah!" Kayden wasn't sure if she heard that correctly, but that's what she heard. 

'Silly woman, what's so cute about a newborn? The last time I saw a newborn was back in grade school, and from what I remember, newborns were more on the ugly side, both boys and girls.' Kayden thought.

As Lisa gently lifted Kayden up and turned her around, Kayden couldn't help but marvel at her mother's beauty. Lisa's skin was as smooth as freshly fallen snow, the delicate curve of her lips like rose petals in bloom. Her long hair cascaded down her back like a waterfall, each strand as dark as a moonless night. Lisa's slender frame seemed to shimmer in the light, like a statue come to life, and Kayden felt a rush of love and admiration for this woman who had brought her into the world.

As Kayden gazed upon her mother's stunning features, she realized that she had never really taken the time to appreciate them before. But as Kayden thought about Lisa's personality, she remembered how different it was from her looks.

Kayden's father stood a few steps away with a serene expression on his face, but his eyes betrayed an intense fierceness that made him seem almost savage. His short, black hair complemented his lean and towering physique. Despite his current serious demeanor, he was known for his foolish and dim-witted nature.

In Kayden's previous life, her bond with her father was as strong as steel. They were inseparable and went on numerous adventures together, exploring the world and creating unforgettable memories. But as they say, good things never last, and their relationship was no exception.

As Kayden's high school years came to a close, their parents decided to celebrate with a trip to a resort outside of town. But the celebratory mood quickly turned into tragedy on the way back home, as a drunk driver careened into their car, killing both of Kayden's parents instantly. Kayden, who was just eighteen at the time, was left alone and shattered. It was a memory of that night etched into her mind like a haunting nightmare.

With no family left to support him, Kayden felt like he had nothing to lose. So, he decided to enlist in the military, hoping to find a sense of purpose and belonging. 

As she was held in her mother's embrace, Kayden's heart was heavy with emotion, her mind unable to fully grasp the reality that her parents were alive. Tears streamed down her face with relief.

'I promise to protect you guys in this life.' Kayden swore in my heart.