
4. Taking care of this baby

When Type started staying with Tharn, Tharn tried his best to give all the comfort to this boy...But the only thing this boy ever asked Tharn is to let him talk to his mom...

And after trying for one week finally Tharn gets a chance to contact his mom..As Type's mom is in a detention center coz of her court case, so she doesn't have a way to contact her son... But Tharn finds out the way to talk to her...

Tharn called Sia and talked to her regarding a few things and then called Type...Type your mom is on call.... Talk to her...

Type: Type came running after hearing her mom's name....Mom....

Sia: Hello Type how are you...??

Type: Tried to go to his room to talk but Tharn stopped him, showed his finger towards the dining room, and said go there and ere first while you are talking, you didn't have food since morning...

Type hmm... And Type did as he was told to do...while talking on the phone Type had his food too ...

Type: Momma when you will come...

Sia: Very soon baby you know na I am in a detention center, till I prove myself innocent I can't come to you and Tharn is trying his best to help me here....don't worry, I am good here....

Type talked to his mom for 20 minutes and first time in all these days he smiled a little....

Type: Hmm your phone thanks...Type returned Tharn's phone and said Thanks to tharn...

Tharn: Type do you want anything else....

Type: No...he tried to move towards his room where he spends most of his time, he doesn't talk to anyone, neither does he eat properly, he just cries all the time...

Tharn: stopped him, wait Type... I just wanted to talk to you... Come here and sit with me...

Type: Yes Sir, tell me ...

Tharn: Type, I am your father's brother as well as your godfather you can call me uncle...

Type: If I feel like calling you Uncle I will call you .... What you wanna talk to me...

Tharn: I know what happened is not a small thing and I can feel how you are feeling....

Type: No sir you will never understand what I going through I lost everything in just a blink .. no one can understand how am I feeling...

Tharn: shh don't cry, I know no one can understand but I can little relate to your situation....

Type: Huh...

Tharn: Hmm, I was 14 when I left my house Type so I know how it feels without them....

Type: Why did you do that...??

Tharn: that's a completely different story Type let's not discuss that ... But what I want to make you understand here is that I know it's too much for you but your life will not stop here it will go on Type and no matter how much it hurts we should move ahead....I just wanna tell you that your dad was really good at studies and he always gave priority to this, that's why I want you to start going to school... Do you know that you got admission to the school where I and your dad studied....

Type: Really.... Dad would be really happy to know this right... If I go to the same school he would feel proud na... Type closed his eyes and let the tears flow...

Tharn: Type... ahhhh Don't cry, please... Tharn moves his hand towards Type's face, he holds his face and starts wiping the tears which are continuously flowing from his eyes...

Type: Didn't think much and immediately hugged Tharn.... I miss him ... I miss him a lot.... Please bring my dad back please sir....

Tharn: If I could, then I swear Type I  won't even hesitate to sacrifice my life just to bring his .... But I can't Type.. I can't do that...

Both cried on each other's shoulders till Type fall asleep on his shoulder...

Tharn: Type... Type....

Type: Ummmm...

Tharn: Maria can you help me to take him to his room...

Maria: Sir, we have to carry him else he will wake up...

Tharn: Move ahead to carry him and Maria put her hands to support it but Tharn asked Maria to let go... Maria he is not even heavy, did he eats anything ....please take care of his diet, be near him, always try to cheer him up... I am not paying you to encounter this... Look how exhausted he looks....

Maria: Sir we try our best but he never mingles with anyone....I have only seen him talking when you ask him something...and even I saw him for the first time smiling today while talking to his mom....so sir till his mother comes why don't you spare some time for him, at least by that way only he will start getting along with us also...

Tharn: Umm okay I will try to come early from tomorrow.... let's try... Tharn took Type to his room...

Type's room

Tharn put Type on his bed but Type is still clutching Tharn's neck...

Tharn: tried to remove Type's hand but he lost balance and almost fall on Type.... Instead of getting up from Type's body or stopping himself from staring at the boy's face, Tharn moves a little closer to the boy. .. You look exactly like Jammy.... My Jammy's boy... I will take care of you, Type, I will never let anything happen to you ever....

Tharn remove Type's hand and went to his room... He got on his bed with his laptop...he started searching on his laptop... How to love a 16-year-old boy.. he pressed the enter button on his keyboard but what result he got made him feel disgusted and he threw his laptop from the bed...What people search on the internet these days...How can someone think of all this with a 16-year-old boy... I should have to choose the correct word to get the correct result...

He took his laptop again from the floor and look at those pictures of BDSM erotic torturous love-making photos with disgust and again Typed how to take care of 16-year-old boy who recently lost his parents ....

He closed his one eye as he was expecting again some disgusting things on the internet but he finds himself lucky that he didn't get any ... He started reading the article on that and fall asleep in that position only...

Next day....

Tharn: Julie you go and do your work today I will prepare breakfast....

Julie: But sir You will make all healthy foods the kids of this age don't like eating those kinds of stuff...

Tharn: But they should Julie... This is the age where kids have to eat healthy kinds of stuff... Now go and do your work...

Julie: Yes sir...

After an hour Tharn is done with the cooking and the maids started putting the dishes on the dining table...Rin you go and call Type for breakfast....

Rin: But sir it is too early for him to get up...

Tharn: Rin, This is the correct time to do the breakfast, the kids of this age should get up early and eat... Now go and call him...

Rin: Went to Type's room first he called Type softly but there was no effect on Type.... Type was sleeping soundly ...But then Tin called him a little louder.. Master Type.. Master Type....

Tharn: was waiting for Rin to come but when he didn't come for the next 5 minutes Tharn went up to see what is happening.... when Tharn entered Type'a room he saw Rin is trying to wake Type but Type is just whining in his sleep... Rin looked at tharn who entered Type's room ... He gulped coz he was not able to fulfill his duty correctly and now Tharn has to come up...

When Tharn sees no sign of Type getting up... He asked Rin to go and he sit on the edge of Type's bed... Type...

Type: No dadda.... let me sleep...

Tharn: hmm I will but now get up, eat your food and then get back to sleep... He pulls Type to get up ....

Type: Who was in deep sleep when Tharn pulled him to get up he sat on the bed with closed eyes and then hugged Tharn.... Dadda please let me sleep.... I don't want to go to school....

Tharn: His heart broke after listening to that phrase ...He doesn't want to break this little boy's heart but he has to make the boy realise that he is not his dadda and his dadda is not with him anymore... Before discharging Type from the hospital ... The doctor told Tharn...

Mr.Tharn you need to take very good care of this boy, he is going through a lot so make sure that he accepts the reality soon...The sooner he will accept the reality the sooner he will get back to normal....

And by thinking that Tharn put his hand on Type's back and started rubbing it... and then he said Type I am not your dad, I am Tharn your uncle, now please get up and let's go to have breakfast....

Type: Opened his eyes and broke the hug he looked at Tharn and started crying... Dada use to wake me like this....

Tharn: Are you sure James wakes you like this...

Type: looked at Tharn with teary eyes, No generally he used to drag me out of the bed.... But whenever I come late from school or I worked late at night on my assignment then he used to wake me like this....

Tharn: I know Type it's hard, that's why I am asking you to start your school if you meet other people or you divert your mind then it will be less painful...

Type: Hmm...Can I join any private tuition so that I don't have to go to school, I am still not ready to face the world... I don't want to but I will try at home....

Tharn: Not a big deal you don't have to drop school and go for a private tutor, I will ask the school to schedule a school from the home thing for you, where you will be taking a class from home, you can submit your assignment, and homework also from here...

Type: is this possible...

Tharn: Anything is possible for your Uncle Tharn.... Tharn gave a sweet smile to Type...

Type: Umm... Hmm...

Tharn: If you are not comfortable then don't call me uncle, I am not forcing you but come down to eat ... Today I prepared the breakfast...

Type: Hmm... I will come in 5 minutes...

Tharn: Go down and start serving food on plates...

Type: come down and see the whole dining table is filled with different kinds of dishes... is anyone coming for breakfast...

Tharn: No why??

Type: Then why there is so much food on the table....

Tharn: oh actually I didn't know what you like so I tried so many things....

Type: Looked at food it all looks healthy as well as boring.. he moves his eyes to other things and saw Bread Jam ... He took the bread and started applying the Jam in it...

Tharn: Type there are so many things to eat this na.. why are you eating not so healthy things in the morning...Maria why did you even put it here...

Type: umm, As you know my mom used to work in a different city... generally I and my dad used to stay at home and dad was not a good cook so...

Tharn: So you used to eat things like this...

Type: hmm .... But I loved it... My dada was not a good cook but he was a very good storyteller and every morning he used to tell me what happened in his office last day, though it was all usual things but the way he used to tell it was really good...

Tharn: Yeah He was a very good storyteller and there is no debate about it....

At Present

Tharn: Come home after his long meeting, and he was glad that Simon has already found someone to take care of home and Type....

Aahh It was a long day I really need a good long sleep...Tharn moves towards his room but he realized that he didn't get much time the whole day to ask about Type.. he went to Type's room to see what he is doing....

He saw Type was doing his homework... Ahh, at least he is not skipping his school and homework that's great ... hello Type....

Type: Hello Uncle Tharn...

Tharn: was shocked as hell after hearing this, it's not just coz Type first time called him uncle but also after being the bad boy he never talked to Tharn this sweetly, he never even talked this sweetly to Tharn when they were on the good term at the time he shifted here....

Type are you okay??

Type: Yes, why are you still standing here, you look so tired why don't you go and get freshen up....

Tharn: Yeah, I had a long day thanks for the concern Type... Tharn moves out of Type's room and moves towards his room...He looked up as he was looking at the sky and said James did you see your son talk to me sweetly... I am so glad that he did that.... Now I will give him more time so that we can bond more...

But poor Tharn didn't know it is not what he is thinking, the moment Tharn opens his room's door to enter....something falls on his head and when he looks at it, it was healthy oatmeal which he prepared for Type in the morning before going to office...

Tharn: yuk... And it was stinking... He looked up for the small bucket which was hung on the door in such a way that the moment a person opened the door it would fall on his head...

Tharn felt anger but he couldn't do anything He moved towards the washroom to clean it as it was getting in his eyes the moment he opened the door and tried to enter his legs got stuck on something and he fell on the floor very badly...

Ouchhhh aahhhhh shiitttt... He looked back and saw a wire was attached outside the door, up to the ankle length, done it purposely to make someone fall...

Tharn gets irritated coz of his burning eyes and the bruise he just got... He moved towards the shower, opened it, and stand under it to clean himself... Though the water was too cold but Tharn didn't care he knew who did that and he can't do anything....

He didn't remove his clothes, he just stood underwater trying to calm himself... It's been more than 15 minutes and even though he is fully cleaned he didn't move an inch from his place...

Type: who was waiting for some response from the last 15 minutes but when he didn't get any response or reaction from his neighbour, he gets up to check... He looked at the door it was open, the oatmeal is still there, he looked inside but didn't see anyone.... Oohh fuck did he die or what??

Type got worried that maybe he killed someone....he immediately went inside to check the washroom and saw Tharn standing underwater, putting his both hands on the wall, wearing a white shirt which has become almost transparent coz of water and showing his perfectly sculptured body...He was too silent and just looking down...

Type gulped, coz he can feel Tharn's aura... Mr.Tharn.... ar.. a... Are you oka.. yyy... It's not wrong to say that Type was scared to call Tharn...

Tharn: Turned immediately and look at Type... He turned off the knob and moved his steps towards Type...he comes out of the washroom and the water was dripping from his clothes but he didn't care ..he looked directly in the Type's eye and shouted at top of his voice.....what is the matter with you?? why can't you behave like any normal 16-year-old boy....he looked at his face with disgust and again shouted Just get out of my room....

Type: flinched ...he never saw tharn in so much anger... He turned and ran towards the door to move out of this room but the floor was very slippery coz of water and oatmeal and Type lost his balance...

Type was about to fall but Tharn runs and catches him immediately and saves him from falling.... You okay....

Type: didn't say anything and run out of room...

Tharn: closed his eyes and looked at the mess.. and then at the next moment, he changed his dress and started mopping the floor of the room and washroom...

After cleaning everything Tharn lay on his bed... Will I ever get a peaceful sleep even for one day... Should I send him to the hostel...?


𝑃𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑣𝑜𝑡𝑒, 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡, 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐹𝑂𝐿𝐿𝑂𝑊 𝑀𝑌 𝐼𝐷. 

𝐴𝑙𝑠𝑜 𝑝𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑 𝑚𝑦 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑏𝑜𝑜𝑘𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑔𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑚 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑠𝑢𝑝𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑡.

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